Best Thread Capital Spreads

We are going to switch some markets to automatic order fills (FX and Indices are market that springs to mind) but we need to ensure that this does not create problems with outprints activating rogue trades.



ummm..... i have to admit that although we though of nearly everything this was a mistake on our behalf. I am aware that with our competitors when an order is hit you get a message saying words to the effect "you cannot change or trade out of position as the order is waiting to be filled". On our platform the order is not actually finally filled until we clear it. This means that you may have a window of opportunity to get out at a better level if you know that your order should have been filled. This is entirely our risk not yours. But beware you may try to trade at the same time as our dealers fill the order therefore possibly creating a 'new' position.

jbat / jtrader

the technology is being built as we speak / there will be all kinds of filters mainly concerning stake size, times of day etc etc ... we expect delivery of the auto fill system end july but like all IT delivery dont hold your breath!!

capitalspreads said:
jbat / jtrader

the technology is being built as we speak / there will be all kinds of filters mainly concerning stake size, times of day etc etc ... we expect delivery of the auto fill system end july but like all IT delivery dont hold your breath!!


Thanks. Just so I understand you correctly, that means if all goes to plan, post July I will be able to trade FX and indices with instant fill/reject execution with Capital Spreads - is that right?
Just a quicky, interested in finding out more about the spread betting platform IB can anybody expand for me,
Jbat001 said:
Thanks. Just so I understand you correctly, that means if all goes to plan, post July I will be able to trade FX and indices with instant fill/reject execution with Capital Spreads - is that right?
Pull that off Simon and you can nick all worldspreads clients... let the battle begin... what fun!
Auto trading we will have to see what is possible...but there is a warning involved ... no matter how wonderful we think we are we are never going to auto fill in volatile times.

Worldspreads are having problems with FX feeds, as we could have told them. I was looking at their eur/usd feed and it was frequently 4 to 5 pips wrong for 10-15 secs. If I was allowed an account with them (which unfortunately I am not) I would also trade (scalp) as much as was able to get away with. But on the other hand I wouldn't complain about it when I was prevented from trading. To be fair we also had the same problems with FX in the past, we still have the odd one or two but so do all the SB companies on occasion. We quote a solid 2 pips but reject very few trades.

if you want to give us a ring (number on the web site) we will talk to you about it.

Hi SImon,

it's not just FX there seems to be problems with generally, and I wonder if you would be kind enough to give your thoughts on the following:

Over the last three or so weeks, I have been following a new intraday method for the Dow Jones (I have used the June contract). I have been having one chart from yourself open (3 mins), a chart from IG, and one with an eSignal feed. Even though not actually trading, I have also had a trading ticket open with yourself. I observe with dire regularity that your prices seem to be 'lagging' at the extremes, even in slow periods. Here is an example (!) that clarifies:

I notice the price at 900, sell at that. Slowly, the price is coming down, and I settle on a target of 875.
The price on IG and eSignal feed hits 880, yours is still at 883.
The price on IG, etc drops to 876, then 874, then 873. Your is showing 881, then 878, then 876.
Three things can happen now: 1. The price climbs back up a little, say to 878, you stay at 877, or 2. the price holds on at 873, you slowly get steady on 874, or 3. the price declines futher and the whole process continues.

To futher tilt this, your trade ticket seems out of sync with your own charts, i.e. also sometimes lagging a pip or two. In the above example, when the price was at 873, your chart showing 876, your trade ticket would most likely show 877.

In ex. 1 and 2, I would be holding on, waiting for your price to come in line with the underlying market, but never getting my fill.
In ex. 3, I would get my fill, though above what I should have (or, indeed, I might still wait for you to follow suit to get a better buy-back).

You might rightly argue that this would had been an advantage if I was in a buy situation, but as this alwasy happens around peak prices / range top or bottoms, it would not, as I would be near the low of the bar.
I know you do not like the word bias, but intentionally or not, this does tilt the whole game away from the trader.
To forego another possible counter argument, if I may, no, I cannot simply trade 'against' your delayed prices as we are only talking a few pips at most, always within your spread (either it would be eaten by your spread, or I would get Expired on price). It simply just 'chops' away at profits.

It does prompt a few questions:
1. What if I were to call up and state that the underlying price was at 875, but you never gave better than 877? Somehow I doubt that would be a viable argument.
2. If I had a limit at 875, would it be hit as the underlying market was there, but your prices not? If yes, the same must presumably go for a SL, which would hardly be fair as I could never trade at that price with you. If no, I would not get my fill. Neither outcomes are satisfactory.

I have, as said, been following this over some three weeks, and we are not talking about flukes or fast market, but a rather consistant pattern.
I do not think this is a connectivity issue, as the other feeds come through fine, and I am on broadband.

If still in doubt, just try pulling up a 1, 5, or 10 min chart and compare your peak bar prices (highs in rising market, lows in falling market) to that of the underlying instrument. They are very often short of a few pips.

For some time, I thought it was just your charts that were not fast enough to register the fast moves, but it seems to go deaper than that.

I do not want to start the old arguments about either bias or SB in general, but these are - specific - matters of some concern, as I am sure you will appreciate, and I would like your comments on them.

