Best Thread Capital Spreads


dont worry we will probably do something terrible and you will wonder why you left them !!


(although my head of marketing tells me that I shouldnt have said that)
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capitalspreads said:
breadman etc

we are currently developing an automatic 24hr FX SB platform which will allow order filling (stops/limits) etc and limited trading during the times that our offices are not staffed. Hopefully this will be live before year end. Until then I am afraid that our 7 to 9 time limitation will remain. Sorry !


unfortunately we cannot allow equal and opposite in the same contract / although you can have two seperate accounts and do it that way.

Also in the quarterly index contracts the spread is the same no matter which month you trade in so you could (for instance) be long October FTSE/ short December FTSE which would have the same effect. Similarly on the daily contracts you could be long Daily Cash FTSE short Daily FTSE Future.

There are always ways around limitations on trading systems if you look for them. I have to say that I think that only IG allows opposing open positions in the same contract. (but to be honest I cannot see the point as this is only a psycological thing and in reality you are actually flat !!)


IG allows multiple (unbunched) positions on the same market in the same direction which can be closed individually w/o setting orders.
It also allows contra positions on the same market... and their are people who have strategies which quite make use of this feature!!

As I said IG allows you to do this. I think they are the only ones. The margin requirement for these positions is huge for no real exposure. You will have given IG the full spread on the trade with (frankly) no real open position and you will give them the full spread again when you trade out of it. In the long run if any dealer can make consistent money giving away two times the spread on every trade then I take my hat off to them.

Unfortunately the cost of implementing this change versus the demand makes it unlikely that we will be looking at it in the near future.

I am a client of CS and like many others find the whirring egg-timer followed by 'sorry computer error' more than a little suspicious in a fast mkt - especially when I am trying to exit!! I realise that a broker is presumably checking each trade but today for example the whole site went down and a message 'site closed for maintenance' came up when I was trying to close out for a quick profit!!! I do not seem to get these problems occuring with other SB's so why does CS still persist in these extremely annoying tactics?
You are certainly in danger of losing this client!!
As I said IG allows you to do this. I think they are the only ones. The margin requirement for these positions is huge for no real exposure. You will have given IG the full spread on the trade with (frankly) no real open position and you will give them the full spread again when you trade out of it. In the long run if any dealer can make consistent money giving away two times the spread on every trade then I take my hat off to them.

Unfortunately the cost of implementing this change versus the demand makes it unlikely that we will be looking at it in the near future.

Simon - perhaps you could consider this feature for the new 24hr fx system? It might win you some more friends if you allowed effective management of intraday and daily/longer term trades (e.g. a tab saying "Daily" and another saying "Intraday") - this would enable these trades to be managed separately without the danger of accidently closing a daily trade during the day... most SBs require 2 accounts to support this, but you could be the first with a decent solution for this 🙂

yesterday we had a major problem with some of the hardware on our pricing engines. This unfortunately nessecitated (spelling?) taking the site down for 18 mins. We did this at the quietest moment in the day such that when we reopened there were no stop activations at all from when we had taken the site offline.

Even the best platforms in the world have some down time. For instance the LSE's own trading platform 'Proquote' was down for 45 mins this morning.

all i can do is apologise for the down time but can assure you that if you had called us to trade you would have got the price you wanted.


we do have 'daily' and 'rolling daily' FX and Indices markets (in most cases) as well as the monthly and qrterly markets.

for instance cable (GBP/USD) has 4 seperate markets and the FTSE and wall street have 7 (!!) all these markets are price off the same generic price. I would have thought that this was enough for inumerable opposing positions !


Capital Spreads

You do not appear to offer the Nasdaq Composite, why not?



we offer the QQQ and the nasdaq 100

there is no hedge available in the nasdaq composite (at least not economically available) so we do not quote it.

I don't think a single SB company offers the composite but no doubt I will be corrected on that.

I have noticed somewhere earlier in this thread a complaint about being unable to raise your charts
I have had a similar problem however I have found that on Betfair the problem also arises if trying to bring up Forum ,My Account etc.
The way to overcome this on Betfair is to raise BF from IE homepage (not BF) as first page
Appyling the same procedure to CS the charts are loaded.
Appologies if you are already aware
juanbyte said:

Does anyone have any information/views on this new spread betting company.


Yes I certainly do, I have had an account wiith them for around 2 years, and I've had so many problems with them since. I just closed my account with them today, because I had enough.

The only good thing about Capital Spreads is that it looks simple and basic to use. However, If you do ever want to manage your risk with the stop loss order then I would NOT recommend them, I had to call them to make the stop order to go through even then i didn't get the price I set to stop, I got whatever price that was then which made me lose a lot more than I should, so what's the point of their stop loss order??

