Climate Change

One might argue that the damage has already been done and trying to halt it, or even mitigate it (let alone reverse it) in the face of an ever increasing world population is rather like trying to catch a falling knife when the market has fallen of a cliff.

Nature will adapt to the changing conditions and it may be that human effort should be more about how we will adapt to those changed conditions rather that trying to halt the inevitable changes.
A problem with climate change causes & effects– if indeed it is a problem – is that countries most responsible for it are doing the least to tackle the "problem". Then there's population growth – it's fairly obvious that makes extra demand on resources over and above what the eco-warriors already consider excessive but no one dare raise it let alone do something about it. As already remarked: Nature will provide the ultimate solution.
One might argue that the damage has already been done and trying to halt it, or even mitigate it (let alone reverse it) in the face of an ever increasing world population is rather like trying to catch a falling knife when the market has fallen of a cliff.

Nature will adapt to the changing conditions and it may be that human effort should be more about how we will adapt to those changed conditions rather that trying to halt the inevitable changes.

Kind of what I was getting at in rather a long-winded way. As for the damage being done, see video attached from The Newsroom of a few years back. Yes it's fiction but the interviewee's stuff was based on a real conversation.

I think some are being " heads in the sand " like and insulting, with calling others eco loonies etc. Capitalistic greed will regrettably be a tough nut to crack as illegal logging and huge forest fires etc. are allowed to rage because of cost and kick backs to criminals.
I stoutly defend the actions of Greta and the other kids to save the planet for when they are old in 60 years time. Idiot deniers of global catastrophy will be dead a long time by then and hopefully common sense will be allowed to prevail.

Better to spend the billions on the home planet clean up than bigger and worse weapons as at present..
What answer do today's eco numpties have for their electricity consumption, how many live in cities drink Costa lotta coffee, consume, consume, consume. Where are the examples and stories they are meant to be setting? I've not seen one?

Or is it pure politics, driven by the hard left?

"....politics, driven by the hard left"??? Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean that they're not out to get you 🙂 Personally, I don't see the eco thing as the preserve of the left but more a trend that every shade of politico sees that they should be jumping on.....with the exception of a few cabals who are too deeply entrenched in the status quo to even think of coitus interruptus. Populism is just what it says and popular movements can be as constructive or destructive (or suicidal) as the people so desire - whether they be Left or Right or Loony is moot imo... and irrelevant.

BTW - Very interesting article. I found this when looking for the locations of UK biomass power plants:
Sorry Timsk - wrong. Truthfully, not sorry at all you're just wrong. . .

Hi cant',
Interesting points from you as usual, although, on this occasion I'm no more convinced by them than you are by mine. With the possible exception of your comments about insurance companies which are well made, I don't see much in your post that suggests I'm wrong. Sorry. Ooops, this apologising lark is infectious!

If business in general - and the property / construction markets in particular - really believed that we've only got 12 years to sort this stuff out - then we would already have seen a major shift in policy and development. 12 years isn't long term for major construction - it's short to medium. Forward planners in every authority up and down the land would be looking to release land well above see level and the developers would be snapping it up knowing that everyone in low lying areas will be forced to move there. In turn, this would be complemented by development control departments restricting or refusing development in low lying areas. As you acknowledge in your post - this isn't happening. My original point about mortgage companies not giving standard 25 - 30 year mortgages still stands.

". . .And as for the markets being on top of everything, that's tantamount to saying that the markets really are efficient when anyone with a grey cell or two already knows that the markets are efficient until they're not and that "until they're not" scenario usually happens quite suddenly. . ." I agree with this and, in my post, added the caveat about black swans. Whatever climate change is - it certainly isn't a black swan. The markets have known about this for yonks and - as far as I can see - aren't especially bothered by it. My conclusion is that there's good reason for this which means either the science isn't as robust as we're being lead to believe or the situation isn't as bad as the protesters make out.

For the record, I'm no climate change denier (it's clearly changing) and, like our friend Sig', I'm completely on board with recycling and anti-polluting etc. Back in the late 80s, I was an active member of the Green Party and have voted either for them or the LibDems in every election except the last one. (Needless to say, I won't vote for either again and am now politically homeless.) Anyway, my thesis is that the whole climate change narrative is a fractured mess, riddled with what Jordan Peterson refers to as 'low resolution thinking'. The objectives of Extinction Rebellion read like a no-hope wish list and there's no clear direction around which everyone can unite. I don't doubt that Greta T' and other young activists mean well but I'm afraid their protests are misplaced and will have little or no impact on politicians and other decision makers.
I think some are being " heads in the sand " like and insulting, with calling others eco loonies etc. Capitalistic greed will regrettably be a tough nut to crack as illegal logging and huge forest fires etc. are allowed to rage because of cost and kick backs to criminals.
I stoutly defend the actions of Greta and the other kids to save the planet for when they are old in 60 years time. Idiot deniers of global catastrophy will be dead a long time by then and hopefully common sense will be allowed to prevail.

