Christian Traders interested in what I am doing

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You are the living proof that interplanetary travel is real and with us now.

Wake up Mr. charts - Can you still remember this thread?

The piece was written by atheists, promoting atheists view of God and they as the most intelligent people. This is their understanding of what is intelligent.

"I'm not saying that believing in God makes you dumber. My hypothesis is that people with a low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which give answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical," says the professo​

What professor is saying is that, a true believer of Jesus Christ don't measure up in secular IQ scale. This is true. Human reasoning is totally opposit Spiritual way of viewing things, how can we measure up or even show up on your IQ scale. It is not possible since we think in opposit direction.

Assignment for you: I want you to tell me who has the highest IQ to solve this problem faced by traders:

Most of the times, traders are caught up in common market hysteria – panic, fright, fear, greed, rumours, pride.

Market hysteria is when investor is influenced by the crowd’s behavioural stampede and proceeds to make compulsive, irrational, reckless and unrighteous decisions anyway, because the crowds (entire market participants) are committing the same crime and sin because they think the price of an instrument may continue to fall or continue to rise, even when market has reached the end of its cycle. Secular views of breakout for example is like planting when it is harvest time. This is sinful.

For the believer, the Bible says fear such crowd behaviours, do not partake in them because they are not righteous. You must buy and sow at the right time and season. And you must harvest at the right time and seasons.

Also when you see strife, contentions, disagreements, they are signs of panic and war in the market, don't sow your investment among weeds and thorns, but wait for peace to return to markets. Secular traders will say nonesense let us pump all our money into the market for quick return.

You will call my reasoning as dumb because I am following Biblical advice and you that dump your life saving into market filled with weeds and thorns as the right one.

Now past records (2008 crisis) has proved time and time again that the best the world has in this field don't know a dime thing about markets and that secular methods have not produced anything good but sorrows, fear, greed in the hearts of retail traders.

This is a fact, 99% of the crowd here do not even know why they are losing money or why they here.

Some people think they are losing money because of their indicators. This is what they are fed with by professors of economics, etc. That is bullsh*** Even those professor the world awarded Nobel prize to for their own discovering of hedging funds wiped out millions of dollars within few years.

People are losing money simply because they are taking part in reckless, evil, wicked, irrational, behaviour of the market.

Now who has the most IQ. The one that says let us be agressive and follow the broadway
to riches in the stock market or the one that says I will wait till their disorderly behaviour has gone according to the Bible.

Call it snake oil , and call your teacher, I will rob this oil in his face and tell him what has been wrong with what he/she knows.

Financial markets is one place where people cannot run away from keeping to God's principle. Some of you are saying......this is bullsh***t. But you have no choice but to conform to the right time to sow and harvest or else you lose, and most people are losing and in anguish all the times due to inability to keep to the right time to sow and harvest.

For the record and a follow up.

Financial markets crashed again last Thursday the 6th of May 2010, and media headlines blamed this on:

1. High-frequency trading firms that simply stopped trading when the market moved more than 500 points so as not to cause more volatility -

2. Some trades made in error on stocks like Procter & Gamble, 3M and Accenture that set off computer-generated selling.

I blamed it on inefficient or false carnal knowledge of speculating behaviours of market participants. Throw all your EA's away and follow me.

Stability versus Instability = Market Chaos. Chaos is best handle with Biblical knowledge

Further reasons to keep advancing Biblical knowledge for the retail financial markets
are given below:

Currently, market regulators like Security Exchange Commission have no clues on causes of panic selling and the motivations for investors or traders to be betting on such moves other than greed. Panic sell is evil because it is not driven by good intentions or spirits but bad spirits. It doesn’t guarantee prosperity down the line both on the part of those taking part since many don’t know what causes such panic and the extent - both in depth and time frame it will last. In fact, it leads to lower profits and stock returns and more panic and evil in the markets.

Trading FOREX, stocks, options and futures in such periods are extremely problematic. One reason for this is that humanly designed trading systems or trading indicators or strategies or EAs, tend to freak out as investors rushes to withdraw from the market and the greedy ones rushing in to take advantage of the falling prices. This is when emotions or bad spirits of traders totally take control of their actions; when investors become so nervous that they will screw up their orders as they scramble to execute trades or withdraw from the market.

This in turn triggers huge spikes, chain reactions, rumours, barrage of negative headlines about losses and wipe out of money invested by market participants, fear, more rumours, more greed or revenge, and temptations tormenting those on the sidelines to enter the market. It would sometimes take hours or days for the chaos to finally settle down leaving the trading floors as something tattered with turbulence, storm, hurricane, tornado, etc.

