Climate Change

Looks like China is belching out more hot air than the climate kiddies.

First the French, now the Dutch, looks like another anti-green tax protest. What does Thunderberger have to say about it?

BBC News - Dutch tractor protest sparks 'worst rush hour'
Worth a look . . .

...yes, but only just 🙂

I found myself drifting off when he said that the reason why there is no literature supporting the idea of man-made climate change before 1880 is that it would "negate" it. Firstly, he's struggling with the meaning of that word and secondly, prior to the industrial revolution mankind struggled to put on its socks let alone chuck out enough Co² to compete with the smallest of volcanoes.... coincidentally (or not.. is this a conspiracy I wonder?) a somewhat more sizeable one blew away a potentially idyllic resort island at the beginning of the 1880s.

It is annoying that the fringes of society have now become the norms but such is the power of populism. People will believe any old crap and take it as gospel (The Gospel being a case in point) and it takes a while, or a couple of wars, for it to be seen to be the cobblers it really is. The grain of truth and common sense gets obscured by the madness of the crowd until the bubble bursts.

Let's keep building those coal-fired power stations, I do so miss those pea-soupers.
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...yes, but only just 🙂

I found myself drifting off when he said that the reason why there is no literature supporting the idea of man-made climate change before 1880 is that it would "negate" it. Firstly, he's struggling with the meaning of that word and secondly, prior to the industrial revolution mankind struggled to put on its socks let alone chuck out enough Co² to compete with the smallest of volcanoes.... coincidentally (or not.. is this a conspiracy I wonder?) a somewhat more sizeable one blew away a potentially idyllic resort island at the beginning of the 1880s.

It is annoying that the fringes of society have now become the norms but such is the power of populism. People will believe any old crap and take it as gospel (The Gospel being a case in point) and it takes a while, or a couple of wars, for it to be seen to be the cobblers it really is. The grain of truth and common sense gets obscured by the madness of the crowd until the bubble bursts.

Let's keep building those coal-fired power stations, I do so miss those pea-soupers.
Clean coal? We have clean diesel! [emoji2962]
. . . It is annoying that the fringes of society have now become the norms but such is the power of populism. People will believe any old crap and take it as gospel (The Gospel being a case in point) and it takes a while, or a couple of wars, for it to be seen to be the cobblers it really is. The grain of truth and common sense gets obscured by the madness of the crowd until the bubble bursts. . .
H Cant',
I get that you're not super impressed with the video (that I posted). And that's fine, I'm not overly convinced by much of it either. But there are elements within it that do make sense (to me) and do leave question marks regarding the establishment view on climate change. There's the petition website with 30,000 signatures. I glanced at it but couldn't be ar$ed to look in detail to check if the signatories are real people - let alone scientists with qualifications relevant to climate change. Maybe the whole thing is fake - who knows. Then there's the issue of water vapour that comprises 94% of greenhouse gases - yet it's the 3% Co2 that's doing all the damage. Allegedly. And then there's the historical temperatures going back waaaay before the industrial revolution and Co2 levels that were also much higher than they are today etc., etc. So, if this is all just 'fringe' nonsense designed to appeal to gullible idiots like me - then why aren't the claims first debated and then debunked as cobblers through reasoned argument and sound logic? As it is, anyone who has the impudent temerity to suggest anything outside the establishment view on the topic is ridiculed as a flat-earther type, shut down and/or de-platformed. That can't be right, which is why I smell a rat and will continue to keep an open mind on the topic.
H Cant',
I get that you're not super impressed with the video (that I posted). And that's fine, I'm not overly convinced by much of it either. But there are elements within it that do make sense (to me) and do leave question marks regarding the establishment view on climate change. There's the petition website with 30,000 signatures. I glanced at it but couldn't be ar$ed to look in detail to check if the signatories are real people - let alone scientists with qualifications relevant to climate change. Maybe the whole thing is fake - who knows. Then there's the issue of water vapour that comprises 94% of greenhouse gases - yet it's the 3% Co2 that's doing all the damage. Allegedly. And then there's the historical temperatures going back waaaay before the industrial revolution and Co2 levels that were also much higher than they are today etc., etc. So, if this is all just 'fringe' nonsense designed to appeal to gullible idiots like me - then why aren't the claims first debated and then debunked as cobblers through reasoned argument and sound logic? As it is, anyone who has the impudent temerity to suggest anything outside the establishment view on the topic is ridiculed as a flat-earther type, shut down and/or de-platformed. That can't be right, which is why I smell a rat and will continue to keep an open mind on the topic.

Once you admit that you are a Brexit supporter then i'm afraid it's game over. Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be labeled a flat earth, racist, bigoted, small minded, homophobic, climate change denier, etc etc.

