Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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This is not a forum full of the weak and vulnerables, go stand in a school zone if you want to protect the weak.

My mission is not only met for those who are weak and vulnerable to fasle trading techniques like false breakouts, but to those who are engulfed with bad trading practices like short-selling, greed, lawlessness, wickedness that sent DOW crashing 1000 points in 1 hour, and causes people like charts to be gripped with panic, fear, and uncertainity about the funds left for them to be managed by innocent clients.

I come to show people how to use chaos to avoid irrational behaviours of primary market participants, though many people are hiding not able to sum up courage to try the Bible, they know that their your methods has failed them once more.

Stop being tough. You know that you are nursing your wounds, the battle of financial markets is not for the tough, fools and harden hearts unless you took part in short-selling or betting that the Euro will fall last time even when your learders were running around to borrow money to bail out the sinking ship.

1) did you short sell that your leaders will fail in their attempt to package a bail out
plan by 6th May 2006? This was what some US congressmen were doing in 2008 betting that their economy was going down and making money out of it.


2) the crash caught you napping like Mr. Chart? by the time he woke up one hour later, he wiped out all funds under his management. Pity.

Are you joking!
The school kids in the UK will eat him alive

I think your schoo kids would want to know why Daddy is no longer making money from
stock markets. They will want to know why you were short-selling against govt package?

This is not in their school text books of demand and supply.

they will want to know why their Daddies were demonstrating in Greece
and what will happen in Spain and Italy any time from now.........they live in
uncertainties like any kid around the world.

Kids will want to know how they can avoid the misake of their fathers.

Chart what is your view on this? Are your kids like father like sons totally engrossed
in greed and irrational trading practices?
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they will want to know why their Daddies were demonstrating in Greece
and what will happen in Spain and Italy any time from now.........they live in
uncertainties like any kid around the world.

Kids will want to know how they can avoid the misake of their fathers.

Are you implying that a move to Namibia is preferable ?

Are you implying that a move to Namibia is preferable ?


You are try to switch the why kids in Uk will listen to me.
Read here:
Originally Posted by gamma View Post
Are you joking! The school kids in the UK will eat him alive

I am implying why they will not eat me up but listening to me attentively.......why and how
their daddies are causing the global mess right now. Debts arises out of sins and rejection of God's economic principles. Is high time people know how these sins are committed by top funds and hedge funds managers, etc. and show them a better way.

No matter how people hate God, most times they listens when they are gripped with fear
and what tomorrow will bring. Even the hardened hearts here have fear right now, as none of them can stand up and dare forecast what direction markets will go for next month.....June. Will it rise or continue to fall, who dare stand up among you?
I am implying why they will not eat me up but listening to me attentively.......why and how their daddies are causing the global mess right now

This is just not true, most children's parents have no involvement in trading. You are arguing the particular to the general which is not the case.

Also the way that most trading wealth is acquired is by taking it off others and that is as applicable to you and your trading as anyone else. The fact that you justify it by saying that this is what God intended makes no difference to what you are engaged in. Trading is about getting something for nothing and if you have religious beliefs then there is no escaping the fact that there is nothing written anywhere that this is what God intended.

This is just not true, most children's parents have no involvement in trading. You are arguing the particular to the general which is not the case.

Also the way that most trading wealth is acquired is by taking it off others and that is as applicable to you and your trading as anyone else. The fact that you justify it by saying that this is what God intended makes no difference to what you are engaged in. Trading is about getting something for nothing and if you have religious beliefs then there is no escaping the fact that there is nothing written anywhere that this is what God intended.

This is just not true, most children's parents have no involvement in trading. You are arguing the particular to the general which is not the case.
In that case

Which means they will listen to me if I preach how people trade unrighteously in the market.

I disagree with your silent swaying views that it is not written anywhere about trading and what God intended to do with those who purposes causes markets to crash, either directly or working as bank executives, or in other public and private enterprises. Otherwise God would not have spent so much time on talking about sinners and the righteous. When a nation's economy crashed due to debt, all inhabitants are to blame whether they have contributed directly or not. If the world's economy crashed, we are all responsible.

That is why we must intensified spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and his righteous way to invest, whether we are directly involved or not. Whether kids are in inner city or not. They must be shown the call is not pleasure as just Christ said we must walk the same road he walked.

Not all investments are taking off others unless those who foolishly invest in contrary to God's principles. Unless you are saying that you do not believe that God has his own economic principles, that is a different subject, I have no say in that what you believe or not.
Investment is not the same as trading as well you know. My comments are specific to trading and the reality that it is getting something effectively for nothing by taking off others who are playing the same game and are in the market at the same time.

Investment is not the same as trading as well you know. My comments are specific to trading and the reality that it is getting something effectively for nothing by taking off others who are playing the same game and are in the market at the same time.


We are saying the same thing then that is evil and unrightous. Many people that got entagle into trading like you put it e.g. FOREX or were taught the wrong knowlege of the world instead of taking FOREX as investment. I have explained this another forum, and many wanted me to be banned.

