I am afraid that missing deals when the market goes for you but being filled when it goes against is dare I say say it ..real life. We have exactly the same sensation in direct access when hedging client positions. If I try to buy the offer but someone gets there ahead of me then, tough, I have missed it and there I am sitting on the bid (or worse the market moves way away and I have to pay up further) or conversely I put my bid in, the market moves against me immediately, and lo and behold there I am filled at my price whilst the market is 10 points lower AND I am still waiting for my fill.
I can assure you that direct access fills, whilst admitedly faster than us, are still not instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination.
This problems over filling orders only really affects FX markets, as these are of course the most capricious markets from a quoting viewpoint (there is no definitive exchange), we hardly ever turn down trades in any other markets.
Microsofts' comments about increasing numbers of complaints is odd as we have not experienced any such increase at this end or on this web thread (which is where you would most notice it) and over which, incidently, I have absolutely no control whatsoever. Also his rather disengenous comment about Wall Street fills out of hours is sheer mischief making as he is well aware that the Wall Street is quoted from the futures contract which is traded whilst the NYSE market is closed. As the futures in question had moved 40 points during the small hours I wonder how he would quote the cash price the next morning, the question was not concerning stop slippage it was concerning the actual price. 97% of all the markets we quote are not traded out of their exchange hours and traders in these products (the FTSE 100, CAC the DAX every share price and most commodities for instance) know full well the facts of life concerning slippage or gapping on opening.
FX is the one market that consistently opens differently to the previous nights close. CS is not unique in not offering 24 hr trading less than half the SB cmpanies do and of those who do most do not have strict stop policies in place and you are therefore at no greater risk using CS (with its stop policy) than using one of our competitors (the opening price on CS would be the same as the price at that time on IG, CMC, City or Cantors etc etc)
I am also at a loss to understand why if, as Microsoft says, CMC always fill his trades (and their spreads in FX are pretty much the same as ours) he is trading through us? Is there some other advantage that outwieghs this perceived problem?
As I consistently say, we fill each and every trade as best we can BUT we are not a charity to be picked off by every scalper who comes along trying to trade on price delays or incorrect prints thinking that he/she is being cleverer than us. We quickly identify these people and then begin to check every single trade. Scalpers are not the friend of other traders as they take up our dealer's time and delay fills for other clients.
Of course some would say " well he would say that wouldn't he". You cannot please everyone all the time.