Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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Can you please clarify where you saw the offer?

Attached are the following:

1) The first slide of your "Give a portion to Seven" presentation that has you as the author

2) Slide number 37 which shows a multi level recruitment for earning of commissions. If everyone who joins then recruits others that is a pyramid. However, if this is not the case then I ask again that you clarify in what way it is different ?

On a separate issue I also see that your "Signal Performance Service" is performing extremely badly which is the third attachment. However, if that is also not the case then please clarify in what way ?



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Attached are the following:

1) The first slide of your "Give a portion to Seven" presentation that has you as the author

2) Slide number 37 which shows a multi level recruitment for earning of commissions. If everyone who joins then recruits others that is a pyramid. However, if this is not the case then I ask again that you clarify in what way it is different ?

On a separate issue I also see that your "Signal Performance Service" is performing extremely badly which is the third attachment. However, if that is also not the case then please clarify in what way ?


Paul the Octopus, agreed that you are the one assuming that I said pryramid scheme on this forum. To explain yourself you have to go outside the thread and the forum to present more errors and false information.

Slide number 37: Exaplain yourself where I mentioned pyramid or anything even close to it or even a multi-level, where people have to pay to enter.

The image you are using to give false information is standard referral system for anyone that create a secon signal account after the first account. From the second account, instead fo paying $5 per day, the person only pays $3 per day, for as many accounts they create or referred. Is this meaning of pyramid scheme?

It seems you have problem of understanding what is multilevel or pyramid or you are bent to telling lies and giving wrong information to forum members. This is bad for your image as a staff. May God forgive you.

Change your name from Paul to Paul the Octopus, and I think you should not be a staff of this forum. You are misleading people. All your comments on this thread has be negatives.

On signal service you are also giving wrong information. I feed signal to a different platforms and all are profitable. Please give actual url if the forum allowed I will give actuall url of all my signal services for people to see themselves.
Attached are the following:

1) The first slide of your "Give a portion to Seven" presentation that has you as the author

2) Slide number 37 which shows a multi level recruitment for earning of commissions. If everyone who joins then recruits others that is a pyramid. However, if this is not the case then I ask again that you clarify in what way it is different ?

On a separate issue I also see that your "Signal Performance Service" is performing extremely badly which is the third attachment. However, if that is also not the case then please clarify in what way ?

As follow up: the slide you are referring to is actually accessible via my signature below

Since it is implemented everything is moving perfectly ok.
:smart: you can PM if you need the url to a third party auto-trading platform.
and it is fantastic ranking among the top 20 provider in just 3 weeks of sending
the signals to them.

Next time plz make sure you asked before misleading people
Next time plz make sure you asked before misleading people

I originally asked for clarification which you declined to give and told me to show where I got the information from so I did and now you are complaining that I did what you asked me to do.

I originally asked for clarification which you declined to give and told me to show where I got the information from so I did and now you are complaining that I did what you asked me to do.

I am not complaining but saying you are wrong with your interpretaion of what is a pyramid.How do you come to the conclusion that it is a pyramid, remember were the issue of clarification is coming from. It is like you post without reasoning. there are so many people like that doing unwise things in this forum.

Most times you also speak as if you know what God wants; and you are representing him than anyone else here. Did he asked you to post false information or accuse his children falsingly about pyramid scheme?

Just say you are sorry and let us move on to other areas.

if you love Jesus Christ, and you are his mouthpiece here, and you have gone through the Power Point presentation to search for one template just to discredit me what about the remaining templates taking about the Christ you loved? You mean you could not pick one or two wisdom for investment that you can proclaim here to bring hope to people?

Are all the templates useless? Is there nothing inside that can make people turn their results around? and return to Christ for advice. Let start from this angle and I want to hear from you cos I know you gone through the entire presentation.

I want you to see the massive financial possibilities inside the template as a partner and not as an enemy.
fcta said, "why can't I use God to make money? "

I would have thought a religious person would object to fcta "using" God to make money.
Is that what "God" is there for?
What is worse morally, even to an atheist like me, is to "use" God to screw money out of people, even using a biblical figure like Solomon to do it. Wow ! there must be a lot of gullible folk out there.
For anyone with any moral scruples it is plain disgusting.

It might well be that carrying posts promoting a pyramid scheme is illegal for t2w.
fcta said, "why can't I use God to make money? "

I would have thought a religious person would object to fcta "using" God to make money.
Is that what "God" is there for?
What is worse morally, even to an atheist like me, is to "use" God to screw money out of people, even using a biblical figure like Solomon to do it. Wow ! there must be a lot of gullible folk out there.
For anyone with any moral scruples it is plain disgusting.

It might well be that carrying posts promoting a pyramid scheme is illegal for t2w.

If atheist can call on devil or his idol, what about me? whom shall I call upon if I want to make money?

I call upon my God, the owner of the money and the people as well.

Maybe Paul will help you in this regard.

Wisdom of King Solomon is what it is. To guide people to make money with their investment within the framework of God's law.

Now you are talking of moral, whose standard are you following when it comes to moral decision? That of God or devil?
Most times you also speak as if you know what God wants; and you are representing him than anyone else here.

This is complete and total nonsense and something I would never claim to make in the context of a trading forum. I will question and challenge when I see something that appears to be questionable from a point of either moral standing or doubtful deductive reasoning.

