Best Thread Capital Spreads

Appreciate the problems and difficulties surrounding the development of a live service for the XDA.

I know myself and a few others as well as clients of yours on these boards, would be extremely appreciative of the capabilities, and I hope you can find a way of achieving the platform in the not too distant future.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced a very slow delivery of trades being filled of late, and in some cases even being timed out only to finde they have gone to telephone trades only.

This is not the service promised, or delivered in the past by C.S.

Come on Simon what is going on at your end?????

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Uncle - I am finding the Platform very slow of late and also the things that you say above. It is a nightmare at times when you have multiple positions and Instruments that you want to close etc. The platform is slow when switching from interface like say Commodities to indices etc. I thought maybe its my pc but seems that you are having the same issues.
I must say one thing on behalf of Simon and Team they always look into the issue and let us know -He has said there is going to be a upgrade to platform performance soon ( this week or next). Also glad that the Timer on tab increased to 10mins.


yes we went to telephone trading for about 4 minutes to sort out a lock up situation.

We are applying the first upgrade tonite so hopefully this problem will be reduced tommorrow. gulp!!


I sure hope your upgrade resolves the problem. Meanwhile I have sent an email to your Admin regarding a rogue trade which was applied after being timed out, only to find after more than two hours later, your broker had actioned the trade.

However, as on previous occasions, I am sure your staff will reconcile the matter.


the upgrade has gone through and the change is massive.

Even I am surprised at how fast we can action orders and trades.

Hopefully you will all notice the improvement.


As you know ... on this occassion we were unable to agree on your request .. I am very sorry but sometimes we do have to disagree and I hope this does not totally put you off us.

To everyone:

I've been SB with capital Spreads for nearly three years now and I've had my ups and downs, but during the last 9 months I've turned a corner, as it were. I bet the FTSE in general and I like to add by how much it will rise or fall. Very bold of me, but hay ho.

My question is, is there any web site / company out there in the big WWW abis that allows betting on how much the FTSE will rise/fall, ie: 10, 20, 50pts etc. I think they call it 'Spot Trading.' You win if it hits your prediction in a set time frame and lose if it doesn't, but without the option of marginal winning/loosing, ie: if you bet the FTSE will rise/hit 25pts and it hits 20pts you still gain.

Any comments are appreciated.



it must just feel like three years !!!

we have only been in existsnce since oct 2003. Our 2nd birthday approaches.

You can trade using Binary bets in the fashion you are talking about. It is just an odds based trading system. But beware it is very dangerous, I understand that the 'burn rate' of clients is quite high as the temptation to bet all of the funds on your account every time is apparently quite strong. And you only have to get it wrong once and that is it.

Not withstanding the above comment we are developing a Binary platform which should be available soon.

capitalspreads said:

it must just feel like three years !!!

we have only been in existsnce since oct 2003. Our 2nd birthday approaches.

You can trade using Binary bets in the fashion you are talking about. It is just an odds based trading system. But beware it is very dangerous, I understand that the 'burn rate' of clients is quite high as the temptation to bet all of the funds on your account every time is apparently quite strong. And you only have to get it wrong once and that is it.

Not withstanding the above comment we are developing a Binary platform which should be available soon.



You are quite correct, I've been SB'ing three years in total, the other company doesn't deserve to be mentioned here

For what it worth, I consider CS to be the best for simplicity and tightness of spreads. Keep up the good work guys.

Not wishing to repeat myself, and for a possible future enhancement to CS, I would like to see the option of a straight bet, for example:

Will the FSTE hit 25pts up tomorrow. Yes / No. Anything below 25pts and you loose. Simple, eh!



actually this guy looks like an SB company nightmare always looking for the 'wrong price' to deal on.

GBP/CAD as most people know is not the most quoted currency pair and although we place it online we have problems in that our quoting feeds come from banks/brokers who do not update as often as with the Majors especiallly over figures. To counter this the dealers have a cross currency calculator on their desks which just multiplies the GBP/USD with the USD/CAD (both very liquid currency pairs) which give the dealers the correct mid point. I dont know who this client is but as he claims to have Bloomberg live (or some such) he is presumably more miffed that we refused to be ripped off by him rather than the other way round!!

To be honest we have hundreds of winning clients and we have never (let me repeat that) NEVER limited any client in their trading activities. (apart from one client who was abusive to my staff). It takes quite a lot for a company such as IG to limit/close a client and you can read what you like into that.

But as I have always said .. you cannot please everybody all the time.

