I would be interested in your source asserting that global warming is in fact accelerating because the following article just reported that the greatest two year cooling period just took place.
Well done cantagril.
I seem to remember reading that the global warming denial campaign at least in the US is being driven by Christian fundamentalists. Interestingly, so is the flat earth campaign. Both are taking (parts of) the bible literally.
The one constant in all organised religions is that they have been organised by Man for the ends of men - God has seen fit to allow all sorts of sub-standard management and interpretation whilst he's been occupied with other business.
If the idea that Man is changing the rate or extent of climate change turns out to be right then maybe we'll be helping our descendants survive. OTOH if it all turns out to be just hot air then we will still have addressed pollution in a more strategic fashion.
Well done cantagril.
I seem to remember reading that the global warming denial campaign at least in the US is being driven by Christian fundamentalists. Interestingly, so is the flat earth campaign. Both are taking (parts of) the bible literally.
Don't recall where as I read a lot. I think it was in one of those scientific journals.
I'm not fussed whether you believe it or not. You carry on as you were. 🙂
I suggest that if you wish to discuss the subject of religion to start a thread on it. If your whole defense of climate change is to attack Christians then I suggest we stick to trading. Any intellectual discourse requires good faith.
Is your whole premise on climate change based on the idea of "if"? Would you trade a strategy based on the idea of a "if"?
You are attempting to conflate the moral appeal of addressing pollution and the leftist worldview of global warming which became climate change. The debate is simply about the premise underlying three issues :
1)Is there global warming?
2)Is it principally man made?
3)Is it reversible?
Discuss the facts and not hypotheticals. Do you trade based on "feeling lucky"?
Is your whole premise on climate change based on the idea of "if"? Would you trade a strategy based on the idea of a "if"?
You are attempting to conflate the moral appeal of addressing pollution and the leftist worldview of global warming which became climate change. The debate is simply about the premise underlying three issues :
1)Is there global warming?
2)Is it principally man made?
3)Is it reversible?
Discuss the facts and not hypotheticals. Do you trade based on "feeling lucky"?
Is your whole premise on climate change based on the idea of "if"? Would you trade a strategy based on the idea of a "if"?
You are attempting to conflate the moral appeal of addressing pollution and the leftist worldview of global warming which became climate change. The debate is simply about the premise underlying three issues :
1)Is there global warming?
2)Is it principally man made?
3)Is it reversible?
Discuss the facts and not hypotheticals. Do you trade based on "feeling lucky"?
The so called modelling and the famous hockey stick graph to push the warming narrative.The argument in favour of human-influenced global warming is based on scientific observations and modelling.
No matter how misguided or moronic is with the notion of flat earth, how is it even relevant to our conversation about climate change? Please point out the nexus.Its hardly my fault if some of the argument against it is based on religious beliefs, and it is relevant that this be pointed out.
Seriously. Point out to me the scientific data and I will point out to you the correlation between sun spot activities and the weather.There is global scientific agreement that global warming is occurring, that human activity has been a prime factor in its acceleration.
As for whether it can be reversed, I've not seen even the most optimistic scientific evidence that we can do better than slow it down.
If you have a broken window and it is freezing outside, do you put it down to climate change and leave the window? Or do you repair it?
Humans have done a lot of damage to the planet. Time to do our best to repair it.
Climate change is a "blame" issue, not an excuse to do nothing.
In any intellectual debate, the most basic structure is that you make a case by stating your underlying premise and whatever associated facts or data there are in support of your argument. If I disagree with the warrant of your case, it is my job to offer undercutters or defeaters to undermine your argument. So what is the case that you are making or is it just some incoherent rants?1) Moral appeal of addressing pollution???? Either we don't live on the same planet or there are some lacunae in your reading. ...and I certainly wasn't trying to conflate, confuse or blend any kind of left-wing tree-buggering eco excrement smoothie......As an aside, I can assure you that this forum is no place to air my political beliefs, which make Stalin, Hitler and Atilla (the other one) look like woolly liberal wimps.