Better to spend the billions on the home planet clean up than bigger and worse weapons as at present..
A little harsh maybe, but at least let us talk about it.

This will be a reality for many young protestors, they will find it difficult to operate because of the deep state.

The deep state ain't buyin it I'm afraid. There are some truths in the markets, climate change is a money maker [emoji13]

. . .As for the damage being done, see video attached from The Newsroom of a few years back. Yes it's fiction but the interviewee's stuff was based on a real conversation.
Lol cant',

If, based on this vid', the assumption is that climate change is the result of CO2 emissions - then output like this might carry some weight. However, there are scientists who claim the exact opposite and that increases in CO2 are the consequence of temperature increases and not the other way around. I.e. they lag them by 100 - 200 years and, therefore, can not be the cause of them. (They claim that the increases in temperature are caused by sun activity and have little or nothing to do with human activity on earth.) So, who's right? This is what I'm driving at when I said in my previous post that the climate change narrative is a fractured mess. There's huge vested interest from the 'establishment' to promote climate change for all sorts of reasons, and the mother of them all - needless to say - is money. And there's very little of that to be made by the minority of those who are prepared to stick their heads above the parapet and say the establishment have got it wrong. That's why I smell rat and don't automatically buy into the MSM narrative. So, I will keep an open mind; acknowledge that the climate is changing and getting warmer and will listen attentively to both sides of the argument for their explanation as to how and why this is happening. However, the more that the establishment try to close down debate and de-platform any narrative that deviates from theirs, the more inclined I am towards thinking that the whole thing is a massive fraud; one that will be forgotten about in 20 years time, long after the talking heads and big business have banked their profits.
..........For the record, I'm no climate change denier (it's clearly changing) ......

I’d add that it’s clearly changing in the context of the timescale we are considering (50 - 100 years?) which is completely infinitesimal in the context of the planet’s timescale. That’s not to say that even if it is just a milli, milli millisecond blip in the planet’s journey it won’t result in a lot of change so far as we are concerned, but it’s far cry from “killing the planet”.
Hi cant',
Interesting points from you as usual, although, on this occasion I'm no more convinced by them than you are by mine. With the possible exception of your comments about insurance companies which are well made, I don't see much in your post that suggests I'm wrong. Sorry. Ooops, this apologising lark is infectious!

If business in general - and the property / construction markets in particular - really believed that we've only got 12 years to sort this stuff out - then we would already have seen a major shift in policy and development. 12 years isn't long term for major construction - it's short to medium. Forward planners in every authority up and down the land would be looking to release land well above see level and the developers would be snapping it up knowing that everyone in low lying areas will be forced to move there. In turn, this would be complemented by development control departments restricting or refusing development in low lying areas. As you acknowledge in your post - this isn't happening. My original point about mortgage companies not giving standard 25 - 30 year mortgages still stands.

". . .And as for the markets being on top of everything, that's tantamount to saying that the markets really are efficient when anyone with a grey cell or two already knows that the markets are efficient until they're not and that "until they're not" scenario usually happens quite suddenly. . ." I agree with this and, in my post, added the caveat about black swans. Whatever climate change is - it certainly isn't a black swan. The markets have known about this for yonks and - as far as I can see - aren't especially bothered by it. My conclusion is that there's good reason for this which means either the science isn't as robust as we're being lead to believe or the situation isn't as bad as the protesters make out.

For the record, I'm no climate change denier (it's clearly changing) and, like our friend Sig', I'm completely on board with recycling and anti-polluting etc. Back in the late 80s, I was an active member of the Green Party and have voted either for them or the LibDems in every election except the last one. (Needless to say, I won't vote for either again and am now politically homeless.) Anyway, my thesis is that the whole climate change narrative is a fractured mess, riddled with what Jordan Peterson refers to as 'low resolution thinking'. The objectives of Extinction Rebellion read like a no-hope wish list and there's no clear direction around which everyone can unite. I don't doubt that Greta T' and other young activists mean well but I'm afraid their protests are misplaced and will have little or no impact on politicians and other decision makers.
Obviously, I'm sorry that you're sorry....or is that I'm not sorry that you're not sorry? We shall have sort this out or it'll be pistols at dawn , I fear.

