Best Thread Capital Spreads


yes i noticed this as well it is to do with different price feeds using different codes for the FTSE. This will be sorted soon.

volume you are quite correct the charts are from us now so volume would be not very informative..sorry.


cannot answer that question at this time..ask me at a later date.

capitalspreads said:

yes i noticed this as well it is to do with different price feeds using different codes for the FTSE. This will be sorted soon.

volume you are quite correct the charts are from us now so volume would be not very informative..sorry.


Many thanks
Thanks Simon.

I trust I won't get requotes, delays, slippage anymore than a £1 bet?



I am based in London.

If I travel to the USA, will I be able to place bets with you, from there (over the net) ?

I am a UK citizen.

The new live charts are an excellent addition to the Capital Spreads plaform. When viewing stock charts however, it would be very useful if the ticker symbol was included alongside the company name

How is the 24hr FX SB Platform coming on? Will it be before the end of this year? Any closer to putting a date on it yet?
Hi Chris

Hopefully Simon will confirm on monday, but I guess the 24hr platform is the newly re-lauched and re-named Capital Forex which is part of the LCG group of entities: - "24 hours a day from Monday to Friday"

capitalspreads said:

I have to say that I was only made aware of this problem about closing positions when the stop had already been hit this week. We are going to amend this asap.

Simon, 3 things:
1. Have you corrected the stated above (as the same thing happened to me, but on the same day as your post (23 Sep).

2. Any chance of a cancel button on a one-click trade request? I realise that it will not work in all cases, but if a cancel attempt could send a chaser through the system and try to remove a send but not yet filled order from the queue, it would be useful. (The need should not arise often, though in fast moving markets one can stare at the same request for a long time and sometimes just want to re-group... or simply if ****e happens, of course - which it does.)

3. Great on the live charts, big improvement on service from yourselves! Free, live charts!

All the best...
Simon / Steve,

Wow, I just clicked on the link, looks interesting - I didn't even know it existed.

So tell me, as an existing CS customer, who spreadbets on FX quite a lot, why would I use the new site rather than the existing platform? Obviously the new one is oriented towards FX, but what I want to know is what trading differences could I expect?

Is it simply that, since it's 24 hours, I won't have to stop trading at 9pm and hope my stops aren't slipped during the night - as is the case on, but rather that I could trade at 3am ( should the mood take me(!) ), and also my stops etc will be executed at / or near the required price as trading is 24hours?

Please confirm my understanding of the differences between platforms, as if I am correct - I would like to switch my account - or quickly create a new one, presumably this is a streamlined process for existing CS customers?

Capital Forex is our Forex trading platform and is a real FX platform (i.e not spread betting). Clients must be classified as intermediate and lose certain FSA protection rights. I have to say that I do not run the FX unit of London Capital Group and cannot comment too much on it but in reality I cannot see why anyone would trade on away from SB where costs are lower etc... but to each his own.


a good idea but that kind of moves the charts away from 'our prices'. But I will look into it.


you can trade over the net on our platform from the USA ... but it is illegal under US law for you to do so .... we cannot see where you have logged in from so you could be in timbuctu as far as we are concerned. we will not reject your trades as it is perfectly legal for us to accept them. I have never heard of a foriegn national being prosecuted for this 'crime' but that does not mean that it has not happened or that it could not happen.

As always guys we try not to reject trades but given the volatility of the FX markets it happens.... we have to be as fair with the small bets as with the big bets. If we reject a £50 bet but accept a £1 bet at the same time in the same market that would be unreasonable.


cancel on a trade button is not possible (sorry)

Thanks Simon,
I'm happy to use 'real FX' products rather than spreadbets, the device is immeterial to me, as long as I can trade my strategies.

However, I suspect that by 'intermediate', you mean it's not for private investors like myself - presumably because my transaction sizes would be too small???

What I want is 24hr execution and access, something I don't have at present, so I'm willing to accept higher charges to get it.
capitalspreads said:
I have to say that I was only made aware of this problem about closing positions when the stop had already been hit this week. We are going to amend this asap.
Simon, you missed one. Has this been sorted?

sorry... yes it has been changed


intermediate means that you must provide six months trading experience before we open an account. Oddly enough spread betting experience is allowed as trading experience even though you required no 'prior' to actually trade on an SB account. The minimum trading amount is €300,000 which is the equivalent of around £15 a point bet. Also the margin requirement is greater in line with normal market practise.

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So... Will you be making the SB platform 24/5 for forex in the near future?

If I wanted to give another person access to my account with you, what needs to happen, other than giving them login details ?

If that person needed to call you to trade or querry , what would they need to do ?
