Too much strong coffee today Split?
Should it start hotting up too quickly I suggest using a natural phenomiinem to cool the planet. It is a bit drastic but if people like Trump won't cooperate it may be necessary in the future.
It could be. I've heard of people talking to themselves but I must be the first to post to himself. 😱
Back in the 19th century there was a massive volcanic explosion which caused a rapid decrease in temperatures.
A huge amount of dust was ejected into the stratosphere. Well dropping a large bomb down an active volcano might cause the same result.
Atilla, those photos make me think that 12 years is not an impossible figure, at all. It's not that the world is going to end, or that the human race will die out just like that. It is that the quality of life will go downhill and there will be no going back.
Atilla, those photos make me think that 12 years is not an impossible figure, at all. It's not that the world is going to end, or that the human race will die out just like that. It is that the quality of life will go downhill and there will be no going back.
When will the leaders of the planet's strongest nations who still waste shedloads of money on more nuclear weapons like submarines etc. pull their heads out of fantasy land and wake up to the increasing enviomental threats ?
Did I hear a distant murmur of NEVER ?
Over the past 3 million years, Antarctica has melted completely and frozen again 60 times. Warm water crustacean fossils found in warm periods indicating prolonged periods of warm conditions.
Sure humans have influenced the cycle but definitely isn't responsible for it. There is nothing we can do about a cyclical melting of Antarctica. All we can do is try reduce its next arrival time. In any case in each inctance the oceans rose appropriately 23 feet which will submerge most costal towns and cities.
No doubt mother nature will eventually remove us all be it through a virus mutation, asteroid, polar shift, droughts, etc. That is if we don't remove ourselves first. In any case the earth will reset and start again. You only need to look at the technology we can't match in ancient giant megalithic stone with clear evidence of technology we don't even possess today to understand that we have been advanced before a reset took us back to the stone age.What we can do in the name of climate change is tax billions of hard working taxpayers then squander it on 1st class travel to places like Davos/G8/UN etc where we can tell governments to carry on increasing taxes on hard working tax payers before flying off on a luxury cruise or back to tropical Island hideouts or such like.
The day politics is removed from the climate change agenda is the day I'll start listening, until then it's all bullsh!t designed to make the rich richer.
I feel sorry for Mother nature having to deal with our detritus, there will be no end to it until politicians are removed from the equation or until we are all poisoned by plastic, I fear the latter will arrive before the former.