If we were obviously in the wrong in this case this client would no doubt have raised some form of complaint - but he didnt - have asked to speak to a line manager -but he didnt- in fact have raised some kind of stink so that I would have an idea of who he is- but, again, he didnt.

In fact the only client we have with this email address does not even have a live account with us , maybe he was trading on someone elses account?

Anyway... punters using our site know full well that we do not act in this way and we can only hope that comments like this do not affect our business.

Ah well nice to get a rant off my chest occasionally.

CS are the best?

Hi Contributors

I have just read (most of) this thread for the first time today and found it very interesting and enligtening. On the whole it seems very positive about CS and, if Simon's PR is to be believed, they seem to have a refreshingly positive approach to the business. They seem to have cornered this end of the forum as well. It's the longest thread by far.

Obviously, it dates back some time and things have moved on. As an account holder with IG, Cantor, CMC, City and Finspreads (not all actively traded, I am somewhat loathe to open yet another account and would be keen to hear people's 'latest' opinions on CS.

Obviously, it depends to some extent on your trading style, with me being a Swinger (..?!!) and the particular markets, but there are more general aspects which apply to all and I am going to initiate a 'who's best?' thread elsewhere.

So, what's the current verdict on CS now? Thanks for your time and Happy Trading.

Well all I will just give my 2p worth.
I have been with CS for at least 2.75 years.My experience with them so far:-
a) They are very polite no matter who you speak to Mark,Rachel,Simon et al.
b) In this time I can honestly say that I have had about 3 times when I had to phone and in all cases my dispute was resolved in my favor.
c) lately the Site has been slow etc- and as Simon said in the background they are working to make things better and has always updated us with that info.

For me I am very happy to be a customer with CS and would have no hesitation in recommending them

Quite happy with Capital Spreads apart from this issue:

There has been a huge increase in orders not getting filled, resulting in the famous "Price Expired" ticket.

Happens on a daily basis to me in last months.

If after you click on the offered price and the market moves more than a pip in your favour you are highly likely to be offered "Price Expired" Thus heavily pushing the edge more in Capital Spreads favour.........As you can be sure if the price goes against you, you get the fill.

It is a shame that Simon takes a defensive attitude about this. If Capital Spreads went back to their old system / policy on fills, I am sure it would result in better bussiness.

It is especially annoying when the market is not moving fast, though there is a delay in the fill, then the market moves and you get the 'PriceExpired'

This has been discussed quite a bit here in last month, if you check back.

Great Idea if you could reduce the wasted space on the web pages. I keep up 3 pages - My Portfollio, Oders and Positions, once logged in. I have them sharing one screen, though there is, IMHO, too much borders and grapics. For example the top horizontal.


I agree with you on the grahics side . We are, hopefully, commissioning a totally new platform to be built in the near future but this will take some time once contracts are signed etc to implement. The original platform was built with the normal pc screen size being much smaller than the current units sold in PC world. A great big dealing screen would be lovely but many of our clients would not have screen space for it.

On another note you may find that the speed of fills have improved out of all recognition with the upgrade made last week. Deal fills are now very fast indeed and the order filling module is much more efficient.


i must say a question like that is likely to get quite a response hopefully good as well as bad . But as always I will try to respond to all comments.

😱 Don't know about the speed of execution increasing. It has been pathetic today

Has anyone noticed the difference in speed of execution Simon is talking about or am I being picked 0n 😀
capitalspreads said:

I agree with you on the grahics side . We are, hopefully, commissioning a totally new platform to be built in the near future but this will take some time once contracts are signed etc to implement. The original platform was built with the normal pc screen size being much smaller than the current units sold in PC world. A great big dealing screen would be lovely but many of our clients would not have screen space for it.

On another note you may find that the speed of fills have improved out of all recognition with the upgrade made last week. Deal fills are now very fast indeed and the order filling module is much more efficient.


i must say a question like that is likely to get quite a response hopefully good as well as bad . But as always I will try to respond to all comments.


Well Simon, I'm still at the demo' account stage with CS but would love to find an SB company that is better than the rest. Offering more FTSE indices including sectors would probably seduce me.

Also, with regard to big screens, don't forget that some (...well me, at least) move around and do a lot of trading from a laptop. Laptop screens are getting bigger too, but not necessarily lighter 😢


in general (but not always) we only quote products that we can directly (and cheaply) hedge. This means that where sectors are concerned it is likely that we wont be quoting them for some time.

Of course you can replicate the sectors with the individual shares !


Whats the minimum stake to bet at capital spreads?
Could I trade at say $1 per point as opposed to £1 even though I live in the UK, so that it would mean I am only betting, like 60p per point.