Also, they have problems in a busy markets, nothing gets accepted, and you cant cancel the order submitted, so you can be waiting ages for them to close a position. So as you're waiting, your pnl is getting worser, so you ring them to close, and they only offer you a worser price than what you wanted, and even worse is that the trade you originally put in to close the position is then accepted, resulting in a massively offside position. Truly annoying.

What do should do is give clients the ability to cancel their order if it isnt accepted within a reasonable time, reasonable as in within 5 seconds.
Is anyone else having issues with the rolling US daily stocks today, I'm not able to carry out online orders on the daily stocks on CS today?
Take a look at , they have a new demo up and running on their website where you can see exactly how tight their spreads are. I only trade small size on it but havn't had any problems so far !

Orders activation.

we could of course just activate orders as soon as our computers say that the price has been hit , no problem you would think. But what happens when an order is activated by a misprint or (which is more normal) when liquidity, especially in shares, disappears and the market price widens to a stupid amount and the computer just stops clients out. Users will see what I mean if they look at some UK share quotes at 08.05 in the morning. Even FTSE 100 shares have spreads up to 10% wide. In reality this can be termed 'our quote' because this is what our platform is saying and if the computers activated the stops everybody would be ringing up saying that it was unfair. (which it would be).

Delays in filling stops (unless you want to open a new position immediately in the opposite direction) can only work in your favour. If anyone gets filled at a worse level than the stop unless subject to gapping on the open or over a figure should immediately ring us because we will have made an error.

I must say though that if your problem was usual that this thread would be filled with complaints (which it isn't). We try to be as fair as possible over stop activation . Occasionally this goes wrong as it appears to have done in your case but this is not diliberate or sinister it is just a small glitch which appears to affect your trading style. It is odd how fast market requirements move. Only two years ago all orders with SB companies were placed over the phone and were input when the dealer concerned noticed that your order should have been filled. Now we want immediate action no matter what. Thats progress which I'm pleased to say has been pushed in no small way by CS


i have just looked at the futures betting site and whilst it is good it is extreemely limited in markets. It also requires quite high margins and the spread is hidden in the commission payable on both entry and exit. Also if you miss the price on their platform you will not get the deal whereas on an SB platform most times you will as the SB company is the market maker. The minimum deal size is quite large (three times the size of our average bet stake) The company is not FSA (uk) regulated although it is by the Gib FSA. But you have to ask yourself why they would launch in Gibralter (therefore limiting their advertising ability in the UK and the rest of Europe) rather than the UK ??

In the end you pay your money and take your choice.

Live Charts

finally ...... from tommorrow capital spreads will be launching live streaming charts priced from our own quotes.

You will be able to use all the normal technical data formulae... save the charts .... print them .... compare them.... and look at as many as you want at the same time.

naturally we hope that these will aid all of your trading activity (whether you use us to deal or not !)

the charts will only be available to live accounts ... not for our simulation/demo platform (sorry)

capitalspreads said:
Live Charts

finally ...... from tommorrow capital spreads will be launching live streaming charts priced from our own quotes.

You will be able to use all the normal technical data formulae... save the charts .... print them .... compare them.... and look at as many as you want at the same time.

naturally we hope that these will aid all of your trading activity (whether you use us to deal or not !)

the charts will only be available to live accounts ... not for our simulation/demo platform (sorry)


Excellent!! Cant wait to see it! I am sure it will be as good as your service 😉

Binary Bets on CapitalSpreads

Sorry if this question has been asked before ( it's hard to search a 160+ page thread! ).

I have a CS account, but am also using FinSpreads to Binary Bet on the DOW.

Do you have plans to add Binary products to CS, as I'd prefer to keep all my trading with one provider...

P.S. Thanks for improving the charting on CS - the poor previous tools were one of the reasons I started looking at other providers. So keep on enhancing!
P.P.S. I looked at a daily chart of RBS and noticed it only goes back as far as 13th Oct. Is this because you started collecting data then, or do you intend to only show max 2 weeks data? Lack of historic data was an issue with your old charts...
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The new charts are a big improvement.

Two things however:

I notice the back data on the FTSE 100 and some UK stocks is limited, on daily charts. Is the intention to put some more historical data in them to make them useful and meaningful?

You no longer have volume. I guess that this is because the charts are of your own prices rather than those in the market and as such volume cannot be portrayed. Am I correct or do you intend doing something about this as well?

I'm just being picky, it is a massive improvement!
it is great that you have real time charts but
chart for spdaily fut december is empty
can you put cci indicator
add adjustment od time e.g. show only tranig hours of 9,30 - 16,15 et

if u use the S&P december this will give you the same chart (almost)

we are working on this problem ... as these are recreated markets every day the code must be rebuilt every evening. Out IT mob have made a small booboo. Hopefully will be sort asap.

umm i must be getting tired i am not sure what you mean by the last bit