Best Thread Capital Spreads

If this keeps happening on a regular basis you are on dealer referral, there is nowhere else to look. Don't waste your time checking your internet connection. I checked mine many times and it never improved my trade execution where I was put on dealer referral :cheesy:
And was that trading with CS? I agree, it is quite easy to spot when you are on referral to a dealer. I have also been put on referral to a dealer with some SB providers, so of course this problem exist, but it appears not to be a big issue with CS these days.

dealer referral is a fact of life ...unfortunately...there really is no such thing as a free lunch. But if a client is getting an immediate rejection response then it is just the computer. I would love my dealers to be that fast but humans must react..pick up..check..respond all of which takes time. I would also love to say that I understood all of minitraders last comment.. but i dont so i will have to refer to my tech guys

Yes that is my experience as well, usually there is a delay in play for unwanted clients. You know very well my standpoint on manipulation for a specific client group. It has to be dealt with in a another way, that resonate in line with the MiFID financial directives.

dealer referral is a fact of life ...unfortunately...there really is no such thing as a free lunch. But if a client is getting an immediate rejection response then it is just the computer. I would love my dealers to be that fast but humans must react..pick up..check..respond all of which takes time. I would also love to say that I understood all of minitraders last comment.. but i dont so i will have to refer to my tech guys

Simon, if a client is on referral to a dealer. Will you inform him/she if that is the case, if he/she ask for the reason of bad execution?
And was that trading with CS? I agree, it is quite easy to spot when you are on referral to a dealer. I have also been put on referral to a dealer with some SB providers, so of course this problem exist, but it appears not to be a big issue with CS these days.

You may not have noticed but CS greys out the quotes in times of high volatility so you can't place a trade at that time. And they may also delay orders being executed by 2-3 seconds in order to give their price engine time to reject a trade that is going against them. I can't remember a trade with CS being done in milliseconds and yes I have an ultrafast internet connection.
Simon, if a client is on referral to a dealer. Will you inform him/she if that is the case, if he/she ask for the reason of bad execution?

I can answer this for you. No one will ever tell you that you are on dealer referral. The hint will be when they tell you to check your internet connection that has been working fine all along and works fine with other brokers.
Gle stop making misleading comments mate , if Simon himself the ceo of Capitalsporeads says that there is some clients on dealer referral "fact" ...
Gle stop making misleading comments mate , if Simon himself the ceo of Capitalsporeads says that there is some clients on dealer referral "fact" ...
Misleading comments mate? It is no secrets that some clients are on referral to a dealer with all SB. This we all know, but where are the proof that CS is adopting dealer interference, in a wider sense compare to others out there? You have so much to say about CS strategy regarding their client policy and you don't even trade with them, isn't that a shame?
I can answer this for you. No one will ever tell you that you are on dealer referral. The hint will be when they tell you to check your internet connection that has been working fine all along and works fine with other brokers.
Some have done it to me when calling them up.
Misleading comments mate? It is no secrets that some clients are on referral to a dealer with all SB. This we all know, but where are the proof that CS is adopting dealer interference, in a wider sense compare to others out there? You have so much to say about CS strategy regarding their client policy and you don't even trade with them, isn't that a shame?

Ofcourse most of the clients aren't on dealer referral we already know this , but you keep saying that we don't have any reports here from angry clients , which is irrelevant as we are quoting Simon's statement , i did trade with them for years in the past and i am quoting their CEO i think that's enough , but you keep bashing every reviewer here for nothing ....
Ofcourse most of the clients aren't on dealer referral we already know this , but you keep saying that we don't have any reports here from angry clients , which is irrelevant as we are quoting Simon's statement , i did trade with them for years in the past and i am quoting their CEO i think that's enough , but you keep bashing every reviewer here for nothing ....
Simon is here he says it, the other is not here and I doubt very much they would be bold enough to say it. Well, if you can't stand a normal discussion stay out. tar I think you are a little bit to sensitive toward others that have a different opinion, especially if they are pro SB. I will continue to post what I like to express as will probably you.
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Simon is here he says it, the other is not here and I doubt very much they would be bold enough to say it. Well, if you can't stand a normal discussion stay out.

You the one who cant stand a normal discussion you don't want to hear others reviews , i know you had a good experience with CS which is great and not surprising but let others to give there reviews as well that's what i am asking for ...
You the one who cant stand a normal discussion you don't want to hear others reviews , i know you had a good experience with CS which is great and not surprising but let others to give there reviews as well that's what i am asking for ...
But read my posts, am I calling others names, using bad langues or overall abusive, I would say no. I participate in the discussion, not always agreeing what is being said, but this is the nature of a forum like this one.
But read my posts, am I calling others name, using bad langues or overall abusive, I would say no. I participate in the discussion, not always agreeing what is being said, but this is the nature of a forum like this one.

