Don't you try to sneak out of the mess you made.🙂Guys for god sake , my comment relates to CS and other brokers as well , your trading cost is not just the advertised spread it should be = spread+slippage+rejections effect+dealer referral effect + platform outage effect , so yes if you get what you see without any of these then your cost is 1 point but that's not the reality , i was generous when i said 4 points i would suspect it is much more than that in days like yesterday , i cant believe we are arguing about this .
Gle if you don't get these rejections then that's good but that doesn't mean others don't : maybe you trade counter-trend and others trade breakouts , maybe u trade small and others trade 100p/p , maybe you are not profitable and others make 1K a day , my comment relates to minitrader experience ...
Then the same calculation must apply to trading DMA as well. There are internal and external risk parameter that have to be taken in account trading both markets. I think minitrader101 has to give us more information what really has happened.