Best Thread Capital Spreads


unfortunately FX charts are dependant upon the feeds that they use. We use three brokers as the price feeds for our pricing engine the chances are that any charting package that you buy will use far more feeds than this and will include many inputing banks where the prices can be late or out by a little.

because FX does not take place on a live exchange you can quite easily get one platform quoting (in GBP/USD) 1.8049-1.8053 and another will be quoting 1.8055-1.8058 and no deal gets done but both prices are put into a chart which might use both price providers.

Whereas on an exchange the bid and offer would cross (assuming they were the only quotes) and business would occur.

As we are not likely to reveal the quoting suppliers that we use (!!) the chances are that you will never have a chart that exactly matches our quotes.

jezza888 said:
can anyone recommend a FX chart program thats in sync with capital spreads prices. I've tried Metatrader4, strategy builder and netdania and they are all out by a few pips as far as I can see. Without live charts from CS I never seem to be in line with it.

Try VT Trader (free from CMSFX) seem to recall that numbers were pretty close to CS.

Hi Simon,

I believe you have increased the ticket times to ten minutes after my last post. Still not long enough but i guess it is better than nothing.

I would like to bring up another couple of issues if i may.

First of all, i would like to bring to your attention that D4F have reduced their spreads on both ipe and nymex contracts to five and six points respectively . I am hoping you can respond and match them as usual and asap.

Second of all, i have another problem with your ticket order system. Correct me if i am wrong but i believe that you cannot open more than one ticket at a time. Once again, for serious day traders like myself and friends, we need access to multiple tickets at all times as we trade many instruments.

I just wished that your platform matched your great service. I hope you donot mind in me saying that D4F have an outstanding platform.

js bond

we are well aware of d4f platform and I would love to have it !! Unfortunately it does have one of two disadvantages

but i wont bore you with them.

we are looking at adding more open deal tickets but are concentrating on charts, 24hr FX and other upgrades at the moment

we are aware of the change to the nymex spreads and we will probably move to 6 wide as well, just deciding when!


sorry , not possible, what do u chart... the bid?..the offer?...the mid point? we cannot offer a chart that gives the clients too much information as to the 'real' underlying price, so the charts will probably take a certain amount of data from the bid or the offer but they will not be completely definative (although still pretty good). This is because the exchanges , understandably , would complain about free charting information being available to clients when they make good money charging for it !

You can only open 1 deal ticket per browser window, though you can open multilple deal tickets in seperate browser windows, then arrange on your screen.

In IE, log into Captial Spreads then do Ctrl + N, which gives you an additional page, already logged in.

You can, of course, also have a seperate browser page for positions and orders. Both pages refresh automatically. It is alot quicker to adjust your stop or exit if these pages are already loaded, then if you have to click to get to them after you have your initial order confirmed.

Simon - Now we have the famous 10 min deal ticket, can we start pushing for 20 mins. the 10 min one still effects my nerves too much.

Simon - Confirmation times for orders have slowed up again this week...........Giving rise to the famous "Price Expired" if the spread moves in the clients direction. The quicker you can confirm the less chance of annoying clients with the "Price Expired" - Is this not correct ?
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Hi this is a qestion for the guy from Capital spreads Simon I think. I have been trading with another sb firm for 4 years I now trade full time and make between 70 and 100 points trading the DOW a week, do you want people like me ?, lets be brutally honest or do you want those that fail because I know your firm do take the opposite to a clients trade.
I have noticed now that Im successful I am having problems getting out of winning trades & therefore I am looking at opening another account or even going to a broker instead also could you please explain in laymans term what you mean by sb comapnies hedging there bets.
Thank you
Hi Simon,

Can I put in a request 🙄 For the stop loss and Profit order can we please have a button to adjust the amount as well rather than having to type in the amount. This is particularly useful for trailing.

Also can you adjust your system so that if we are trying to close a trade that has been closed, either by stop loss or limit order, the the system checks and says position no longer exists. This currently creates a position .

Thanks in advance.


Executions seem to be picking up. they have been good this week both at executing stop loss and trades

as i have mentioned before we have never closed down a single client, whether they win or lose is all the same to us. I am unaware of a single client whos orders are delayed for any reason (except for those who trade in very large size where we like to check that the liquidity is available especially in some FTSE stocks) The argument over whether an SB company hedges or not is slightly academic.. but hedging your bets means that my dealers might agree with the clients... or.. clients have too great a position in a market and we are unhappy with the risk so we hedge (we have risk limits in every single market or group of markets)...or a particular client who generally wins takes a position so my dealers may hedge him/her . We do not have time to analyse all the markets that we quote so a good client can be worth his wieght in gold.

I can tell you that our clients have overall been significant winners this month but because of our risk policy we have made substantially more out of our hedging. If we hedged nothing not only would we have lost money on trading this month but on top of that would be costs/salaries etc etc. We never take speculative positions. We let our clients do that.


I have to say that I was only made aware of this problem about closing positions when the stop had already been hit this week. We are going to amend this asap.

Your other query is a fair one and I will look at this as well.

gt247 looks like another suitable SB company... hopefully more like them will expand the industry ever more.... although to be picky I actually find it difficult to download their platform even on my quite high spec office pc's.. though I do find their functionality v.good. Have yet to hear about trade acceptance etc.


I have a question about your opening hours for the fx market. On your website it says you offer support from 7am on Monday 24 hours a day until 9pm on Friday. Does this also mean you cannot trade Sunday evening or Monday morning before 7am.


Hi Breadman - fx trading on cap spreads is available between 7am and 9pm

Simon - any chance of getting your boys to start a bit earlier? 0630 would be superb 🙂
c6ackp said:
Hi Breadman - fx trading on cap spreads is available between 7am and 9pm

Simon - any chance of getting your boys to start a bit earlier? 0630 would be superb 🙂

5.00am would be better, and if you want to be really mean how about 10.00pm sunday.

I would love to see the ability to open and close multiple positions (contra or same positions) on the
same index futures individually (using one click)... its possible at many other firms (eg: IG) so fail to
understand why CS can't cut it?
This one thing seriously limits my account size with CS!
breadman said:
5.00am would be better, and if you want to be really mean how about 10.00pm sunday.


yep! recruit some extra staff - help the economy 🙂
breadman etc

we are currently developing an automatic 24hr FX SB platform which will allow order filling (stops/limits) etc and limited trading during the times that our offices are not staffed. Hopefully this will be live before year end. Until then I am afraid that our 7 to 9 time limitation will remain. Sorry !


unfortunately we cannot allow equal and opposite in the same contract / although you can have two seperate accounts and do it that way.

Also in the quarterly index contracts the spread is the same no matter which month you trade in so you could (for instance) be long October FTSE/ short December FTSE which would have the same effect. Similarly on the daily contracts you could be long Daily Cash FTSE short Daily FTSE Future.

There are always ways around limitations on trading systems if you look for them. I have to say that I think that only IG allows opposing open positions in the same contract. (but to be honest I cannot see the point as this is only a psycological thing and in reality you are actually flat !!)

Are Capital Spreads accepting bets for Soco and Dana?

Deal4Free refused my bets at a very large £1 per point !!!!


we are currently quoting soco international december at 719.4-724.9 and Dana petroleum december at 824.2-830.4

unless something very odd is going on in these markets we would be very unlikely to reject a £1 bet in them but I cannot of course guarantee it !

Max individual bet in dana is £36 and Soco £40 but we would probably check liquidity etc if you traded in this size.
