Climate Change

So Government's saying diesels and petrol to be banned in UK by 2040?

- Apparently we will only need an extra 8 power stations to cope with the overnight charging demand 😆 (How long has the one at Hinkley been in prep?)

Maybe this is a summer intern's idea of taking the heat off Lady Theresa?

They are unlikely to be still in power in 23 years time.
Just political blurb imho
I started noticing climate changes 10 years ago. Everything is changing and not for the better. Nature is just angry with us, because we don't take care of it, and reacts with different disasters. Sometimes I get really scared.
Climate change will take place with or without us. They proved this by drilling cores going back 3 million years in the artic. In that time the artic has melted and frozen again 60 times with warm water crustacean fossils found. In each melt the earth's ocians rose about 23 feet which would wipe out most of our most populated cities.

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Pollution by plastic may be a much bigger threat.
ALL the oceans are now contaminated. Even fresh water rivers.
What do world leaders do ? The idiots buy more weapons !
Glad to see Bloomberg is paying the USA's bill for the Paris Accords.
Great stuff
Glad to see Bloomberg is paying the USA's bill for the Paris Accords.
Great stuff
It's too bad he didn't put that money towards something useful here, like housing for homeless veterans or medical bills for uninsured/underinsured cancer patients, or even donations to local children's hospitals that are overrun by ILLEGAL non paying immigrants that he supports letting into this country. 🙄

It's too bad he didn't put that money towards something useful here, like housing for homeless veterans or medical bills for uninsured/underinsured cancer patients, or even donations to local children's hospitals that are overrun by ILLEGAL non paying immigrants that he supports letting into this country. 🙄


The vast majority of known mainstream scientists. in their expert opinions agree that there is climate change. Is Trump an expert ? No.
Anyway can we really afford to ignore their considered opinions ? No we cannot. They have a good chance of being right.
Just to say the opposite won't make it so. Apparently there is likely to be a tipping point where the change not only can't be stopped but is likely to increase until planet Eath is just molten rock like Venus.
Let's not let it get even nearly that far.
Climate change has been going on since the earth was formed, long before man ever came into existence, and will continue as long as this world exists. There is really nothing we can do to stop it. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon.

Climate change has been going on since the earth was formed, long before man ever came into existence, and will continue as long as this world exists. There is really nothing we can do to stop it. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon.


Yes humans were at the mercy of mother nature with climate change that decimated numbers. Famine, starvations, floods and so forth.

Humans are evolving to control their environments. There is increasing knowledge of weather and climate change.

To say that whether we like it or not this will happen anyway let's get on with capitalism, the business of polluting earth without paying for costs simply is asking for trouble.

If your logic is applied humanity would still be worshipping all sorts of gods and and perverse sacrifices blaming one person or another.

In the past climate change has taken place over 1000s of years. Scientific research is throwing up increasing stats showing an acceleration in global warming.

As a living person half a century old I can vouch for what is extreme weather I don't recalling witnessing when younger. I dread to think what my children will witness when they reach my age.

I think personally we should all be concerned rather than having false sense of security that we find our selves in advanced countries and thus perhaps a little more protected against the elements then rest of humanity.

Of course then there is the free rider problem.

God save America! Eheeemmm the rest of the World can sort them selves out! :whistling
There is universal scientific agreement that long-term global warming is occurring, that it is going to have a significant impacts and that human activities are the major cause of its modern period acceleration.
A scientific consensus has emerged among top mainstream climate scientists that “skeptics” or “lukewarmers” were not long ago derided for suggesting — there was a nearly two-decade long “hiatus” in global warming that climate models failed to accurately predict or replicate.
A new paper, led by climate scientist Benjamin Santer, adds to the ever-expanding volume of “hiatus” literature embracing popular arguments advanced by skeptics, and even uses satellite temperature datasets to show reduced atmospheric warming.
More importantly, the paper discusses the failure of climate models to predict or replicate the “slowdown” in early 21st century global temperatures, which was another oft-derided skeptic observation.
The global warming “hiatus” is real and the models didn’t see it coming
“In the early twenty-first century, satellite-derived tropospheric warming trends were generally smaller than trends estimated from a large multi-model ensemble,” reads the abstract of Santer’s paper, which was published Monday.
“Over most of the early twenty-first century, however, model tropospheric warming is substantially larger than observed,” reads the abstract, adding that “model overestimation of tropospheric warming in the early twenty-first century is partly due to systematic deficiencies in some of the post-2000 external forcings used in the model simulations.”

There is no "settled" science - merely politics and fraudulent science a la climate gate.


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3 to 5 million years ago, earth's climate was 3 degrees warmer than it is currently. It has also melted 60 times in the last 3 million years. Scientists have measured sea levels increase by as much as 60 feet in these instances. On each of these, Antarctica because warm with forests. We probably will see problems with cities that are close to below sea level in the next 50 years.

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There is no "settled" science - merely politics and fraudulent science a la climate gate.



If the idea that Man is changing the rate or extent of climate change turns out to be right then maybe we'll be helping our descendants survive. OTOH if it all turns out to be just hot air then we will still have addressed pollution in a more strategic fashion.

If we do nothing then we won't be in a position to recover from the omission once we're beyond the tipping point; I (for one) am quite fond of my children and I dare say I might even be concerned as to my putative grandchildren's survival too. So,
IMHO, it all boils down to Dirty Harry:

Do we feel lucky?

As traders, I'd suggest that "feeling lucky" would be ridiculed as a strategy so why should that not be the case when it's about the survival of the species?

Well done cantagril.

I seem to remember reading that the global warming denial campaign at least in the US is being driven by Christian fundamentalists. Interestingly, so is the flat earth campaign. Both are taking (parts of) the bible literally.
If the idea that Man is changing the rate or extent of climate change turns out to be right then maybe we'll be helping our descendants survive. OTOH if it all turns out to be just hot air then we will still have addressed pollution in a more strategic fashion.

If we do nothing then we won't be in a position to recover from the omission once we're beyond the tipping point; I (for one) am quite fond of my children and I dare say I might even be concerned as to my putative grandchildren's survival too. So,
IMHO, it all boils down to Dirty Harry:

Do we feel lucky?

As traders, I'd suggest that "feeling lucky" would be ridiculed as a strategy so why should that not be the case when it's about the survival of the species?

I know a long march starts with but a single step, but when you are examine changes to the earth that take place over billions of years data stretching from 1975 is worth near to zilch.

I do agree with you, though, that we might as well assume that humankind is impacting adversely on the planet (not just climate change). Logic suggests that the extent of human activity must be affecting the natural balance so it’s right to tackle it. Easy for those who can afford to do so, however, but try convincing those who are desperately trying to catch-up.