Climate Change

1. It took 200,000 years of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion; and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion. Currently about 7.7 billion and increasing at over 1% a year. It doesn’t seem beyond the pale to suggest that the impact of population growth of this order and, more importantly, the human activity that accompanies it must be having some effect on the natural balance.
2. The population growth and the associated activity has almost become exponential and almost impossible to stop.
3. Most of the world’s population are “have nots” striving to become “haves” and therefore indulging in the human activities that affect the natural balance of things.

So, man-made climate change - yes or no? Given the above it seems best to assume yes, try to limit our “dirtier” activities - albeit that they won’t stop growing - and to be well prepared to deal with the changes that may befall us. If we are wrong then we won’t have lost much and we’ll be a little bit cleaner and may even need the preparedness even if we had not created the problem.
Western capital growth has spread globally, it is no longer people in the UK that are responsible for the planet, our societal upbringing is based on growth, growth requires resources and the production of waste.

Reducing growth or finding solutions to the waste of that growth is what we should be having conversations about, I dont think XR are successful in that aim, although they could be a catalyst for change, their methods won't win the day for this extremely complex topic.
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Ah but Queenie sets the example of course (not). As long as there is growth and money to be made, then we can save the planet, really not sure if they are fooling the masses or XR?

There are so many things that could stop the human race from reaching 2100 and so few leaders with any common sense that I give the odds as less than 50-50.
Cue the latest vid' from our friend Carl Benjamin. As an aside, I read a great comment recently along these lines: 'Oh the irony, people in Hong Kong are taking to the streets to protest against communism, while in London people are taking to the streets to demand it'.
Enjoy the vid' . . .

Intersectional SJWs, there we have the XR leadership in a nutshell, nutty left wingers backed by billionaires. The brainwashed masses on the streets are either eco-useful idiots or eco-SJWs, the latter are not worthy of any eco credentials, whilst the former need to be let down gently [emoji849]
Sea level rises don't concern me personally as I'm not convinced they're a major problem that can't be managed. I refer back to my earlier post about this;

I can't tell how much it pains me to say this, but: You're right. Now can we just forget about this unfortunate lapse and move on? 🙂

The rise in sea-levels can indeed be managed in the sense that, assuming the process cannot be slowed down or reversed by us (whether we are the cause or not) then we are left with finding solutions to the difficulties caused by said rise. In the case of the Thames barrier et al* the problem is not your ordinary common or garden rise - when not a lot is happening either geologically or astronomically - but rather when there's a surge. I'm sure that you're aware that your surge can take different forms and has different causes - tidal, fluvial, storm, lunar and....wait for it....supermoon. We'll leave out blue surge for the moment as it's mostly out of fashion. Anyway, yer Thames Barrier cove does very well during yer run o' the mill surge but when there's any kind of causal combination things get a bit dicy, Ginger. See image, 'ere: https://assets.publishing.service.g...01903_TB_Closures_by_Flood_Season_960x640.jpg

In that, you'll observe that all was possibly fine and even dandy until 2014 when the barrier was up and down like Kim's drawers. The cause was just such a combination and not the 1/1000 event that that the barrier isn't designed to cater for.
What will almost certainly lead to the barrier failing is either that there are so many closure-worthy events that this will cause a mechanical failure, or, far more likely, that there occurs at the same time: 1) A slightly higher "normal" sea-level - and we're talking only a few centimetres 2) A period of heavy rain in the South/South East 3) A big fat storm in the North Sea 4) A "supermoon" .
Isn't this not the epitome of the Dirty Harry moment?: " You've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky?" . Personally, I rather wait until after 2032 to answer that one 🙂

At this point it's worth remembering that the south of England is sinking at the rate of approximately 15cms per century....Things that make you say Hmmmm. , IMO, not "if" but "when" ....and now, Back to the Music: as we appear to be saying that we don't like what's in Boxes 1 and 2 (We can stop the rise and we should try to stop the rise) then really all that's left is Box 3 mitigation, no matter how expensive and disruptive that will be.

I won't bore you with pages of links to givernment (or even government) agencies throughout Europe as I'm sure you're more than capable of doing your own research and making up your own mind in a rational MSM and politico averse manner. These two below kind of give you a hint of what the rest will be like anyway. I've already decided on my own mitigation approach - I'm going to mitigate myself and my family at least 50 miles inland and 150+ metres above sea-level and if things begin to look really dicy (Ginger), I shall build an ark and christen her "The Mitigator".

