Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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So you have no idea about fractals either then. How about chaos - could you explain how chaos theory is applied in your theories.

I have just given you a definition how is the smallest scale to observe stabilities and instability = chaos.

How come you concluded I have no idea?

Every thing has fractal even every word of God has fractal e.g. Leviticus 25:3 is a fractal of economic activity. 6 years thou shall invest, prune and take profit. You can break that down to fractals of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, each of these fractal have space, top and bottom where you can observed righteous and unrighteous events.
self evidently you don't understand chaos or fractals or God.

I assume you are working on the greater fool theory - I think you will struggle.
self evidently you don't understand chaos or fractals or God.

I assume you are working on the greater fool theory - I think you will struggle.

Let us here from your end this time what is fractal finance?
There is no such thing as fractal finance - charts are fractal in that charting of price movement is self similar - but only a statistically which is a very weak similarity , many of the other desired requirements for a fractal are not met even with price charts - let alone 'finance'.
There is no such thing as fractal finance - charts are fractal in that charting of price movement is self similar - but only a statistically which is a very weak similarity , many of the other desired requirements for a fractal are not met even with price charts - let alone 'finance'.

Look at your statement who set the requirements for a fractal, how do you define a fractal
It's a well known mathematical term that descibes something that is self similar. i.e it is a term agreed upon for the subset of those things that have this property.

Mandelbrot coinded it - but it describes observable properties so there is no 'authority' needed to set any requirement.

I hope it's clear to anyone reading that you have no idea - and are basically just making **** up to part people from their hard earned cash.
It's a well known mathematical term that descibes something that is self similar. i.e it is a term agreed upon for the subset of those things that have this property.

Mandelbrot coinded it - but it describes observable properties so there is no 'authority' needed to set any requirement.

I hope it's clear to anyone reading that you have no idea - and are basically just making **** up to part people from their hard earned cash.

I am not making up anything, except you have not expanded your mathematical reasoning beyond what you were taught.

- you made a point by saying something that is FRACTAL is self similar............and has subsets.

However you find FRACTAL in all things, and everything have self-similarity properties and have subsets even finance. Mathematics does not stop at looking at physical properties, you find fractal in behaviours of people. You find what is also called market behaviour. Your views of saying there is nothing like fractal finance should be thrown out of behavioural science discipline. You are simple ignorant or unable to use mathematics to solve human problems.

Part 2: Fractal of human (financial) Behaviours

Behaviours cannot take place in a vaccum it must have a space to occupy. That space itself also have fractal. The space where good behaviours and bad behaviours takes place must have a beginning and ending - this is your bottoms and tops, and can be observable from your trading chart.

Good example of space we can observe human behaviours is TIME SPACE. Time has start and end, bottoms and tops. For example business cycle as decreed in Leviticus 25:3. as follows - Seven years, yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, minutes, seconds, all have starting and ending; bottoms and tops.

Can you see why people have been chasing shadows of bottoms of markets by looking at bottoms of price, or resistance and support lines, or fibos, This is very wrong. They handed over human behaviours to be under the controls of lines drawn on a chart.

Market bottoms and tops are fixed by God according calendar of activities specified in Leviticus 25, full stop, and QED.

Can you see fractals inside God's own business cycles?

Can't you see that they are subsets with small subsets similar to the bigger ones?😀😀

Look at the similarity inside them all have bottoms and tops, all have space that contains activities or your so-called price actions which I call price behaviours but really they are human behaviours...the behaviours of primary market participants.

Part 3: Accepting and Rejecting Price Actions or Human behaviours

Whether you call it price actions they are really human behaviours. Some of them when done according to fixed fractal patterns of Leviticus 25:3 should be regarded as good actions and accepted norms.

When done outside it or in contrary to Leviticus 25:3 should be rejected because they are bad behaviours.

Who rejects and accept the good and bad behaviours of primary market participants?

The retail investors. Anyone who invest according to actions of primary market participants. You can see their actions are bad from your chart, but most times you lack the will to resists their bad actions because you have been brought up to look at greed and short selling, lawlessness, and speculating against God's law as good actions.

If you have bad spirits you won't see anything wrong in bad behaviours of primary market participants when they are trying to move price or stir crowd in wrong directions. You will think like them and behave like them.

