Best Thread Capital Spreads


no the data is not lost we can get it to you but you will have to ask our customer services for it. In the same way as online banking statements there is a limit to how far back you can go on your account we remove the old data from our servers.
The amount of data that we can hold in our servers directly affects the performance of our systems.


the reason that we still quote the FTSE after 4.30 is because the futures (LIFFE FTSE 100 Futures) continue to trade until 17.30.

After this time we will give a quote over the phone but this quote will be based on what is going on in other markets around the world (the DAX the Dow the S&P etc).


Now that CapitalForex has been launched can we please have 24 hour Forex on the spreadbetting platform. I am getting increasingly frustrated at being unable to manage my trades after 21:00 and before 07:00 eg if I have a stop in place and the Asian market moves past that stop by say 40 pips then I have lost 40 pips more than I wanted.
Have used CS now for three months [real money] and have found them to be: spreads are tight; speed of service [ie, screen change] excellent. Recommended.


Has anyone had a problem with entering "take profit" stops?

This used to work, but the last trade I made, I entered a stop loss and take profit order, and the take profit was ignored. I tried several times to adjust the order, but the take profit was ignored every time

On another tack, it would be a huge improvement if the Open Positions screen could show any stop / take profit levels, and similarly, the Open Orders screen show both stop loss and take profit levels
True, but is this all 'after hours?'

If not, a simple 'cancel' [the order] would allow you to release the profit.

Tip: Neck on the line: watch the ftse this week, Thursday will be a good day.



unfortunately the Nybot exchange would not give us permission to use their price feeds (and yes I do know that our competitors do use them and no I dont know why we were refused and they,apparently were not).

dow jones

if you go to 'trade history' then just under the popular markets button there should be a comment saying ">> click here to download complete trade history"


can you give us a call when this happens as we are unaware of this problem. If we can then talk through with you exactly what is happening we will be able to sort it out.

Simon - is the layout of CapitalForex an indication of the direction for CapitalSpreads? I quiet like it BUT it hung I.E twice!
I don't like spreads, trading or too many risks. Banks suck too. I get a flat fixed 8% on my money for a short 5 year term.


getting 8% for 5 year money means you must be taking risks as five year money is trading at around 5%. Anybody giving 8% a year for five years is obviously doing some financial engineering (which is risky) or is lending your money on in dodgy loans.

square gains

the layout of the FX platform is a future direction for the Spread Betting unit but a very long term solution i.e. next year some time. The FX platform does require a much higher PC processing power than the SB platform.

Thanks Simon for the info. I actually asked my banker and friends in high places about the company and heard that banks have already been investing in this company for over 7 years. This company does a lot of movie funding for production companies in Hollywood. They also do other things real state flipping and buying/selling big businesses. They also do stuff on QVC and home shopping network. I don’t know all the insides but if my banker and friends are investing in it I am too. It just went from private investing and need to know someone to more mainstream for the public.

Risky hell everything is risky in life. I don’t have to tell you about the big companies going bankrupt, the scams and the taking of billions; it’s everywhere. That seems to be human nature GREED!!! I would rather invest in short term high profit gain with a little risk than to wait for that small return that gives me stress all the time thinking about it. Wondering when to buy when to sell or if my broker takes the money or messes up. Dealing with all those bank fees and clauses. Read the fine print they try to cover every hole. The banks have even made big mistakes they are trying to hide right now from the general public. Their merging and merging and merging. It’s crazy. I’ve got some inside news on the next bank merger and it is just insane. I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the industry and it is the way to go. Get in and get out. Have multiple investments with different term pay outs are the way to go. Just wait in the next 3 years; that’s right 3 years there are going to be some big changes in the banking industry.

capitalspreads said:

can you give us a call when this happens as we are unaware of this problem. If we can then talk through with you exactly what is happening we will be able to sort it out.


Simon - forget it - just noticed the little tickbox in the topleft corner of the Limit section 😱 Dunno if that has always been there, because I don't recollect ever using it before when I set limits, but once ticked (or "spotted"), it all works fine.