When we invest in FOREX e.g. GBP/USD, we are indirectly investing unto UK economy, this is the way people should be trading or investing unto currencies. This will enable you to invest according to godly principle and not playing the game of buy and sell as you put it above.
Disasters That Might Strike Financial Markets Anytime - 2010 the worse is not yet over.

Accept God’s escape doors:

Adopt chaos theory based on biblical principles
Have a Cash Reserve - It is Biblical
Accept doing His Business
Save souls – spread His Knowledge to the financial markets
Choose Christ as your Fund Manager/broker

Video and slide available via You Tube for those interested PM me
Kudos for preaching and including your methods of trading. Everyone has a right to trade and teach in their own way. I happen to believe in God therefore apply my finances within his teachings. Read the Parable of the Minas.

Thanks for your linterest and ink, and I was able to use the parable to do a presentation on what if the recession persists or the global economy should crash further go worse than what has happened in Greece?

I have also presented the views of 23 top experts including German Chancellor
Angela Merkel are saying about the state of the world's debt and how this can ruin many nations including your job or business(s). Everything seems to be pointing to the end of October/December.

There are turns of video presentations on
"Relying on Jesus Christ as your Stock Market Broker"

The site provides interesting but practical options of how to rely on Jesus Chrsit as our investment broker/advisor in this chaotic and erratic times.

You should find among others the following interesting insights:

1. Stark realities of the parable of Minas
2. Do you know how Jesus Christ will invest in the face of global economic depression or chaos?
3. Never Let Chaos or Crisis go to waste!
4. Waiting for Rapture.....But Will He come to Rapture you with a broke or indebted Kingdom?
5. Cash Reserve and how to setup one

The idea is for me to bring this knowledge to the notice of millions of people and show them how Jesus Christ provides alternative and best solutions to the current global financial crisis.

Any one can PM for the link since I cannot post a link here.
The parable of the Minas is nothing to do with investment for personal gain which is what all those who try to justify their activities try to make it. It is about stewardship of a kingdom for the ultimate benefit of the master when he returns. None of the returns made by any of the stewards was for their own benefit and it is really about using the abilities one has to bring more people to redemption.

The parable of the Minas is nothing to do with investment for personal gain which is what all those who try to justify their activities try to make it. It is about stewardship of a kingdom for the ultimate benefit of the master when he returns. None of the returns made by any of the stewards was for their own benefit and it is really about using the abilities one has to bring more people to redemption.

You are correct unless yourself is investing for personal gain. As a Christian you should invest as a Light to the world and for the purpose of implementing parables and economic principles of the Kingdom.

Are you saying it is not possible to use your talents to invest righteously based on the parables of Jesus Christ in today's investment landscape. Please explain why you think so.
Why I dumped Henri Poincare Chaos theory

“If we knew exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the universe at the initial moment we could predict exactly the situation of that same universe at a succeeding moment.” - Henri Poincaré, Father of Chaos theory.

I struggle to apply this theory for financial markets for a long time until I read Genesis 1:2. At the initial stage of the earth and the universe was chaos until God separated chaos from orderliness and something good called came out if it.

Initial moment for markets could be at the start of Day -: or business cycle; Each start of a cycle is chaos, the succeeding moment or cycle expect chaos too. Very simple to apply in all situations and ways of life.

If we follow what God did at the initial moment - laws of separation - He took time to seperate evils from good and cast out evil. So I dropped Henri Poincare principles for for principles of Jesus Christ.

If you can code thoughts of ordinary human thoughts of Henri Poincare, we can do better with thoughts and parables of Jesus Christ.

You can apply Bible even mathematically to do anything.............

I have designed a powerful give it shall be given system to help traders build up quick cash reserve in case of hard times ..........hard times is sure to get share or rewards daily from people blessing us with membership fees to access financial gospel materials.

The Lord is on our site, the market is on our side, and history is on our side, there is no better times than coming hard times to start demonstrating to people how to implement God's principles and parables in our investments.

Anyone interested in partnership should contact me.
Will God really judge me though, I knew nothing about how the financial crisis came about?

All will be judged, that is why there is God. No judgement means there is no God.
But the Bible says there is God who is the owner of the economy we messed up


You will be for good or bad, for believing and not believing, for seeking and for not seeking, for quiet and not being quiet, for hating this thread or loving it, for joining us to spread His knowledge to the dark financial market and for blocking the spread of His Knowledge.


If you can read this thread and see this last picture, it means you can still do something about your investment practices.


Powerful videos on:
How Jesus Christ will invest in the face of global economic depression and market instabilities are now available from my websites. You can download them free and have well informed knowledge on chaos/fractal finance using the Bible.

These videos gives you a better grip of what market stability and instability is without mathemathical/technical jargons.

Strange but true >>>>this will change the way how you make profits in the financial markets. Give my videos a chance to do what many Wall Street Rocket Scientists trainers could not do for you.

Use my contact if you need free links to them.
Bill Hicks: A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a ****ing cross?
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