Best Thread Capital Spreads


With the exception of Non Farm Pay Rolls ect, what do you think is the maximum time a client should wait for a confirmation ticket, from your company, assuming their is no Internet issue, either end.


a difficult question ... if you get nearly every trade does it matter how long you wait? ... I (and my staff) have various other SB company accounts and when we test out my dealers I find that our response time for a full confirm is as good as (and generally better than the competition) although I dont have a CMC account so cannot comment on them. I would generally say that longer than 25 secs is too long but under that is (just about) acceptable.

It is not actually the time it takes my dealers to confirm the deal. (they generally receive and confirm within a couple of seconds) it is the built in system delay on internet connectivity etc.. which slows up confirm.

Clients are very welcome to visit us (within reason) and watch how everything runs etc.. and that may be a good bit of PR for us, and lay to rest many of the SB myths, if an independent 'punter' from T2W came along for a look. Spreadbetteur you are very welcome to come along yourself.

Simon....Good Afternoon....

Point taken re 'only thinking about changing FTSE / Dax' etc. I also agree with what you say regarding settlement on the quarterly S&P's / NQ's etc. I think however the point has digressed somewhat from the simple expiry of your 'daily' bets which is what my initial point was based on. As far as I know your 'daily's would always be based on the front month contract?

How many times a month do you feel that the daily settlement price is removed from the last 'tick' of the day? (With regard to CME products).

capitalspreads said:

a difficult question ... if you get nearly every trade does it matter how long you wait? ... I (and my staff) have various other SB company accounts and when we test out my dealers I find that our response time for a full confirm is as good as (and generally better than the competition) although I dont have a CMC account so cannot comment on them. I would generally say that longer than 25 secs is too long but under that is (just about) acceptable.

It is not actually the time it takes my dealers to confirm the deal. (they generally receive and confirm within a couple of seconds) it is the built in system delay on internet connectivity etc.. which slows up confirm.

Clients are very welcome to visit us (within reason) and watch how everything runs etc.. and that may be a good bit of PR for us, and lay to rest many of the SB myths, if an independent 'punter' from T2W came along for a look. Spreadbetteur you are very welcome to come along yourself.


Simon might take up your offer to visit your office :cheesy: Rather curious to see how it works on the other side. Though I must say I am happy with the service so far. Executions have picked up.

Deal4free. are quite good as I have an account with them becuase of over night time trades and long term trades... I have not had problems with them. Executions are fast

i must hold up my hands here and admit that we did not realise that the CME had altered their closing 'official' price until quite recently as it had always been the last print before the close and we were only made aware of it when a client queried it (I have to say that the daily S&P future is not a heavily traded product for us as clients tend to stick to the rolling markets). It really is nothing to do with what the actual closing price is (as the swings will always match the roundabouts in the long run) it is to do with the actual time that this happens. 10 oclock is too late to settle our markets.

I think that this is about all I can say on this point steve as it is a pretty esoteric question at the best of times.
All the best

what is happening to your site. Just tried to load a page and it has gone down. and now it is phone only...

Does your system have some sort of locking problems. I have been unable to log into your system. and it is very slow when I log in. this has happened a few times now and can be frustrating.

Sometimes as well I am unable to update my stop loss. Is there some sort of system requirement and or plug-ins we require.
cool trader

no we have no probs at the moment... there are no plug ins required.

Can you give our IT guy a ring and he will attempt to sort out what is going wrong

I am using Capital Spreads and can confirm that all is OK.

However contary to what is stated you do need a Flash plugin to get live prices in the first place. If you want live charts then you need the Java plugin.


Hi Simon,

any news on a CCI indicator for the live charts - you said you would check it out?


our platform allows 'New Orders' to enter into a new trade (stop orders are attatched to an existing position so are designed to take you out of a trade). You could, of course, have a position open (say long 10 FTSE at 5450) with a stop at 5400 and then place a 'New Order' to sell 20 at 5430 if the market fell down to that price. This would close your long and open a short of 10.

Our orders module allows the creation of OCO orders and contingent (if done) orders .. you can place orders good till a particular time. (i.e you might want to pull an order 1 minute before the Non farm numbers). The limit profit and stop loss orders are linked to open positions and are therefore deleted when you trade out of the position. Unlike one company i could mention!!


whoops will get on to it

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The limit profit and stop loss orders are linked to open positions and are therefore deleted when you trade out of the position. Unlike one company i could mention!![/B said:
Deal4free :cheesy:
SB automated trading?