Selling unto panic or unstable market other wise called is an interesting concept or trend that has come under a lot of debate in the last three years. Like greed, its protagonists do not see anything wrong in betting on the rise and fall of instrument of trades. Is that not what investment is all about, they will argue. This means that profits can be made from either the rising prices or declining prices, at will, without regards to the law of demand and supply or who is on the opposite side of the trade. Others deplore it because it fuelled greed in the markets and do not follow the natural laws or principles of investment, nor do such investments obey God’s principles of sowing and harvesting.

However, almost everyone is secretly doing it. For example, a Wall Street Journal analysis of congressional disclosures shows that some members of Congress made risky bets with their own money that U.S. stocks or bonds would fall during the financial crisis. While Goldman Sachs purposely packaged mortgage investment they knew that it was deem to fail, sold the package as good business to other banks and financiers, and then turned around to bet (took short position) against what they sold as good business package. The May 6th 2010 market crash is said to have been partly triggered by those who purposely set up high computer-generated selling on the ground that the Greece bail-out plan being worked out by the European governments will fall apart.

This is now the second major crash in three years. Whether you want to hear this or not, this pattern of purposely generated panic selling may become the norms in the years to come.

Proverbs 28:8-9 says that which is ill got, though it may increase much, will not last long. Thus, the poor are repaid, and God is glorified. The sinner at whose prayers God is angry is one who obstinately refuses to obey God's commands that warn people to abstain from greed.

Stability versus instability - to be or not to be.

So far we have show that market instability most times are driven by irrational human behaviours or bad spirits, thus, one must only invest in stable markets - when participants are exhibiting signs of peace; and avoid any investment when they are showing signs of bad spirits or evils that causes market instability.

Both actions that generated good or bad spirits can be spot in advance through intepretation of trading charts with proper training (see my ebook: avoiding market whipsaws by the Grace of God). Retail market participants have no control over the spirits that is prevailing in the markets that they see on their trading charts. However, they have control over the spirits that encourages them to push the sell or buy buttons or stay out of markets.

This is the breakthrough in the application of chaos theory for financial markets using the Bible which has come under fire in this thread for almost two years.

Simple method of Jesus Christ - can help you detect both bad and good spirits from your trading chart using chaos theory If you can spot evils in the market and avoid investments during such periods of turmoil; or protect your investments from margin calls; and also be able to rebuke Satan from luring you into markets during such period of short selling, we can say that the signs of our Lord Jesus Christ are following you in your investments practices.

This is also the same thing as saying that you are following the counsels of Jesus Christ in your investments or listening to Jesus Christ as your stock market counsellor instead of listening to earthly brokers with limited knowledge on how to handle chaotic situations.

You have the power to REBUKE, CAST OUT and take TOTAL control of all unclean spirits devouring your financial investments by rejecting all carnal knowledge of investment practices....don't mind the intimidation or harrassments of people with lesser IQ on trading the stocks markets. We are called to bring Light to the financial market and the Light is here.

If you have been humbled to eat the dirt or crushed and humiliated as a result of your investments in the financial markets ........FOREX markets, stock markets, commodit markets, property markets, indexes, government bonds,CFDs, options, etc, using carnal knowledge seek for alternative knowledge which is available to you. You don't have to be following the foolish worldly knowledge.

If you are engulfed in financial losses, sadness, anger, fear, uncertainty, rejections, pains in creation of wealth and unable to be profitable with your investments in the financial markets - remember that the simple method of Christ is waiting to set you free and prosper you as well. No need to be ashamed of applying His knowledge to doing exploit in the financial markets.

All You Need is to create time to watch and SHARE all our FREE Powerful Financial Deliverance Videos and you will be set FREE AGAIN by simple applications of JESUS CHRIST to your financial investments.

Cheers and be joyful and have hope because there is Light of God coming to the financial markets
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What a load of old crap. Markets are tetchy because of the possibly that large amounts of debt will not be repaid or cannot be repaid. Which might led to a nasty chain of defaults.

"Spirits" have got nothing at all to do with it.
And anyway, the notion that god is somehow immune to a 'fat finger' moment is clearly farcical. What do you think the bloody volcano was? He was only aiming for a quick rumble and a few boiled tourists in the spas and now look at the place. bloody ash everywhere...
And anyway, the notion that god is somehow immune to a 'fat finger' moment is clearly farcical. What do you think the bloody volcano was? He was only aiming for a quick rumble and a few boiled tourists in the spas and now look at the place. bloody ash everywhere...

And anyway, the notion that god is somehow immune to a 'fat finger' moment is clearly farcical. What do you think the bloody volcano was? He was only aiming for a quick rumble and a few boiled tourists in the spas and now look at the place. bloody ash everywhere...

