Best Thread Capital Spreads


not quite.....

i actually like comments on this thread, even the unfair ones at least get my interest. Most of the comments are questions or requests etc..etc...

the ones that i find annoying are the ones that attribute nefarious motives to everything we do.. but i suppose it comes with the territory. In reality if you are a good trader/investor you will make much more money on our SB platform (overall) than going direct access... with the (possible) exception of FX. Although we have a bunch of traders who we call 'the cable club' who trade a GBP/USD system with us that makes them alot of money.. very simple very controlled very profitable.

[QUOTE= Although we have a bunch of traders who we call 'the cable club' who trade a GBP/USD system with us that makes them alot of money.. very simple very controlled very profitable.

How dose it work ?? 😀 😱
Bottom line is if you're unhappy with CS, then walk, go elsewhere - there are plenty of SB companies out there, or indeed DA if that's your thing. Personally having traded with the others (CMC and Finspreads in particular) I would choose CS anyday. I like the open approach and the willingness to respond to criticisms and requests - no one is perfect but what counts is how you deal with your clients. FWIW I am consistently profitable (swing trading the DOW) although not in the tens of thousands league yet - but certainly plan to be.
Agree, and Simon is the only SB representative (as far as I am aware), who regularly puts his "head on the block" in this thread , and tries to answer questions constructively. I do not see such transparency from other SB companies

i think i gave the 'Cable guys' the kiss of death. Two loss making days in a row !! I must learn to keep my mouth shut!!


i did comment about 2 weeks ago on 1 point spreads. World spreads was offering them as a special at 1 point wide. From the look of their site they are now back at 2 points. Capital Spreads has never made spurious special offers to its clients on spreads, as some kind of come on, only to be put back after the client is hooked.

Our spreads are permanently tight, if they come in they are permanently (barring volatile conditions) in.

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I registered for the capitalspreads demo and have been fiddling about with it.
For the life of me I can't work out where to place a binary bet.
(I only bet binaries and don't spreadbet, but IG is... no longer the place for me.)

Where are they hiding? Am I going mad?
capitalspreads said:
Our spreads are permanently tight, if they come in they are permanently (barring volatile conditions) in.

Hm, and slippage on the live platform, how's that? Reason I ask is that, using the demo, I have noticed a few occurances on EUR and Dow, just a point or two here and there on limit orders and not neccesarrily in busy times.
What are people's perceptions here?

All the best...

PS: Get your charts to show mid-prices, puleeeeze....! Having ex. a june contract chart (to see futher back in time than today) but entering on daily market (lower spread), whilst comparing with other feed... +4, -2, no, buy is +2, chart is -4, no spread is 4... etc. Ooops factor maximus!
Clip-on Tie said:
I registered for the capitalspreads demo and have been fiddling about with it.
For the life of me I can't work out where to place a binary bet.
(I only bet binaries and don't spreadbet, but IG is... no longer the place for me.)

Where are they hiding? Am I going mad?

right there... 🙂


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You did comment about my original post, but not about the later one (12/5), after Worldspreads had said the 1pt FTSE spread was permanent, and that they planned to extend the offer...

we never slip prices on the live platform.... you either get the price or not the demo platform works just a little differently.

our charts are taken from the bid for technical and legal reasons and will not change.

clip on tie

because binaries are a very hands on market we do not offer them in the demo (sorry) . you can open an account for free and look at our binary markets to see what you think.

cheers guys,

Simon, question

i note that on my trade numbers from one day to the next the difference is often 1000 - 2000 apart.

given that a number is allocated to opens and closes as well as orders is it ture to say that your company only handles around 1000 trades per day or are ticket numbers different on different pairs?

I only trade cable so it's either 1000 cable trades a day or 1000 trades overall the whole platform.

these numbers seem very small to me - can you elaborate on them please?
Hello there everyone,
I access Caps from behind a firewall at work and generally have no problem accessing. However, the firewall is today blocking Caps content 😡 . This happened a few months back and others seemed to be having similar issues at that time, but then the issue disappeared overnight. Not sure if Caps have changed their connectivity channel over the weekend, but this seems to have only happened again today. Is anyone else connecting through a firewall in their office having issues accessing Caps?
chindl said:
Hello there everyone,
I access Caps from behind a firewall at work and generally have no problem accessing. However, the firewall is today blocking Caps content 😡 . This happened a few months back and others seemed to be having similar issues at that time, but then the issue disappeared overnight. Not sure if Caps have changed their connectivity channel over the weekend, but this seems to have only happened again today. Is anyone else connecting through a firewall in their office having issues accessing Caps?

Cannot access Capitalspreads at all today, as of 13:07 BST, and we're not technologically advanced enough to have a firewall! What's going on?
chindl said:
Hello there everyone,
I access Caps from behind a firewall at work and generally have no problem accessing. However, the firewall is today blocking Caps content 😡 . This happened a few months back and others seemed to be having similar issues at that time, but then the issue disappeared overnight. Not sure if Caps have changed their connectivity channel over the weekend, but this seems to have only happened again today. Is anyone else connecting through a firewall in their office having issues accessing Caps?

Yeppers - CS is blocked here today also. And it happened to me a while back - but then it miraculously got unfiltered again. However it's not an issue with ports/etc as the whole site is getting blocked. Also have had issues with IG since last week - I can get the app up but it looks like all the streaming prices are getting filtered - so no trading there either.

My guess is our companies are using the same filtering software (or we're in the same co.) which got updated over the weekend. It's also blocked access to hotmail and a few others today.
fxwinner22 said:
Simon, question

i note that on my trade numbers from one day to the next the difference is often 1000 - 2000 apart.

given that a number is allocated to opens and closes as well as orders is it ture to say that your company only handles around 1000 trades per day or are ticket numbers different on different pairs?

I only trade cable so it's either 1000 cable trades a day or 1000 trades overall the whole platform.

these numbers seem very small to me - can you elaborate on them please?

Hmmm interesting,

The trade nos are definitely across the platform. Back in beginning Feb they stood at 780,000 and now they're at 1,158,000 ish.

A bit of a specification oversight there - I'm sure a competitor would find that info useful.