Best Thread Capital Spreads

Farce etc...

hmmmm it seems that you have different experiences to me. When i use our competitors the deal acceptance times and rejection numbers appear pretty much the same as ours.

We will be going to automated trading for smaller sizes in the near future.

I must repeat the comment that I have made over and over again. We are a spread betting company not an FX company. People always complain about FX fills never about anything else. FX platforms quote about 30 markets have major banks backing up liquidity etc etc ...if the price moves whilst you are trying to trade you get nothing .. on the otherhand with SB companies the price is effectively held until the dealer confirms it. Frequently this means you get a good price to trade on but it also means that this 'good' price may be rejected. I cannot see how this differs from a real platform. If you trade and the market moves against you as you trade then you will be filled .. if the market immediately moves away from you you will miss the price. This happens to us all the time on our FX hedging.

Everyone always says 'I will complain to the FSA' .... The procedure is quite clear ..complain to us...(unlike some of our competitors we will at least answer you fairly quickly)....if not pleased then raise it to our compliance officer...if still not happy raise it with the financial omnbudsman service....the omnbudsman is independant of the FSA and will only even look at complaints if you have gone through the full complaints procedure already.

There are some 10 spread betting companies and 100's of FX providors (we do have a private client FX unit ouselves, Capital Forex). If anyone feels that we are unfair/cheating etc etc they can always move (in about 20 minutes of account opening boredom). That said, it is odd how our client retension numbers are some two times our competitors (those who give this info in their reported figures).

We always work on improving services but sometimes due to the success of our platorm our trade growth exceeds our technical improvement lines. As I have said we are moving to autotrade acceptance in many markets and are constantly improving systems etc.

On the orders front.. as you correctly state you will get your order fill and generally at the price requested BUT we must check that the order has been fairly hit as there are many spikes pricing errors etc etc ... and we quote over 2000 markets. It is vary easy to see whether an FX price is hit but not so easy when you are talking about a 'widening' quote on a share caused by lack of liquidity. In many of the FTSE 250 stocks the bid offer can widen to 20 or 30 points due to lack of liquidity on the LSE. This may 'trigger' a stop but would be unreasonable of us to activate. I do not know how our competitors deal with this but we wait to see whether further liquidy enters the market. Sometimes a stock can remain on the triggered (red lined) file for half of the trading day. This does take time but is the fairest way of do it. Again we will be moving to automated triggers on some markets (probably FX and indices) in time.


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Simon I don't think people will be angry if when there is a delay in fill and the price moves against us you dont execute it rather than execute it 5 or more points away from the market, just like you reject "seemingly" when it moves in our favour.

If when you check and you see the price did get there and you execute it as long as it has not moved far away from the market ...... but then you know what annoys the customers. With deal4free you get a re-quote most people like your platform but....

out of interest what is your client retention rate?

The sooner you move to automated (FX at least) the better. Not only is there the ongoing inconvenience of not being filled until it goes against you (not all the time but often enough), it also takes 30 seconds for the timer to drift across before being told 'price no longer valid' by which time the price is then another 10 pips away before you can place a new order and have missed the bulk of any move. If this happens twice, you may as well give it up.

In the world of trading this is unnaceptable and automated trading and speeding up the platform is a must. I'm not sure how you keep such a high number of clients on the FX side but on flip side, your company is good in many other aspects and coupled with the sheer mind numbing volume of FX get rich schemes on the market, its no wonder SB's have so many clients (tax free, small capital requirements, ease of opening, easy to use).

Whilst I may have an account with you, I would never trade seriously with you until you made these changes and improve your platform, its just not plausible.
Simon, this is UNNACCEPTABLE.

For the THIRD time in two days, I cannot place a trade that would net me big profits.
It took over 30 seconds for the execution timer to move all the way to the right and then it hit me with this!

And NO it hadnt even executed after 30 Seconds +
Guys, in sympathy I would say to you, Isn't it blatently clear by now what this Spread betting business is all about? Just ask yourself why is there a new SB company springing up every week? What do these people know that the public don't? It's major smoke and mirrors going on

They don't want you to fulfill trades that will make you big profits, They do delay quotes, executions etc, they're not in the business of rewarding skillful traders, They are in business to make money, and as much of it as they can, from people who get seduced by the idea of being able to make lots of tax free money easily

Read what Warren Buffett says about financial derivatives, and why spreadbetting is illegal in the USA, Then read about why London is the Financial capital of the world

These are cunning people
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I for one don't agree. I've been trading with Fins for several weeks now and I've been quite happy with them. There're always bad apples but we can't generalize too much.
hungvir said:
I for one don't agree. I've been trading with Fins for several weeks now and I've been quite happy with them. There're always bad apples but we can't generalize too much.

