Climate Change

Most scientists are on a payroll. The money men tell them to make the case their way or else their funds are cut.
There are plenty of problems around the world just begging additional funding. Like excess pollution, over population, armaments control. water shortages etc.
But will there be adequate funding for unbiased opinions ? Probably not a lot.
There is no climate emergency.

Semantics. ...and also the same sort of blending of issues as the XR loonies do. CO² is not the only problem - if it is indeed a problem. One man's emergency is another man's norm. The Bangladesh delta is flooding higher and more frequently and more and more people are losing their homes, livelihoods and often their lives. In the case of those wretched little islands in the Pacific, they're just disappearing completely. So - not an emergency but Business as Usual? ...we just do nothing - because nothing can be done? - or because we don't want to do anything? I believe that when large hunks of coastal Europe are flooded then a large number of people will begin to think that maybe this isn't normal after all and perhaps it might be worth trying anyway.
Semantics. ...and also the same sort of blending of issues as the XR loonies do. CO² is not the only problem - if it is indeed a problem. One man's emergency is another man's norm. The Bangladesh delta is flooding higher and more frequently and more and more people are losing their homes, livelihoods and often their lives. In the case of those wretched little islands in the Pacific, they're just disappearing completely. So - not an emergency but Business as Usual? ...we just do nothing - because nothing can be done? - or because we don't want to do anything? I believe that when large hunks of coastal Europe are flooded then a large number of people will begin to think that maybe this isn't normal after all and perhaps it might be worth trying anyway.
The usual too little too late I expect with the China/Russia block doing as little as possible.
Julia Hartley-Brewer in conversation with Matt Ridley, the science and climate change writer, to discuss the Extinction Rebellion protests over climate change and what the proposed targets to cut carbon emissions will actually mean for the lives of ordinary people. Enjoy . . .

The usual too little too late I expect with the China/Russia block doing as little as possible.
Sorry , been distracted with other yet more important matters - cats to wax, mouths to feed (mine mainly), clients to overcharge etc etc. Anyway, I'd like to mention that the Russkies may not be as cavalier as you might think when it comes to rising sea-levels. They've had their own niggle with St Petersburg which, having been built on a marsh (mostly just above sea-level) has been prone to flooding since the beginning. They've had serial flood defence programmes and afaik the last one was sort-of completed just a few years ago.

....and as for our Chinese friends - just try Googling for floods and I think you'll quickly realise that like most other stuff they have many many more than most folk would at first think.
Glad to see the world's top politicians are meeting in Paris to try and stop global warming before it spirals out of control.

China is the worst polluter. Their President has understood the problem but warned that it will get worse. Well that's great. Perhaps they should consider hydro electric power from all those wet mountains ?

Apparently a barrage across the Severn estuary would power up 1/3 0f this country for ever. Not hard to work out what 3 barrages would accomplish then.


The UK ship is half submerged already, a tsunami is on its way, Political Correctness is in a bull run with Muslims challenging the locals, young people totally disillusioned, older Brits leaving in droves to expat elsewhere ++++++++

and you're worried about climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about the Law of Diminishing Returns

Most scientists are on a payroll. The money men tell them to make the case their way or else their funds are cut.
There are plenty of problems around the world just begging additional funding. Like excess pollution, over population, armaments control. water shortages etc.
But will there be adequate funding for unbiased opinions ? Probably not a lot.
(I have made bold the first sentence.)
Not wanting to derail the climate thread, but the highlighted line struck me.
There is a YT guy called "Dissident Science" who posits science has now become a business.
Such that, in order to get funding, scientists will put forward fairly weak and innocuous theses just to get continued funding. Anything revolutionary or paradigm-challenging tends to get rejected.
This results in group-think.
This is why no big advances seem to have occurred in science over past few decades, since you need to buy into ideas that are currently creaking at the edges.
Lee Smolin expresses a similar overall view.

In context of climate science, unless you buy into the zeitgeist, you don't get onto the payroll with funding, thus harming truly open thinking.
(I have made bold the first sentence.)
Not wanting to derail the climate thread, but the highlighted line struck me.
There is a YT guy called "Dissident Science" who posits science has now become a business.
Such that, in order to get funding, scientists will put forward fairly weak and innocuous theses just to get continued funding. Anything revolutionary or paradigm-challenging tends to get rejected.
This results in group-think.
This is why no big advances seem to have occurred in science over past few decades, since you need to buy into ideas that are currently creaking at the edges.
Lee Smolin expresses a similar overall view.

In context of climate science, unless you buy into the zeitgeist, you don't get onto the payroll with funding, thus harming truly open thinking.

Not just funding for scientists, anyone with an investment in the 'green' financials will have a climate emergency agenda, they need to make the politicians legislate for more taxes and more green company policies in order to get the 'green' investments making more green for themselves much quicker than would happen without declaring a 'climate emergency', providing a 12 year timescale until doomsday is ridiculous but as long as gullible members of the public and politicians fall for it (or are invested in it) then there will be the urgency to legislate in that timeframe.

And then in 12 years when nothing much has changed, they will be able to make any excuse about why we are still here and why the planet hasn't changed much and then produce a new emergency to keep the green rolling in.
Let me check the BBC, have they run a headline story pointing out the coldest October in the Midlands in line with the 1600's? Oh no, they haven't, why is that I wonder 😵 I mean for the sake of balance.....

Let me check the BBC, have they run a headline story pointing out the coldest October in the Midlands in line with the 1600's?
That's down to climate change Sig'! And if November is absolutely cock in line with historical norms and fails to deviate to any extreme - exceptionally hot, cold, wet or dry etc. - that'll be down to climate change too!
That's down to climate change Sig'! And if November is absolutely cock in line with historical norms and fails to deviate to any extreme - exceptionally hot, cold, wet or dry etc. - that'll be down to climate change too!

And I suppose the record low temperatures and record snowfall that has been sweeping the US of A during the month of October and not reported by MSM is also due to the warming effect of climate change, it's almost as though MSM has a climate warming agenda to fulfil.

No mention of 242 days of no sunspots, no mention of the solar minimums we are currently in and how it cools the climate, no mention of additional volcanic activity throwing cooling ash into the atmosphere, just no mention, no news reports, no in depth analysis, no science.

Even the Antarctic is gaining thickness to counterbalance the loss in the Arctic, amongst all the experts in the BBC Science and Nature programming, where is this presentation, have they conveniently lost the footage or something, or is it just that it doesn't fit the narrative of climate change.

Even the Antarctic is gaining thickness to counterbalance the loss in the Arctic, amongst all the experts in the BBC Science and Nature programming, where is this presentation, have they conveniently lost the footage or something, or is it just that it doesn't fit the narrative of climate change.
I'm starting to worry about you. Next, you'll be telling us that MSM in general - and the BBC in particular - are not completely even handed in their broadcasting. Or, worse still, that they're biased in some way. No, surely not!!!
I'm starting to worry about you. Next, you'll be telling us that MSM in general - and the BBC in particular - are not completely even handed in their broadcasting. Or, worse still, that they're biased in some way. No, surely not!!!

No need to worry, I have it all under control, the BBC on the other hand .............🤣
thunderberger 2065.jpg
Finally, for a seasonally wet and chilly November Tuesday afternoon, a liddle bid of Icke.