When you hates God's laws or reject the Bible you won't see anything bad in the behaviours of primary market participants. See Mark 7.

This is the current situation.

I have just given away my course a king from tribal village in Mexico said I am charging money for. I did not charge anything for those that asked and seek for it. If you want to get fine details and implementation of course you have to pay for my time.

Fractal expression doesn't have to be mathematical before you can see fractal in a system.

Mandelbrot got this problem to a point but he is using irrelevant properties -to describe market behaviours.

There is no problem that cannot be solved with chaos and fractal concepts except that it doesn't always have to be solved by mathematical equations. Conflicts are not resolved by mathematics, so is price stabilities and instabilities👍:smart::smart:

The best way to avoid chaos or price instabilities is to follow Jesus Christ and His counsels on how to seek for righteousness and avoid unstable system. He did not say we should not invest or trade or make money out of the behaviours of primary market participants, but we should not follow them to invest or trade when they are misbehaving.

This is the same thing in real life, we transact business with people that have just and righteous business practices and not get involved with illegal businesses.

This is what we talk about in this thread.
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you're talking ******** and I hope everyone can see that.
it is between me and you not everyone

You simply cannot comprehend what you think you know that I don't know, or the Bible is not met for.

Plze offer a more intellectual contribution to this thread than **************** and calling on other people to support your ignorance
Was king Solomon a stock market broker?
I found this today:
“He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks.” (Proverbs 7:22 KJV)

Which tally exactly with how to avoid market chaos using chaos theory based on the Bible.
Most successfull earthly investors borrowed the first part, and ignore the scond part on caution on trading market corrections or aka short selling, greed, etc, or bear markets. King Solomon's adviced above throw overboard the so-called bear market which is mainly correction of stocks

I have uploaded a document for tradeview members at this site.

You need to read the above document to see what you are doing wrong and why
you cannot succeed with earthly carnal tools and knowledge.

Switch to Biblical method if your interest is to be profitable.
Don't be ashamed of using Jesus Christ's method it is the most and the only viable option in periods of market instabilities.
The title of this thread is -

Christian Traders interested in what I am doing?

Simple and concise answer -

By obeying King Solomon's wisdom, produced 256 pips already this morning.
If the rest open trades goes well, one will be looking at close to 500pips today.
Videos will available from my site at the end of the trading day

Pursue Investment Wisdom With All Your Heart!

King Solomon's Wisdom for Stock Markets hidden inside Proverbs 7:22

God gave us trading and investment talents for a purpose; and He will tell you about them if you asked Him and listen to him. After almost 4 years of not giving up - learning, seeking and asking God to show me more of His ways in the financial markets;God has led me to discovered a rare wisdom he gave to King
Solomon - the wisest investor that ever lived on earth.

This wisdom is hidden in the words of King Solomon in Proverbs 7:22

...."as a fool to the correction of the stocks." (King James Version)

Why is it a breakthrough and revelation knowledge?

In the past, it was difficult for me to show people exact examples in the Bible where it mentioned that to invest in stocks is not a sin. As a result, people have attacked me, scorned, mocked and despised me, for claiming that my trading ideas are based on the Bible. Many believed that the whole idea is a scam because they believed that there was no stock exchange as at the time the Bible was written; and as such it is too old for today's hi-tech economies.

King Solomon rein (approximately from 970-928 BCE) yet the Bible portrays him as a king great in wisdom, wealth, and power. The Bible also states that: "The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart."
(1 Kings 10:24)

To me it is this wisdom that God put in his heart that matters. If one can find where in the Bible that King Solomon commented on how he trades or how to trade the stock markets, then such wisdom will also represent God's views on how we should be handling tolday's stock markets.

Most information about King Solomon is derived from the biblical books of Kings I and Chronicles II. Solomon was a prolific writer. He composed 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs. Solomon's wisdom is proverbial. Most of these proberbs need the helps of the Holy Spirit to put them in proper perspective.

If you are inclined to technical analysis of investment charts like myself, you will understand that most people lose their money in a declining stock (panic sell) or the so-called bear markets or market corrections and not when the economy is bouyance.

King Solomon called those who invest in the market to take advantage of "stock market corrections" alias panic sell as fools.