Did I miss anything out? Probably !
Do I care? Not a jot!
Are we winning? Yes we are !
I suppose that my problem with Climate Change is pretty much the same as it is with Brexit. As far as CC goes, it may well be happening but how much it's happening won't be properly understood until it's happened....then there's the hot air generated by the secondary CC question: If it is happening, how much of it is our fault? And last but not least, if it is happening and a sizable percentage is indeed our fault, do we really think that we can stop it?....or should we just be moving to higher ground and selling our beachfront properties? Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

Which doesn't really lead me back to Brexit... but sod you, I don't care. To restate what has happened in the past, what is happening now and will surely continue to happen: the dream of a European Union is an ideal and might be achievable through a gradual drift toward a "natural" harmonization of the member states interests over time....a lot of time...maybe an aeon or two. This current artificial construct was (imho) at best unwise and at worst the dog's breakfast it's been looking like for a decade or so. To add insult to injury, the citizenry of all member states ( including Uck) was misled as it started to mutate from a fairly reasonable economic arrangement into something quite nazi, sorry, nasty. Lies, damned lies and some distorted statistics to add some authenticity. In the case of the UK, the lies just never stopped - the total referendum sham where it was never supposed to be about choice but merely to rubber stamp the then government's lack of a spine....and then the realisation that as half the country were going to be unhappy whichever way the vote went, it might have been sensible to design and execute it as if it really was meant to a real exercise in democracy. Too late now, either way.

Rather like climate change, I neither know nor care. Of course, I'm sad that my children and grandchildren will be living (or maybe not) with both.... but then again 'twas ever thus. I have made my arrangements which will certainly see me out and maybe attenuate some of what will come to pass for my progeny and if none of it happens they'll still have a nice place to live (substantially above sea-level) somewhere well within the EU.
Once you admit that you are a Brexit supporter then i'm afraid it's game over.
Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be labeled a flat earth, racist, bigoted, small minded, homophobic, climate change denier, etc etc.

Climate Change and Brexit??? Only you can link the two Sparky.

Obvious Brexit permeates to all aspects of your life. You eat, live, breath and pooh Brexit. Psychologically some may say indications of a deranged mind. 😜

You are awful CV but I do like you. All the best matey 👍

I do think however, that Climate Change will permeate all over the globe touching each and every one of us soon enough. 🤔

Remember life is a beach! Learn to swim. 😎


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I'm confused, we were entering a new ice age in the 70s and 80s because of climate change, but now we are all to end up as boiled in the bags, that turned around remarkably quickly!

I know which I prefer, long hot summers in the south of England, glorious, but if it switches again to a mini ice age then I'm not sure where to go for my sunshine.

Climate Change and Brexit??? Only you can link the two Sparky. . .
Hi At',
I beg to differ. Brexit was/is a wake up call for many - none more so than me. Prior to Brexit, I was of the firm belief that the BBC was the best broadcaster in the world and its total impartiality was without question. By the same token, I thought the independence of the judiciary was similarly without question and that they would shy away from intervening in political issues as a matter of principle. I thought every single politician believed in democracy and would abide by the decision of the referendum. One by one, all of these pillars have fallen away, and it turns out that many of the things I never dreamt of questioning were not what I thought they were. I have been shocked to the core to discover I don't live in a society that has many of the values I thought it had and does not hold sacrosanct said values in the way I thought it did. For me, climate change is just another one to add to the list. Prior to Brexit, if David Attenborough said we had a problem - then we had a problem. No need to question it, his word is gospel - end of story. Well, I'm sorry Sir David, but I've been 'red pilled' and I don't take anything for granted anymore - especially if it's the mantra of establishment figures or institutions. In fact, they're the ones I'm now most wary of. So, three years ago I was fully signed up to the standard climate change rhetoric; it's only now that I'm questioning it and discovering there's another side to that particular coin. So, to conclude, c_v is quite correct to make a link between Brexit and climate change.
Hi At',
I beg to differ. Brexit was/is a wake up call for many - none more so than me. Prior to Brexit, I was of the firm belief that the BBC was the best broadcaster in the world and its total impartiality was without question. By the same token, I thought the independence of the judiciary was similarly without question and that they would shy away from intervening in political issues as a matter of principle. I thought every single politician believed in democracy and would abide by the decision of the referendum. One by one, all of these pillars have fallen away, and it turns out that many of the things I never dreamt of questioning were not what I thought they were. I have been shocked to the core to discover I don't live in a society that has many of the values I thought it had and does not hold sacrosanct said values in the way I thought it did. For me, climate change is just another one to add to the list. Prior to Brexit, if David Attenborough said we had a problem - then we had a problem. No need to question it, his word is gospel - end of story. Well, I'm sorry Sir David, but I've been 'red pilled' and I don't take anything for granted anymore - especially if it's the mantra of establishment figures or institutions. In fact, they're the ones I'm now most wary of. So, three years ago I was fully signed up to the standard climate change rhetoric; it's only now that I'm questioning it and discovering there's another side to that particular coin. So, to conclude, c_v is quite correct to make a link between Brexit and climate change.