The video was for entertainment and not to be taken that seriously. My point was that there are people who make a living out of knowing stuff about the climate who are a smidge concerned about what they perceive to be happening.

I'm with you 100% on the 12 year rubbish which smacks of the Mayan long count cobblers where it was all supposed to go tits up in 2012. We're still here methinks, unless I'm a figment of my imagination.

It seems to me that one factor (as Barjohn mensches) that gets in the way of our understanding is simply that in geological terms we don't really matter at all, having been given the briefest of candles that don't even register on that time-scale. Our problem with climate change/global warming is our problem only. Yes, it's a pity that we're eradicating one species after another but in the greater scheme of things, if we're not around to care about the extinction of some cute furry little bugger then none of that stuff matters as mama nature will set about repopulating the world with intelligent über-cockroaches. I don't see many people weeping over the loss of the trilobites or velociraptors. The only thing that is sensible for us to be concerned about is our own survival and anything that pertains to keeping the bees alive whilst limiting and eventually reducing our numbers, which is a kind of pragmatism that governments and politicians are a long way from being able to sell to hoi polloi. In the meantime, if it takes a demented child and deranged tree-buggers to get people to think and maybe provoke an infinitesimal gleam of common sense, then so be it.

My earlier rant about the boiling frog thing and efficient markets was to point out that the Black Swan ain't it. That pertikler foul fowl comes out of nowhere whereas in the current circumstances we're sick of hearing about Tipping Points and Precipices so the risk is firmly out there in the public domain even if we can't assess the degree. So, as the temperature rises and we waffle on about what may or may not be happening we are well into the realm of the empirical where we have to actually experience the catastrophes before we are prepared to acknowledge that there was, after all, a fair chance of them occurring. At which point, as Miami and London disappear under the waves and the world runs short of cereals because them thar polly naters ain't polly natin no more, the naysayers can graciously say that perhaps, after all, they were wrong and there was something to worry about after all.

A jolly Sunday to all🙂
I think some are being " heads in the sand " like and insulting, with calling others eco loonies etc. Capitalistic greed will regrettably be a tough nut to crack as illegal logging and huge forest fires etc. are allowed to rage because of cost and kick backs to criminals.
I stoutly defend the actions of Greta and the other kids to save the planet for when they are old in 60 years time. Idiot deniers of global catastrophy will be dead a long time by then and hopefully common sense will be allowed to prevail.

Better to spend the billions on the home planet clean up than bigger and worse weapons as at present..

No actually I will revoke my 'bit harsh' comment when referring to eco loonies, they are not just eco loonies, but sinister eco loonies. Watching Fridays edition of UK Column news has convinced me further that Extinction Rebellion are just charlatans, cynically using children for their own gains, openly calling for schoolchildren to break the law, even the Department for Education is misusing public funds to support this organisation in some way, sooner or later a scandal will emerge confirming current suspicions.

When Eco loonies are driven by hard left organisations calling for law breaking and revolution, they no longer fall under the banner of a simple protest group, they become extremists, all the children and the DfE are complicit, parents should be taking a closer look at what their children are getting involved in and be very concerned about where this whole situation is headed.

UKC commentary starts around 42 mins.

No actually I will revoke my 'bit harsh' comment when referring to eco loonies, they are not just eco loonies, but sinister eco loonies. Watching Fridays edition of UK Column news has convinced me further that Extinction Rebellion are just charlatans, cynically using children for their own gains, openly calling for schoolchildren to break the law, even the Department for Education is misusing public funds to support this organisation in some way, sooner or later a scandal will emerge confirming current suspicions.

When Eco loonies are driven by hard left organisations calling for law breaking and revolution, they no longer fall under the banner of a simple protest group, they become extremists, all the children and the DfE are complicit, parents should be taking a closer look at what their children are getting involved in and be very concerned about where this whole situation is headed.

UKC commentary starts around 42 mins.

Sig, the more I read of your oeuvre the more I get the impression that you're of a sensitive disposition. You are without a doubt "right" in the greater part of your assessment but I'd argue that might well be irrelevant, unless of course, Global Warming itself is a fiction solely designed to further careers and allow the production of second-rate Hollywood block-busters.