...."as a fool to the correction of the stocks" (Proverbs 7:22 King James Version)
Read the whole verse to have a full comprehension.

An interesting part of this is that even today's investors borrowed the terms described by King Solomon in Proverbs 7:22 but corrupted them, however, they take pride in doing what the wisest man warn people not do because such behaviours are foolish.

Hearing this wisdom is one thing, executing is a different thing. We must transform our own habits to conform to the wisdom before we can derived benefits from it.

This is the interesting part of it.

How do we know stock markets are going into "corrections" so that we could avoid chasing after markets or investing unto such markets as fools?

Solomon could not have been speaking outside the framework of God's economic
principles as written in Leviticus 25:3. As you are already aware, this framework I've been able to translate into a model of chaos and fractals of 7 years business cycles which have bottoms and tops. Thus correction will be at the top of the 7th year business cycle.

Chasing after stock on the 7th year is foolish behaviour. It is more than this.

Each year, each month and each week and each day also have fractals with tops and bottoms, thus, you will still be able to see when correction is likely in order to avoid being foolish by taking part in what the Bible called foolish.

Please download my PDF Power point Presentaion here:


Don’t depend on people to tell you why it is impossible to implement the wisdom the Bible says God wrote in the heart of King Solomon. First look at the meaning of who is foolish from the Bible. Those who don't believe in God are described as foolish. These people cannot give you a better investment tips than yourself.

If you have a talent, or good trading skills, God desire to use you and your talent for winning trades and bringing wealth to your family and your church like King Solomon.

I have set up partnership package that could help you key in to my training and to be holding Biblical Financial trading courses to teach people how to make the most out of financial markets by depending on the wisdom God inscribed in the heart of King Solomon as documented in the Bible.

How quickly can we make this to happen? -- because the opportunity to teach people
what is righteous and unrighteous investments practices or what King
Solomon called foolish investment practices are happening right now." Today is the right time.

Once again pick up your Bible and read Proverbs 7:22 and I pray that God will minister to you on how He needs you to be snatching people out of darkness because they've been held captive by foolish people for so long.
A miracle !


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Today, it was 675pips captured and recorded on videos if you need
since start of july total = 1 250 pips.
records are available. it can only be better in stable market

Go on then i'll bite - please make the proof available.
😆?😢? I don't know whether to laugh or cry? Religious based trading, what next?
😆?😢? I don't know whether to laugh or cry? Religious based trading, what next?

Sorry i did not have ttime to reply you.

You can laugh or cry it is aloud:

Result: = 2534 pips in three weeks

Thanks all for your interest and patience.
The new auto-trade system based on on King Solomon's wisdom.

This has produced 2534 pips in three weeks; markets have been very unstable.

You will find results here are available for verifications:

Learn more about King Solomon investment wisdom from our web site:

King Solomon's wisdom on casting your breads unto waters is the most
appropriate method of managing risks both in stable and unstable economies.

The stumbling block to people is that they are looking at anything 'Biblical'
as old and irrelevant. This is blindness and ways Satan and his agents have
been misleading people since time of Adam.

On the contrary Biblical does not mean that the knowledge is out dated
but divine and guaranteed results as instructed by God.

A wisdom cannot be too old or irrelevant if you can design a strategy
and technology around it.

This is what I have done with auto trading system.

Secrete of King Solomon

He was a prayer warrior and intercessor. Uncovered this prayer today
and receive your own financial miracle instantly.

Join our prayer intercession service as well:

PM me for link

And receive your financial breakthrough it works for me,
and it is working for many others as well.

Best Regards,
Now sending out automated FX trades based on the wisdom of King Solomon.Everything is working fine with very high return. Trade entry and close are done via a third party platform.

New Service - Worldwide Intercessory Prayers for God's mercies on our financial sins.

The secret of attracting endless out pouring of financial miracles is in intercession for God's people. From Abraham to King Cyrus, these people were blessed abundantly because they were interceding with all their souls, resources and substances for God to come
down and change a situation. Learn the secrete in King Solomon prayers and how to attract God's financial miracle with it.

PM if you want to start a local group in your country/region.

I am also looking for 100 core partners bold to duplicate this knowledge. Get up and claim our breakthrough knowledge it is yours.
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