And you, Daniel, would say yes, KIng Solomon, chop the child in half that I may sell the top half to my local organ recycling shop.
No Daniel, that isn't a tenth as ridiculous as virtually every post you write.

Most of us have a sense of right or wrong, even the irreligious. You have no sense, period.
In fact, if I were religious I'd say you are the spawn of Lucifer.
This is complete and total nonsense and something I would never claim to make in the context of a trading forum. I will question and challenge when I see something that appears to be questionable from a point of either moral standing or doubtful deductive reasoning.

If you cannot claim you know what God wants in the public or trading forum then you don't know God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor you know the Bible. God wants us to know Him, understand Him, and make use of His knowledge and wisdom to make wealth.

Thus, if you are questioning something or challenging something that appears to be questionable base on the your human reasoning is not of God.

Talking of morals whose moral are you talking of? God's standard? or Human standards?

Is it moral to have trading services, teaching or tips outside the morals entrenched inside the Bible?
And you, Daniel, would say yes, KIng Solomon, chop the child in half that I may sell the top half to my local organ recycling shop.
No Daniel, that isn't a tenth as ridiculous as virtually every post you write.

Most of us have a sense of right or wrong, even the irreligious. You have no sense, period.
In fact, if I were religious I'd say you are the spawn of Lucifer.

When an atheist is cornered with his foolishness he goes on the rampage and more distortion of information.

Now is stock markets pryramid scheme?
If you cannot claim you know what God wants in the public or trading forum then you don't know God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor you know the Bible.

This is arrogance and pride on your part and has been the case for many who claim to know what God wants but if that is the case then explain to me now why there are literally hundreds of different versions of Christianity with many that are completely against trading ? How do you know that you are right and all these others (who also quote from Old and New Testament) are wrong ?

I see this time and again not just with Christians but with all those who have adopted faith in whatever religion they choose. All claim to know what God wants and yet there are gaping chasms in how they interpret and practice it. Even some of the greatest figures in the Old and New Testament (including Solomon, Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, Thomas, Paul etc who supposedly all had special connections) were not immune to acting outside of this and it is dangerous for you or anyone else to think that they are.

Most of your arguments are based on deductive reasoning which is the same cause as to why there are so many versions of Christianity in the first place. The problem is that the very nature of this makes it flawed otherwise there would be only one faith and everyone would practice it. As this is not the case I will question "deductive reasoning" as and where I choose to. If I get an answer back that demonstrates "authority" (and you know what I mean by this) then I would be unable to reply. As that has not happened with anything you have said then it is clear that your comments are not coming from a level at which that is inspired, in other words your replies and comments are of this world only.

Well, I did get a post started but deleted it. What's the use? The best is to stay away from these threads and do your own thing.
This is arrogance and pride on your part and has been the case for many who claim to know what God wants but if that is the case then explain to me now why there are literally hundreds of different versions of Christianity with many that are completely against trading ? How do you know that you are right and all these others (who also quote from Old and New Testament) are wrong ?

I see this time and again not just with Christians but with all those who have adopted faith in whatever religion they choose. All claim to know what God wants and yet there are gaping chasms in how they interpret and practice it. Even some of the greatest figures in the Old and New Testament (including Solomon, Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Peter, Thomas, Paul etc who supposedly all had special connections) were not immune to acting outside of this and it is dangerous for you or anyone else to think that they are.

Most of your arguments are based on deductive reasoning which is the same cause as to why there are so many versions of Christianity in the first place. The problem is that the very nature of this makes it flawed otherwise there would be only one faith and everyone would practice it. As this is not the case I will question "deductive reasoning" as and where I choose to. If I get an answer back that demonstrates "authority" (and you know what I mean by this) then I would be unable to reply. As that has not happened with anything you have said then it is clear that your comments are not coming from a level at which that is inspired, in other words your replies and comments are of this world only.


As for deductive reasoning you are wrong I based my reasoning on faith and what is written in the Bible, along side the guidiance of the Holy Spirit, who is my Comforter, my Teacher, Director, Stock Market Advisor, and everything. The different versions of the Bible is not a problem with a true Christian, because the Spirit of God will even compel such a person to read all the versions or at least 1 or 2 to see which is right or have proper meaning.

All what you questioned here including wisdom of King Solomon are producing great results when applied to stock markets. If you now go to starting bringing old lady's fables why the Bible is this or that, your views have no effect on the result.

The Bible remains the standard for my trades and actions not your interpretation

Your problem with so many versions shows that you are warring against Christianity and Christ, otherwise you would have derived joy in seeking for the truth and the true version. Or at least leave the interpretation to the Holy Spirit.

The Authority on issues I have raised here is Christ. He Lords of over chaos, risks, give a portion to seven, foolish people runs after market corrections, everything about the concept of using the Bible to trade righteously in as far I take them directly from the Bible.

If you apply the knowledge you have the same authority over the subject matter and even power over all contrary views like you have right now. Look there is no Authority other than Christ in this regard. I have applied this Authority according to what He said and help from the Holy Spirit.

23 This is what the LORD says:
“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,”
declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV)

On wealth and creating wealth with His knowledge only fools argue about the stand of our Lord Jesus Christ. If not His knowledge and parables, who else has the knowledge to make wealth?

10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe.
11 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city;
they imagine it an unscalable wall.
Proverbs 18:10-11 (NIV)

Anyone who believes that the Bible is not for wealth creation has been duped by atheists and non believers.
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