That's because you're still on automatic execution (assuming you're trading online). Wait till you are put on manual and then you'll realise the frustration and the anger that other traders have with them (yeah, I'm one of them) 😢
That's right, I've always been trading online. But I wonder why you would need to trade via the phone! I tested it once with Worldspreads and I could see that the price they quoted me was different from the one I saw on the screen, though not by much.

having second thoughts

Slowly I am learning about FX trading and having visited Capital Spreads' seminar and viewed their platform I was in the process of gearing up to properly testing and then depositing real money for trading.

However some of the comments on this board are really making me doubt whether I should use CS or not. I think the company management needs to take serious steps to address the concerns or I will not be the only potential customer who turns their back.
They changed to 24hr FX and speeded up their platform and for a while all was great.

I've found in the last week or two the number of unfilled/price no longer valids and general problems have jumped back tenfold.

Until they speed up their platform and introduce automated 24hr FX, even if its only up to £25 per point, they could have a great thing going.

At the moment its just a mess IMO.
re. earlier posting about spreads, Worldspreads say the offer of 1pt on the FTSE is permanent and will be extended to the Dow, CAC and DAX. If they do it, surely the rest will have to follow?
wasp said:
They changed to 24hr FX and speeded up their platform and for a while all was great.

I've found in the last week or two the number of unfilled/price no longer valids and general problems have jumped back tenfold.

Until they speed up their platform and introduce automated 24hr FX, even if its only up to £25 per point, they could have a great thing going.

At the moment its just a mess IMO.

Yes and I will not be using them :cheesy:
They are a secondary account for me at the moment and could soon become a distant never again.
JasonC2 said:
What the hell are you talking about?

I'm not talking about futures, And what extra tax?

If you're playing down the significance of a 1pt spread on the Dow, You should join the comedy club

Er, you can already receive a 1 point spread on the Dow on the real underlying market. In fact, this has been so for years. Why not have a go and see if you can make tons of 'easy' profits from the real market? You could always switch to Worldspreads when you've reached the point where you would need to start paying taxes on your 'easy' profits? 😉
JasonC2 said:
Really? where's this then?


If your trading strategies require very tight spreads on the Dow, then you need direct access.

When you spreadbet the Dow you are trading based on the Dow futures price. The underlying Dow spread is 1 point. The spreadbet companies offer 3/4 points on the Dow - that's part of their "edge".

Take a look at - they offer direct access to CBOT, CME, LIFFE, etc. but using a spreadbet wrapper, so the profits should be tax free.

The mini dow contract (YM) is worth $5 per tick. The spread is 1 tick. For > 10,000 lots per month you pay $1.75 commission per lot.

This results in an effective spread of 1.7 points. That's about as good as it gets. Several companies offer similar access -,, etc.

However, the reality is that a losing trader will lose whether the spread is 4 or 1.

I don't know how much experience you have, but it's best to avoid the very short term stuff unless you have tested, proven methods which you can execute in real-time.

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Originally Posted by juanbyte

Does anyone have any information/views on this new spread betting company.


mattmadd said:
They are not new, been in market for few years. Be cautious that once your trade is opened, they generate a stop loss automatically.

Think you're a bit late in answering the OP's original query...there's already 2000+ posts on this thread 😆
et al

getting it in the neck here.

I see jason is back puttling out his completely misinformed information. I wish I could legally print the names of accounts who have made tens of thousands of pounds trading on our platform and whom we restrict not one jot. If we closed winning accounts dont you think you would have heard all about it on this thread? I have never hidden the fact that spread betting is a dangerous pass-time (it says it all over our platform). One of the big US futures exchanges did a survey about the profitability of 'Private investors' on the futures exchanges (as opposed to the institutional traders) and they came up with the fact that some 80% lost money , this figure almost exactly matches ours. As I point out at our seminars.

I wonder how many times I have to state.... we are a spread betting company .. in FX you will very occassionally find some problems due to the nature of the product. ...But if you get a problem then call us.. we are reasonably nice people to talk to ...

i think most of you will be noticing the upgrade mprovement over the w/e .. the moment it appears to be a good time to put on the old tin hat , trading volumes are well up over the last few days (clients love volatile markets!) but unlike one or two of our (rather bigger) competitors we have been up and running continuously in nearly every market.


Simon, it appears as though Pareto's Law applies to almost everything

80% of spreadbetters lose money
80% of the opinions stated on this forum are pure nonsense....