I blamed it on inefficient or false carnal knowledge of speculating behaviours

It is not possible to have "Carnal" knowledge of "speculating behaviour" as it is not a physical entity.

It is not possible to have "Carnal" knowledge of "speculating behaviour" as it is not a physical entity.


😀 I must say these Holy Rollers could show the politicians a thing or two on how to package words into an incomprehensible sentence. I'm thinking of George Bush. He would have loved that one.
It is not possible to have "Carnal" knowledge of "speculating behaviour" as it is not a physical entity.


Well paul it is possible from your chart. It doesn't have to be phiscal entity alone. If you take your chart as outcomes of actions of human behaviours, some actions can be grouped as outcome of bad spirits, and others as outcomes of good spirits.

Of cause we all talk of market mood is that not correct - market can be angry, stormy, turbulence and create turmoils, fear, panic and instability. It can also be calm as well and following stable and the desired directions.

So you there you go - market is spirits events and the Biblical wisdoms, counsels and knowledge offers best solutons on how to handle instability and stability of human behaviours.

So where are we at as of today? Have we had our rest these past two weeks and are on our way to a new work period. Or is the market going through a disobedience zone, how long was Jonahs disobedience zone before he got back on track?
So where are we at as of today? Have we had our rest these past two weeks and are on our way to a new work period. Or is the market going through a disobedience zone, how long was Jonahs disobedience zone before he got back on track?

This is like you are worried like Jonah. Jonah knew while he was worried, but you don't seems to. I can help alot of people here but I cannot post any link that is too bad.

He is what I am sending out to my list as warning

This may interest you: global market crash is looming. You may PM if you are a real
investor and want to learn how to avoid instability this will cause or take advantage
of it.

I know you may not want to hear this, but all evidences are pointing to a big crash unless...........some quick intervention happens now.

"fractals of The Day of the Lord " is a new quick note I have compiled and available free but I cannot post link.

Question answered:

Will the Lord’s Day actually come in this fall of 2010 which is between now and September 8th 2010?

This is what some Biblical scholars are saying right now and that this will cause a “complete global economic collapse starting by FALL of 2010”!

The evidences are just too much to ignore.

The Euro zone currency has already crashed back to where it was in 2008. Will the world economy - stocks and banking oil, gold, silver, etc, followed suit? This will start the 7 year tribulation according to this group.

Find out from this new ebook - few pages
1) the age of the earth
2) errors in using the belief that the earth is 13,000 years old.
3) what if?
4) why the earth is older than geological age (Evolutionists will not like this that they have been fooled). The earth is billions and billions of years old not 2.5 >>>>>> like it or leave this is simple fact>

Other false dates include -2011, 2012 and 2014/2015 Sabbatical year that will start with blood moon eclipse.

But one do not need to take them as false dates but learn to avoid when such happenings causes market instability which they will do.

You may PM if you want full link or email me at best. I cannot post a link here now.
Although many of you have lost interest in relying on His knowledge to do exploit in the financial markets, I personally have not relaxed. In fact, my zeal is higher than when I started in 2006 due to heaps of evidences and facts that this is the absolute way to go, while carnal knowledge is wrong.

Recently crashes has proved carnal knowledge wrong once more in our own eyes.

I do understand that many of you want short term profits, but look at this way, profits becomes difficult when global economy is crashing spirally. The worse is yet to happen come September this year.

This knowledge we have, actually give you opportunity to be spreading application of God in financial markets to people. You can save more souls, and be rewarded, and have cash reserve come September when the world economy may come to a halt.

This is an opportunity to allow God to pour his financial blessings upon your life and those of others, you will be preaching this knowledge to.

Since 2008, many people have Prophesised the day of the Lord will start from September 8, 2010 when the world global economy will completely collapse urshering in the Biblical 7 year of tribulation. Others have fixed this day on

1. 11 October, 2011
2. 23 December, 2012 and
3. Sabbath year 2014/2015

Currently the market is still in turmoil.
The right time to save a soul, teach a soul God's knowledge, show them ways is now. Not after these days have passed.

If you are into stock markets, and you really want to be able to avoid investing in unstable markets and still be rewarded abundantly, there is a window of opportunity available. I have a free ebook for those interested. thanks
As well as selling God and God only knows what junk to exploit the weak minded fcta also sells these 😈


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As well as selling God and God only knows what junk to exploit the weak minded fcta also sells these 😈

With all the trouble that I get myself into, on the weekend, on other threads, you always turn up on this one! fcta attracts you like a moth to a flame! 😀
Hello Split,
I detest people who prey on the weak and vulnerable, especially when they mis-use people's religious beliefs to exploit them financially and spiritually.
And I ain't no moth, more a fire extinguisher 🙂
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