All movements are in danger of being "hi-jacked" by extremists or self-interest. I get that a lot of what is being done in the name of Saving The Gerbil is on the one paw mercenary, and on the udder so far from the original premise that even the Taliban might blanch ....but nonetheless, whereas said Students of the Koran lean towards wiping out non-students the eco-loonies are not yet recommending that the as yet to be converted be used as a source of Arbeit Macht Frei style renewable energy. On reflection that particular solution might well be quite elegant even if Finality isn't the goal.

Inspired by own fervour, I shall rush out and fondle the first tree I can find. I'll probably go for a sapling, just in case my attentions aren't welcome.
Sig, the more I read of your oeuvre the more I get the impression that you're of a sensitive disposition. You are without a doubt "right" in the greater part of your assessment but I'd argue that might well be irrelevant, unless of course, Global Warming itself is a fiction solely designed to further careers and allow the production of second-rate Hollywood block-busters.

Not at all, just presenting the potential facts that aren't presented or questioned via MSM, keeping discourse open.

All movements are in danger of being "hi-jacked" by extremists or self-interest. I get that a lot of what is being done in the name of Saving The Gerbil is on the one paw mercenary, and on the udder so far from the original premise that even the Taliban might blanch ....but nonetheless, whereas said Students of the Koran lean towards wiping out non-students the eco-loonies are not yet recommending that the as yet to be converted be used as a source of Arbeit Macht Frei style renewable energy. On reflection that particular solution might well be quite elegant even if Finality isn't the goal.

Of course, all movements are subject to being hijacked and most of the time we can recognise it for what it it is and put on ignore.

It's a totally different beast when it comes to children, state promotion and misuse of public funds, such 'hijackings' need to be called out and scrutinised in greater detail, something that MSM isn't/won't do (and in the case of the BBC actively promotes the opposite, promoting minority views as mainstream).

Inspired by own fervour, I shall rush out and fondle the first tree I can find. I'll probably go for a sapling, just in case my attentions aren't welcome.

Please do, any attempt to raise awareness of climate change and educate people is mostly welcomed, but do it in a transparent way, not a politically ideologically driven way, one that will serve the planet and not political agendas to the cost of sections of society that have very little power or influence.
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Sig, the more I read of your oeuvre the more I get the impression that you're of a sensitive disposition. You are without a doubt "right" in the greater part of your assessment but I'd argue that might well be irrelevant, unless of course, Global Warming itself is a fiction solely designed to further careers and allow the production of second-rate Hollywood block-busters.

All movements are in danger of being "hi-jacked" by extremists or self-interest. I get that a lot of what is being done in the name of Saving The Gerbil is on the one paw mercenary, and on the udder so far from the original premise that even the Taliban might blanch ....but nonetheless, whereas said Students of the Koran lean towards wiping out non-students the eco-loonies are not yet recommending that the as yet to be converted be used as a source of Arbeit Macht Frei style renewable energy. On reflection that particular solution might well be quite elegant even if Finality isn't the goal.

Inspired by own fervour, I shall rush out and fondle the first tree I can find. I'll probably go for a sapling, just in case my attentions aren't welcome.

Just watching John McDonnell (a hard left marxist) at the Labour party conference, calling out support for Extinction Rebellion, hard left momentum support for ER is no secret, Labour will use public funding to support a grass roots, protest movement (it's already funded by the DfE and schools), all tax payers cash, with no consensus from the tax payer, presumably parents of the children have consented to their children losing days of education each year with the potential for trouble with the police?

What other protest groups will Labour misuse public funding for - Palestine, the IRA, transgender........It's all wrong.
Just watching John McDonnell (a hard left marxist) at the Labour party conference, calling out support for Extinction Rebellion, hard left momentum support for ER is no secret, Labour will use public funding to support a grass roots, protest movement (it's already funded by the DfE and schools), all tax payers cash, with no consensus from the tax payer, presumably parents of the children have consented to their children losing days of education each year with the potential for trouble with the police?

What other protest groups will Labour misuse public funding for - Palestine, the IRA, transgender........It's all wrong.

As far as i'm aware, children are only allowed to be absent from school if they are ill. The question that should be asked is......why are schools not acting on absentee information.

The left are indeed misusing funds and here's the proof.
BBC now has an LGBT correspondent. Ben Hunte.
It's not about reporting news. It's about promoting and pushing agenda's.

I see the green monster and her doomsday prophecy has been at it again 😵

For anyone interested to learn who is behind Thunderberger, here is some interesting background, plenty of $Billions involved, surprise, surprise.