Bit of bizarre UI though - why do you need to select that before the limit value you enter will work? Alternately, it would be a lot more apparent that it was required if it was a tickbox rather than a "spotbox" (and if the stop also had one, ticked by default, it would make it that much clearer what was required)

It is critical that you remove the time limit on trade order tickets of 4 mins. It is a constant pain for me and many other friends of mine who are day traders pulling up the order ticket continuously every 4mins.

Totally agree with jsbond007 and others. You MUST DO something about that Timing out of 4minutes as its a real pain in the posterior while day trading. Why dont you see if you can set it to something more reasonable like 15 -20 -30 mins ? I reember at inception were told that it would be done and you were looking at it- please can you see what can be resolved amicably for all.

Also I enquired about US T-bonds and was told that they would be introduced soon. Any updates?


us t bonds have been up on line for many months if you click on the Bonds/Stirs section you will find them.

The 10 year is quoted at the equivalent of 1.25 thirty seconds (decimal 0.04) and the long bond the equivalent of 2/32 nds (0.06 decimal).

We will look at increasing the timer on the open trade ticket to maybe 10 mins.


we must have some form of tick/spot box because the computers must look for an indication that you (the client) require a limit order or not. Without indication the computer cannot make this desision. Every limit order system on whatever trading platform requires this (or some variation of it).

capitalspreads said:
we must have some form of tick/spot box because the computers must look for an indication that you (the client) require a limit order or not. Without indication the computer cannot make this desision. Every limit order system on whatever trading platform requires this (or some variation of it).

If entering a number in the box is not indicator enough, consider 'greying' out the value field unless the check box is ticked.
I suggest everyone watches Capital Spreads carefully.

In recent weeks, I have noticed a dramatic increase in the delay in getting a confirmation back after entering a trade.

Trading FX, various pairs, I have sometimes waited up to 30 secs for the confirmation. This not just in a fast moving market.

Yesterday, I entered a trade, which went 12 pips in my favour, though I only was confirmed (20 secs delay) when it was at negative 6 pips.

If there is a delay and I am ahead, there is a high chance of getting a trade expired ticket, rather than a confirmation.

I have discussed this with several others and they are finding the same issue.

If there is a delay and I have an equal chance of getting filled, either if I am up or down in the trade, that is OK, though if on delayed confirmations, Capital only fill you if you are negative, then clearly they are moving the odds in the favour.

This never happens with CMC.

In Simon's absence I would like to (try to) address the issues you have raised.

It seems that our tight spreads have attracted a greater volume of trades than we had planned for at this stage, and this has had a small effect on deal times (although outside of US figures our fill ratio/time is still very good). We have commissioned a completely new pricing engine but this will not be ready in the immediate future.

In the meantime, we have urgently addressed some areas that will improve our deal acceptance. One upgrade will be implemented next week and another major upgrade in two weeks time (we hope).

We do attempt to be as fair and as reasonable as possible in all trading situations and if you call us when you feel something has happened unreasonably on your account we will investigate every query. We do have an audit trail of every single action that happens on a client's account so confirmation of intended actions is normally possible. An immediate call will generally receive a more sympathetic ear than a call after, say, an hour.

The example that you raise is a rare occurence, although if an FX market moves 18 pips in 20 seconds (12 up and 6 down, as I interpret it) than I would say that it was moving pretty 'fast'. Any delay encountered in deal confirmation is most regretable, but this is not due to the dealer waiting to see if the price has gone against the client. (Personally I have rejected numerous trades where the client can immediately trade at a better price.) When a request for a price is received the dealer is not aware if the trade is to open or to close a position, or whether the position is onside or offside. The trade is considered purely in terms of the current market level.

Good luck all.

Senior Dealer

Clearly, especially after a delay, you usually offer a price expired ticket, if the trade is up, though you always manage to fill when it goes against. How do you explain that ?