Mate you've made your point maybe a hundreds of times here , let others give their reviews as well without questioning the validity of their posts and questioning their internet connection for god sake most of the reviews here are from UK clients i cant see how an internet connection would be a problem here , and let Simon to help them afterall they are his clients ...
Mate you've made your point maybe a hundreds of times here , let others give their reviews as well without questioning the validity of their posts and questioning their internet connection for god sake most of the reviews here are from UK clients i cant see how an internet connection would be a problem here , and let Simon to help them afterall they are his clients ...
Now I really have to ask what is your problem tar? I like to communicate with people and will continue to do so as long as I find it interesting.
Now I really have to ask what is your problem tar? I like to communicate with people and will continue to do so as long as I find it interesting.

communicate and contribute as you like but please keep in mind that there are other opinions and reviews out there beside yours ... just my 2 cents
communicate and contribute as you like but please keep in mind that there are other opinions and reviews out there beside yours ... just my 2 cents
Yes there are, and I am glad for it. There is no strict censorship on this forum expect for overall bad behavior. If somebody like to contribute with something they are free to do so. You might not like me posting at times, but I am sure not against you contributing with whatever you like that is of your concern.

I have no doubt that you post in good faith. Your experience of spreadbetters may be good because of your trading style and you are free to say so. But the experience of many of us with spreadbet companies is not as smooth as yours appears to be. There lies the difference.

I have no doubt that you post in good faith. Your experience of spreadbetters may be good because of your trading style and you are free to say so. But the experience of many of us with spreadbet companies is not as smooth as yours appears to be. There lies the difference.
Who says it is smooth?🙂 It might surprise you, but my trading is not as well suited for SB as some of you might think. Still, I stay with it because I feel I have control over the risk parameters and know what to expect from trading with market makers.

Many times I feel that many spread better like to blame somebody else for their trading failures, it is easier that way. I mean don't we all have to take charge of our own trading environment? I am quite convinced that the real problem lies in SB traders in general are taking way too much risk. If I lose excessive amount of money trading SB, it is not the SB's fault (there are a few exceptions though). We all make bad judgement and the responsibility to correct these are our own.
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pip star
the price greys out when the exchange pricing creates a backwardation ... usualy on equities. I do hate to point it out but if you tried "market order" trading on the dow or S&P future over US data releases then te fills you would get would be truly frightening. A trade request at these times could easily be filled at the worst possible price.

you must also remember that over releases we will have many hundreds of trades from standing orders. We must check some of these as otherwise systems can sometimes give really unfair fills. Of course no-one would believe me but our dealers are far more usually improving computer suggested order fills than slipping them.

But there is no getting away from the fact that there are always concessions no matter what platform you use. Spread Betting was originally designed just as a entertaining way for city boys to have a punt and CFDs as a cunning way of taking equity positions in companies without declaring your interest. they have both now morphed into the trading product of choice for people all over the world.

If you never get an instant fill then i must assume that you are on dealer referral but (as I say) the number of trade rejections overall is really infinitesimal .

now please dont shout about this as i am just referring my IT bods answer.


The reason why you can't ping any of our servers it because they are behind load balancers and firewalls, of which will only allow connections through standard HTTP and HTTPS ports. The behavioural pattern of our load balancers will redirect the user back to the same front end processor for a time period and then provide it to a new after a short period of time without access to the platform. I expect that this would have reached more than on front end processor over the period of a week.

I appreciate his comment on other platform performance however I would expect them to be the different at all times. Whether it be in favour of our platform or against. Pricing latency is different to trade execution. Typically our customer support team would make sure he is on the latest version of browsers and flash on his computer to make sure there is nothing local to the computer that could be causing this. I would advise the same. I would then advise that he test his internet speed during times when he feels he's not getting his execution. Here is a good site to check from Broadband Speed Checker - THE UK's No.1 Broadband Speed Test

I've also tested the trace route from multiple internet breakouts from our own network and like the client receive fast route tracing. Unfortunately the clients external routing is out of their control as this is provided by their Internet Service Provider (ISP). As a user of BT Internet yourself, would be experiencing the same issue. Recently there was an issue with 02 external routing and caused clients on their broadband service to experience execution latency. Again, unfortunately this is out of our control. When this was resolved by 02 clients experienced better service than before their reported issues.

I have setup a ping test for the client. If the client would like to provide his results and external IP address I will be more than happy to assess his results. From a command prompt please can the client ping the following URL.


simon (his name is simon as well)