Climate Change

No need to worry, I have it all under control, the BBC on the other hand .............🤣

The BEEB is trying so hard to be politically correct and fair that even the biggest crackpots and their theories get an equal say !!
Surely the majority opinion should command more TV hours than nuts with theories about ET etc.
Even terrorists and their carnage get maximum publicity. Bagdady has been centre stage for days now. Even his sister gets airtime. I don't really want to know how many were killed and what the explosives were made of. I expect there is a junior audience who will copy though.
The BEEB is trying so hard to be politically correct and fair that even the biggest crackpots and their theories get an equal say !!
Surely the majority opinion should command more TV hours than nuts with theories about ET etc.
Even terrorists and their carnage get maximum publicity. Bagdady has been centre stage for days now. Even his sister gets airtime. I don't really want to know how many were killed and what the explosives were made of. I expect there is a junior audience who will copy though.

There is a problem with conflating political correctness with fairness and that is by design. PC is an ideology invented for the purpose of diminishing the majority view in favour of the minority view, it has nothing to do with fairness, if PC was related to fairness, then universal ethics and morality would apply and then no-one would have a problem with it (it wouldn't be called political correctness either). PC has been a long time in the making.

So the ideology of political correctness as promoted by the BBC is a nefarious activity, supported by globalist governments, there is nothing fair about it, as you have quite rightly pointed out, maximum publicity should be given to majority views and proportionality applied to minority views, but because PC is an ideology with an aim to destroy the majority view, then the BBC do not apply fairness.

Plenty of people have woken up to this fact, however the mass population has yet to be stirred, subconciously I think that many don't buy it, overtly they are unable to enact it for various reasons.

Given the current regimes in place at the moment, the education system and the media, it is going to be a tough, uphill struggle to get people away from their indoctrinated upbringings to realise what PC, and the BBC, actually are.
Good news at last in the continuing climate change debate.
Michael Bloomberg, former and excellent Mayor of New York may stand to be the Democratic candidate for the Presidential Race. He is well known and a big enough hitter to stand up to the idiot in the White House.

There is obviously alot of $$$$$ at stake for the billionaire Bloomberg to get so overtly involved, let's hope it exposes more of the corrupt investors that are pushing the climate change hoax.

I can't wait to see what virtue signalling BS Bloomberg is going to come out with next. At least Trump isn't hiding that he doesn't buy into the scam (cynically - probably because he is not as heavily invested in it as Bloomberg).

What's Bloomberg going to do if he gets into the white house, cancel Airforce 1, remove the entourage of presidential gas guzzlers, travel by donkey? Even Thunderberger is finding it difficult to get back across the atlantic without a carbon footprint, I'm sure her Marxist parents will find a way for her though (once they have visited her on transatlantic flights).
Apparently some billionaires are buying up vast areas of land in the Mid West. And why you may ask ?
It is to have a safe hidey hole when the waters seriously start rising. ALL the coastal cities will be under water and have to move inland. I expect the billionaires will be erecting walls and other fortifications so they won't be swamped.
They will blame the present leaders for not doing enough.
. . . They will blame the present leaders for not doing enough.
Well Pat, if you're right (about their reasoning), then it shows super impressive forward planning and admirable concern for their descendants as they, their children, their grandchildren and prolly great grandchildren will be long dead before they need to worry about fleeing inland from coastal floodwaters!
On a separate note, am I imagining things or have the Green Party really just announced in their election manifesto that they want to spend $100 billion a year to combat climate change in a bid to make the UK carbon neutral by 2030! Beggars belief! Politicians have lost the plot, royalty have lost the plot - everyone's going completely bananas. At least T2W remains a safe haven for level headed balanced opinion and debate!
On a separate note, am I imagining things or have the Green Party really just announced in their election manifesto that they want to spend $100 billion a year to combat climate change in a bid to make the UK carbon neutral by 2030! Beggars belief! Politicians have lost the plot, royalty have lost the plot - everyone's going completely bananas. At least T2W remains a safe haven for level headed balanced opinion and debate!

Sure have. Nature, of course, will take care of it. After all we are really just sort of suitcases for our genes to travel in until they pass on by replication to the next generation, whereupon we become surplus to requirements.

Fortunately these genes are pretty clever cookies and utilise a vast range of suitcases to carry them forward - we share many of our genes with dolphins, for example - so when disaster strikes they always have other suitcases to carry them forward. Dinosaurs in the past and us (maybe) in the future spring to mind 🙂
This is where we're headed if future globalist regimes get their way.

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Good on ya Greta. You can have a good laugh at ole farts like SC when we are all chest deep in rising waters.
Good on ya Greta. You can have a good laugh at ole farts like SC when we are all chest deep in rising waters.
I have an inkling that the Venetians haven't been laughing much for a good while...........
Climate change agenda having it's effect already, I hope the 'striking/skiving' children of those employees understand what their protests have just done to their own families, maybe the employee parents of these children will be able to explain the lack of pressies under the tree is due to.......climate change. According to Labour climate change will be a job creator, reality is a completely different ball game.

I wish the misguided idiots weren't so obsessed with turning lights off and unplugging things and cutting back on air travel. Like that's going to do it.