Seriously. You guys are insisting that climate change is man made and you are questioning whether it should be the arbiter. Maybe as you suggest, I am truly in an alternate universe because words no longer have meaning.2) Why should "principally man-made" be the arbiter?
Show me the evidence and not assertions.The weight of evidence does more than just suggest we have a hand in the matter and if there is anything we can do to undo our wrongs then it would be irresponsible not to do it, considering the stakes.
My point was that there is NO downside to acting; so yes, if trading on an "if" and "feeling lucky" meant that on being right I would make a large sum of money (or in this case, that my grand-children would live long and healthy lives) and on being wrong wouldn't change anything in either my bank account or life expectancy of my heirs, then that - as one hears so often these days - is a no-brainer. I would have to be the greatest idiot to walk the earth to not act in these conditions.
Incidentally, since we're chatting: as you so rightly pointed out, this is a trading forum and yet here we are on a Climate Change thread.By your tone, you give the impression that you'd prefer that there were no other threads apart from trading related. If that is so then your case would be better made directly to the great and good of T2W rather than here on, um, the Climate Change thread.
And since we're discussing said Climate Change, (no matter whose fault) then should we not be including anything and everything that pertains to it? IMHO That would include fallacious and dangerous fictions harmful to the human race. Of course, fallacies and fictions that provide fodder for more anodyne and less harmful outcomes probably do belong on another thread. The Brexit one maybe😛
The so called modelling and the famous hockey stick graph to push the warming narrative.
... except that through the climate gate scandal, they were caught fudging data to fit their narrative by omitting inconvenient data.
or the so called model that its prediction does not match reality which raises the question of its utility and the premise of its case
No matter how misguided or moronic is with the notion of flat earth, how is it even relevant to our conversation about climate change? Please point out the nexus.
Seriously. Point out to me the scientific data and I will point out to you the correlation between sun spot activities and the weather.
Is that simply an assertion?
your premise is based on the presupposition that it is broken. Is it?
In any intellectual debate, the most basic structure is that you make a case by stating your underlying premise and whatever associated facts or data there are in support of your argument. If I disagree with the warrant of your case, it is my job to offer undercutters or defeaters to undermine your argument. So what is the case that you are making or is it just some incoherent rants?
Seriously. You guys are insisting that climate change is man made and you are questioning whether it should be the arbiter. Maybe as you suggest, I am truly in an alternate universe because words no longer have meaning.
Show me the evidence and not assertions.
No downside to acting - seriously? There are no free lunches. It is estimated the cost to implement the Paris Accord is up to €46 trillion. What do get you in return? A 0.05 degree improvement.
If you are going to spend €46 trillion, make sure you get your facts right and not rely on some modelling that is highly questionable based on fudge data.
You are entitled to your opinion and so am I.
In any intellectual debate, the most basic structure is that you make a case by stating your underlying premise and whatever associated facts or data there are in support of your argument. If I disagree with the warrant of your case, it is my job to offer undercutters or defeaters to undermine your argument. So what is the case that you are making or is it just some incoherent rants?
Seriously. You guys are insisting that climate change is man made and you are questioning whether it should be the arbiter. Maybe as you suggest, I am truly in an alternate universe because words no longer have meaning.
Show me the evidence and not assertions.
No downside to acting - seriously? There are no free lunches. It is estimated the cost to implement the Paris Accord is up to €46 trillion. What do get you in return? A 0.05 degree improvement.
You are entitled to your opinion and so am I.
Hi, cantagril. I agree with you, as most sensible people should. I think that the human species is going to die out but it does not mean that we should not go down fighting. Besides, it makes sense to me to try to keep the place clean and tidy, not chuck the debris into the oceans for the fish to eat--plastic and all. Chemicals are killing us all, so it can't be doing Mother Earth any good.
Bumsby probably owns a chemical plant, somewhere. He certainly seems very positive that it is not our fault. I remember how cigarette manufacturers insisted that tobacco did not cause cancer.
....it makes sense to me to try to keep the place clean and tidy, ......