* Here's a club you can join! boozy lunches in Soho though🙁
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Finally a major reason for the climate change scam is revealed. Well done UK Column News, climate change = additional taxes = distribution of those taxes for universal basic income, it's the only way to maintain growth as the global economy enters a slowdown and financial collapse and the robots will be taking our jobs and many are on the scrapheap from birth. There's lots more in there besides 👏👏 (19 mins onwards)

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Not again UKC, you only have to go and start confirming suspicions about DfE involvement in XR. Start around 15:45.

Excellent, next steps are to label them as extremists, start dismantling the organisation on a global scale, eradicate it's infestation from the education establishments, remove the corporate bandwagon stop it's funding especially UK taxpayer funding, jail the leadership and deradicalise the children.

BBC News - Extinction Rebellion: Police ban London protests

It took the.police less than an hour to remove them. So all the time these illegal ecoidiots have been protesting, they could have been removed easily if instructed. Smells of more London Major Khant corruption to me.
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Good people want to do something to avert ecological disaster and feel frustrated that there seems little that an individual can do. At least they are raising awareness of the many problems. Most of which are likely to become acute as the years tick by. Perhaps they should add to their list of hates the fat, red faced city types sipping their claret/port and smoking big cigars ?
Their sneers and jeers from their comfy flats won't get these problems solved. What have they done for the environment ? ANYTHING ? As they sit in their gas guzzling expensive cars, smirking self righteously. Bad mouthing the kids that care !
Excellent, next steps are to label them as extremists, start dismantling the organisation on a global scale, eradicate it's infestation from the education establishments, remove the corporate bandwagon stop it's funding especially UK taxpayer funding, jail the leadership and deradicalise the children.

As always Sig, I'm impressed by the extent of your erudition. I hadn't expected to come across someone on a T2W thread able to quote almost verbatim from one of Stalin's earlier speeches during his rule.👍
Good people want to do something to avert ecological disaster and feel frustrated that there seems little that an individual can do. At least they are raising awareness of the many problems. Most of which are likely to become acute as the years tick by. Perhaps they should add to their list of hates the fat, red faced city types sipping their claret/port and smoking big cigars ?
Their sneers and jeers from their comfy flats won't get these problems solved. What have they done for the environment ? ANYTHING ? As they sit in their gas guzzling expensive cars, smirking self righteously. Bad mouthing the kids that care !

Except that none of this is to do with climate change, don't be suckered by the propaganda.

All that XR has done is to brainwash and provide triggers for mental illness for young minds, exposed the DfE to future lawsuits, provided plenty of criminal convictions, disrupted people's lives needlessly, made parents angry that their kids are losing school days, made ridiculous demands to change our lifestyles to meet that of swampy, a cynical attempt to raise taxes for the coming mass universal credit that will be needed for the coming mass unemployment, exposed the hypocritical leadership, and exposed their billionaire backers who are the very fat, red city types that you bemoan.

The XR leadership have used the middle classes as useful idiots in an attempt to bring down government and cause widespread disruption, that is their stated aim, nothing to do with climate change, they are extremists. They have made no attempt to engage in discourse, if you don't agree with them they will shut you down, they are a pure hard left political ideology of the sort that has infested all our institutions, it is linked with extreme feminism, extreme LGBTQ+, extreme open borders, hard left Labour Party, globalists (again the fat red faced banksters you bemoan).

We have been aware of environmental issues for a very long time, governments have set targets, we have environmental restrictions imposed on us, we have taken steps to reduce waste, pollution, pay extra taxes etc etc.

Have you been outside the Western world recently, seen the pollution, the air quality, no-one cares, any education about the environment and conservation needs to be targeted there, not in the Western world where we are already taking steps.
As always Sig, I'm impressed by the extent of your erudition. I hadn't expected to come across someone on a T2W thread able to quote almost verbatim from one of Stalin's earlier speeches during his rule.👍

I must be of [dubious] leadership quality 🤣
We need to try and stop the seasons to stop climate change from happening, much more taxes will be required to devise the 'stopearthrotatingaroundthesun-a-tron' device, only then will we be saved from the apocalyptic weather extreme that is fast approaching, hurry we only have 2 months before thousands will die (for real!) 🤣 🤣
