Best Thread Capital Spreads

Chart for FTSE 100

Simon, et al,

The chart for the FTSE 100 has been down since Sunday. LIFFE say that they've now finished their 'maintenance'. When will the chart be available again?

The 'information' button gives the day's high, low, and close (and move, hence open), but no volume and nothing for previous days.

" If you phone you will always (barring quote errors or slow client reaction) get your price no matter what the market."

if you can offer a two way price tradable over the phone, then surely you must be able to guarantee prices online aswel?


I feel that your question is slightly tongue in cheek. We, along with the other SB companies do in general our best to give clients live real time prices. BUT we must get those prices from somewhere and merely from this fact we are also getting them effectively second hand from the market (and by association the client then gets them 'third hand') in all of this even with the best computer systems there is space for delay and error.

For this reason we reserve the right to reject a trade at an unreasonable price.

Over the phone the dealer is happy to quote the price as he is concentrating on that one product and can therefore be sure that the quote over the phone is timely and reasonably accurate. With computers this is not the case.



By saying that you are offering a price based on a financial platform like bloomberg or reuters means that you are liable to these exchange connections. Does that not mean that these conections are liable too?
If i paid for a private bloomberg connection and it went down that would be £1200 roughly per month wasted on 1 trade. However if i am a financial institution offering derivative prices in the stock market to private clients, is it not my obligation to have as many price feed switches that come through. So for example Reuters price feed is down, therefore bloomberg should automatically be the secondary price feed. Or the S&P feed - nowadays we have plenty of price feeds - we should have no excuses!

Seeing as the prices aren't live for the charts in CS, can anyone recommend a forex charting package that is inline with CS.

I use metatrader4 and the CS price is ALWAYS 2-3 pips above the metatrader chart and although this is workable knowing its ALWAYS just above, it would be nicew to have a chart the same as the SB price.

Unless of course CS are planning on bringing their own charts into real time? have always given the same price as capital spreads as far as I have seen. Clearly you need to bring up the chart for the spot market, the futures will always be a little off.
Its a shame as metatrader is free! but i guess you have to pay for accuracy really!
All well and good squaregains, but I like CS apart from the chart/price problem and I'd like to find a way around this problem. Unless I can open an acc with D4Fand they offer charts the same as CS, and I don't need to actually use D4F!

we are working on a 24 hr FX platform but it is taking longer to build than expected. Wall street quoting 24 hours is not so urgent as the market is truly very quiet out of hours. To be absolutely brutal ...if a 9/11 occured out of hours and we had a 24 hour desk we would almost certainly go to telephone trading I suspect would everybody else. Remember the Dow and S&P were actually closed for seven days after 9/11 including futures markets, outside of some SB companies quoting over the phone there were no US markets at all for the whole week !!


I trade forex also and it is not so much the 9/11 scenario but the fact that if I have a stop loss which should have been executed during movement in the Asian session then it doesn't actually get executed until 07:00 the next day.

This I find infuriating as it happened to me recently and I ended up with not only the loss I had decided I could tolerate with a stop loss but also another 50 pips against me ! I know Simon is going to say it can work the other way also but I would just rather be able to manage my trades over 24 hours in a 24 hour market.

I keep on thinking about D4F but like others here I like the helpful customer service at CS - however I am now starting to get frustrated with the situation so will give it a little while longer for them to develop the platform but will not wait indefinitely.
JayKay and Wasp I am with you both. I have just subscibed to a trial for D4F because they offer real time charting. I want to see what the package is like. In addition I trade FX and I really worry about my stops as well, so that if I think they will be trigerred overnight I generally take the hit just before they close (if I am at a PC).

I think CS are doing a good job but others offer other services so I plan on using the combination of CS and D4F and see which I prefer.

I will let you know.
I've been using D4F for over a year now, but they recently upgraded their dealing platform and now supply real time charting with all the standard indicators available. Excellent. I don't know of any other dealing platform that comes close to D4F now.

I now use a couple of indicators that I'd never used beforeon their platform, and my results have inproved as a result.

I have no complaints.

I have never tried CS, but I acknowledge that people on this board say that it's good.
3 questions:
1)why do you start crude at 10 AM when every other SB firm offers it for longer?

it its quite infuriating when you can't get out of your position with CS and then see it move against you by 80 points (this morning)

2) why do you always fill people when the trade goes against the client but not for them?

3) do you plan to offer Binaries?

1. you are quite correct for the crude oil futures and we will be opening them earlier in the morning.

2. clients always think that this is the case .... in the real markets if the price moves for you as you trade or someone gets the price before you then nothing is done...if the price moves against you then 'surprise ..surprise' you are filled.

3. we do plan to offer binarys .. the model has been built .. but we need to get it slightly faster for the trading platform.

we quote the rolling Gold from 07.00 to 21.00 . the future is too illiquid in the morning for our spreads.

Live charts are on their way (patience) unfortunately we do not have hundreds of thousands of pounds to throw at the problem

Everybody else

good as d4f are I , of course , think that we are better. Their dealing platform is so huge that many customers find difficultly down loading it. Finding markets is a bit of a pain.. etc etc. In terms of prices and client facing we try to match (and on occasion beat) the market leaders.

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Have a look at fincadXL software - its got all the binary pricing models.
Only have to worry about vols - and decay. Good luck with it!