Sparky and Dynamite... 😱 great combination from you two 😱

However, I think this treble combo beats it. Let the funni times continue. 🤣

Hi At',
I beg to differ. Brexit was/is a wake up call for many - none more so than me. Prior to Brexit, I was of the firm belief that the BBC was the best broadcaster in the world and its total impartiality was without question. By the same token, I thought the independence of the judiciary was similarly without question and that they would shy away from intervening in political issues as a matter of principle. I thought every single politician believed in democracy and would abide by the decision of the referendum. One by one, all of these pillars have fallen away, and it turns out that many of the things I never dreamt of questioning were not what I thought they were. I have been shocked to the core to discover I don't live in a society that has many of the values I thought it had and does not hold sacrosanct said values in the way I thought it did. For me, climate change is just another one to add to the list. Prior to Brexit, if David Attenborough said we had a problem - then we had a problem. No need to question it, his word is gospel - end of story. Well, I'm sorry Sir David, but I've been 'red pilled' and I don't take anything for granted anymore - especially if it's the mantra of establishment figures or institutions. In fact, they're the ones I'm now most wary of. So, three years ago I was fully signed up to the standard climate change rhetoric; it's only now that I'm questioning it and discovering there's another side to that particular coin. So, to conclude, c_v is quite correct to make a link between Brexit and climate change.
I concur, I don't know if I was naiive or just ignorant, at least the red pill has done its job, we have Brexit to thank for that.

Now to wake up the remaining 48% of the population (Att not included if course) [emoji16]
I concur, I don't know if I was naiive or just ignorant, at least the red pill has done its job, we have Brexit to thank for that.

OTOH, it was the blue pill that did it for me, and I have Pfizer to thank for that....still naïve and ignorant but sanguine nonetheless🙂

Good w/e to all
OTOH, it was the blue pill that did it for me, and I have Pfizer to thank for that....still naïve and ignorant but sanguine nonetheless🙂

Good w/e to all
You don't have to get your Viagra from Pfizer these days, you can get over-the-counter copies at half the price that are just as effective (so I'm told).
Good w/e to you too.
Once you admit that you are a Brexit supporter then i'm afraid it's game over. Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be labeled a flat earth, racist, bigoted, small minded, homophobic, climate change denier, etc etc.

Did I miss anything out? Probably !
Do I care? Not a jot!
Are we winning? Yes we are !

Yeah. Once you admit that you are a Remain supporter then i'm afraid it's game over. Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be scorned as a remoaner, labelled as a destroyer of democracy, enemy of the people, etc, etc.

Did I miss anything out? Probably !
Do I care? Well, yes, I do actually. I used to enjoy living in a climate of tolerance where people generally respected the opposing views. Nowadays intolerance is rife and it pains me hugely.
Yeah. Once you admit that you are a Remain supporter then i'm afraid it's game over. Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be scorned as a remoaner, labelled as a destroyer of democracy, enemy of the people, etc, etc.

Did I miss anything out? Probably !
Do I care? Well, yes, I do actually. I used to enjoy living in a climate of tolerance where people generally respected the opposing views. Nowadays intolerance is rife and it pains me hugely.
Harsh Jon!
I trust you're not including me in this as I have the utmost respect for your views (on everything - not just Brexit). Also, as you know, I and other Brexiteers distinguish between remainers and remoaners and the only ones I occasionally treat with derision are firmly in the latter camp. E.g. MPs that voted for Article 50 and now back the Benn bill and all Illiberal Anti-democrats who voted in favour of it but now want to revoke it altogether. The chasm between these people and the vast majority of ordinary remainers is huge. Massive. I have complete respect for remainers and would never treat them with derision etc.
Yeah. Once you admit that you are a Remain supporter then i'm afraid it's game over. Every utterance you make is treated with derision. You will for ever be scorned as a remoaner, labelled as a destroyer of democracy, enemy of the people, etc, etc.

Did I miss anything out? Probably !
Do I care? Well, yes, I do actually. I used to enjoy living in a climate of tolerance where people generally respected the opposing views. Nowadays intolerance is rife and it pains me hugely.
The truth appears to be a painful concept for remoaners, if you lost, you lost, campaign to win again, until that time that you win again, you are a loser.

If you deliberately go about dismantling or perverting the democratic process in an attempt to overturn that truth, then why would the winners be expected to be tolerant of that?

Oops wrong thread [emoji16]
Harsh Jon!
I trust you're not including me in this as I have the utmost respect for your views (on everything - not just Brexit). Also, as you know, I and other Brexiteers distinguish between remainers and remoaners and the only ones I occasionally treat with derision are firmly in the latter camp. E.g. MPs that voted for Article 50 and now back the Benn bill and all Illiberal Anti-democrats who voted in favour of it but now want to revoke it altogether. The chasm between these people and the vast majority of ordinary remainers is huge. Massive. I have complete respect for remainers and would never treat them with derision etc.

Just repeating cv’s piece, Tim. My point was about the intolerance which seems to abound nowadays.