Spread betting companies make money from spreads generated when a customer places a trade. Whether the trade is a winner or a loser the spread betting company still makes money. I assume this is correct?

If you're being honest - would you say you prefer your customers to make more winning trades or loosing trades?

[I would expect you would prefer all your customers to be successful so they can continue to place trades.]

Why then do spread betting companies offer limited trading facilities? Please correct me if Im wrong but I have not come across any SB firm that offers the kind of trading facilities that direct access brokers offer. I use real-time charing software that is very sophisticated and offers programming and automated trade execution, yet it is only possible to use these features with direct access brokers.

I assume that it would be a relatively easy for a spread betting company to offer API/plugin that would allow charting software to execute trades/stops automatically in real-time. Is this possible? Is it something that Capitalspreads would consider to be the first to offer this service? Do other traders here think automated trade executions on spread betting is practial?

Now I realise that direct access brokers are routing transactions to the exchange and the prices quoted are prices as taken from the exchange, but I can't see why spread betting companies can't feed price data based on their own market values. I know of other traders on this site who also thought it would be beneficial if SB firms provided their real-time price data.

fhb22266 said:

If you're being honest - would you say you prefer your customers to make more winning trades or loosing trades?

[I would expect you would prefer all your customers to be successful so they can continue to place trades.]


They know who the successful traders are and lay or hedge, they bets, but the majority of bets, they would want you to lose. Because they dont hedge everyone's bets. But Simon is going to disagree with this obvious
SB automated trading?
This will be a very good feature and will help me to trade different instruments especially forex, where I have built fully tested system .
The best way will be the use your current technical indicators on your platform and attach these strategies to any given instrument, that is liquid enough to test the concept and then go live with it. It took fxengines( about three months to test their platform and now it is live.
Also, you will need a calendar strategy based on the times of your opening, so that trader will enable their trading systems during the most liquid session based on their experience.You, will also need different profit strategy using either indicator or trailing stop to exit your current trades.
These will enable a lot of traders with proven trading strategies to effortless entering the market and exit based on the configured criteria. This will also make CapitalSpread the first spread betting company to enable automatic execution, which will be good for your company.


we are now at a point that this may be feasable (actually I dont know myself) ... one problem is that if it takes 3 months of development time etc ... we would not get much change out of oooohh quite alot of money for a product that (lets face it) is of interest to only a very limited number of traders.
Nut I will get a commission cost worked out and see.

Bad Trader
it is not a secret that most traders lose money... In reality all trading is a no net gain market (if only through opportunity loss) and Spread Betting is a derivative market which is definately no net gain. So you would expect at the very best a 50/50 split.

For every winner there must be a loser (in the long term).

Analysis of 'private money' traders on the Chicago futures exchanges show that the win/loss percentage is 20/80. This number is pretty much the same as ours. (actually the last time I did the analysis it was almost exactly the same).

I have made alot of comments about our hedging policy on this thread and one thing I can say is that the last two months our hedging book made considerable profits. Which considering we only hedge excess risk shows that our clients had rather good months.

We now take so many trades each day that hedging is becoming less of an activity as we find that most of our trading is two way business which I must say, as the manager of the unit, is exactly the situation I want to be in (all we do is quote the markets, what our clients do is up to them !). If we quote Cable at 1.7190-93 and one client buys at 1.7193 and another sells at 1.7190. Then 'Kerching' we cannot lose and we have made the spread. Sometimes it works in our favour and sometimes not.

As you mention we do have a few major clients who make alot of money and we tend to ensure that we are not the other way round to them. (why swim against a strong current).

Well peed off

At present I'm trying out Capital Spreads to see how viable they are for trading Forex.

Today I simply tried to sell GBP @1.7192 for £3 a pip. The market was there for a few seconds.

The system delayed on me and 10 seconds later refused my order. By which time the market had moved a few pips. I eventually got in @1.7187 so effectively have payed an 8 pip spread.

Now this was for £3 per pip. What on earth are you going to do if I decided to go £30 per pip with you, as I will be with someone?

As you do not offer stop orders for entry I'm beginning to think that you are second rate at best


Simon, please convince me otherwise. Why does it seem that manual intervention is required at your end every time I place a trade? Surely you have systems that can automatically back off to the underlying, else match quotes? This was afterall a very minor bet!!!