All the best...
Jyde said:
Hi SImon,

it's not just FX there seems to be problems with generally, and I wonder if you would be kind enough to give your thoughts on the following:

Over the last three or so weeks, I have been following a new intraday method for the Dow Jones (I have used the June contract). I have been having one chart from yourself open (3 mins), a chart from IG, and one with an eSignal feed. Even though not actually trading, I have also had a trading ticket open with yourself. I observe with dire regularity that your prices seem to be 'lagging' at the extremes, even in slow periods. Here is an example (!) that clarifies:

I notice the price at 900, sell at that. Slowly, the price is coming down, and I settle on a target of 875.
The price on IG and eSignal feed hits 880, yours is still at 883.
The price on IG, etc drops to 876, then 874, then 873. Your is showing 881, then 878, then 876.
Three things can happen now: 1. The price climbs back up a little, say to 878, you stay at 877, or 2. the price holds on at 873, you slowly get steady on 874, or 3. the price declines futher and the whole process continues.

To futher tilt this, your trade ticket seems out of sync with your own charts, i.e. also sometimes lagging a pip or two. In the above example, when the price was at 873, your chart showing 876, your trade ticket would most likely show 877.

In ex. 1 and 2, I would be holding on, waiting for your price to come in line with the underlying market, but never getting my fill.
In ex. 3, I would get my fill, though above what I should have (or, indeed, I might still wait for you to follow suit to get a better buy-back).

You might rightly argue that this would had been an advantage if I was in a buy situation, but as this alwasy happens around peak prices / range top or bottoms, it would not, as I would be near the low of the bar.
I know you do not like the word bias, but intentionally or not, this does tilt the whole game away from the trader.
To forego another possible counter argument, if I may, no, I cannot simply trade 'against' your delayed prices as we are only talking a few pips at most, always within your spread (either it would be eaten by your spread, or I would get Expired on price). It simply just 'chops' away at profits.

It does prompt a few questions:
1. What if I were to call up and state that the underlying price was at 875, but you never gave better than 877? Somehow I doubt that would be a viable argument.
2. If I had a limit at 875, would it be hit as the underlying market was there, but your prices not? If yes, the same must presumably go for a SL, which would hardly be fair as I could never trade at that price with you. If no, I would not get my fill. Neither outcomes are satisfactory.

I have, as said, been following this over some three weeks, and we are not talking about flukes or fast market, but a rather consistant pattern.
I do not think this is a connectivity issue, as the other feeds come through fine, and I am on broadband.

If still in doubt, just try pulling up a 1, 5, or 10 min chart and compare your peak bar prices (highs in rising market, lows in falling market) to that of the underlying instrument. They are very often short of a few pips.

For some time, I thought it was just your charts that were not fast enough to register the fast moves, but it seems to go deaper than that.

I do not want to start the old arguments about either bias or SB in general, but these are - specific - matters of some concern, as I am sure you will appreciate, and I would like your comments on them.

All the best...

I don't think this is actually a problem you are seeing - it's more to do with IGs pricing policy. I find that CS stick closer to the underlying index than IG. IG always move their quote a few pips ahead of the current direction in the index. which is why you are seeing different peaks and troughs.

the reason you see a different price on our screen is because our chart prices come from our 'bid' price. IG charts come (ithink) from their 'mid' point, i think IG's June Dow is quoted 8 points wide our June dow is 6 points. This means that from our bid to their mid can be either 3 or 4 points difference.

In our case the bid is a definate point. IG's mid point on an eight point spread (and in fact any even number spread) is a choice between two points.

We have stated many times that we never bias our prices. I cannot control what IG quote all I can control is our own platform. If we filled someone on a stop and did not fill a limit on the other side of the price I think that you would have heard about it by now. In fact some customers have been kind enough to comment on this thread about limit fills on prices that were too fast for them to even see.

We like many SB companies are at the mercy of our feed data.

capitalspreads said:
the reason you see a different price on our screen is because our chart prices come from our 'bid' price.simon

1. No, Simon. I have taken the difference into account. The example was with a sell. It could as easily have been with a buy situation. Also, note that in the example, I actually see your prices higher, not the other way around.
2. I have mostly seen IG in line with my eSignal feed, almost always to the tick. I would be interested in knowing how people find CS price feed compare to their other feeds? If it is a matter of data feed differences, it would naturally be unfair to blame CS.
3. It does not adress why the CS trading ticket can be out of sync with their own charts.

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For the record, I'd like to say that I have never had any issues with Capital Spreads at all - always filled promptly and the customer support is superb - well done!

The one issue to bear in mind here though, is that Capital Spreads is, after all, a bookmaker. There are lots of blinking red and blue lights and lots of markets that look like real world financial instruments, but they are not the same as the real markets. You need direct access for that.

I have to say that you are the only client who has reported this discrepancy between ticket and chart and I have to say in looking at our charts versus our prices there may be a fraction of a second delay (although frankly I can never see it even on the currency markets) but you must remember that the charts are 'indication only' it says so at the bottom of the page. You cannot trade on the chart price only on the trade ticket price.

As always if our prices are slow in anyway this is not by our design as it does not benefit us at all (!!), clients would just trade on advantageous prices. We are continuously improving things on our platform from charting to technical data to price feeds etc etc as no doubt do IG

capitalspreads said:
as worldspreads are just offering this as a temporary come on teaser (at least thats what they say) in other markets do many of our competitors on occasion. Their product info has the spread as 2 points. which they will presumably default to as soon as the promo finishes. It is unlikely that anyone will follow. Dealing costs(margin broking etc etc) make it uneconomic below a certain level.

apart from this one market WS are wider than us on most other instruments...especially FX and shares.


Where does it say that this is an offer or a teaser! Fact we are 1 point spreads - If anyone wants the flyer emailed or posted to them please let me know. Just to confirm this!

Not 1 market its a 1 pip spread in 8 markets....

In answer
no contest, reading Simons (capital spreads) responses and observing how he engages with his paying and prospective client base shows professional and proactive consideration towards such, which is further evidenced by educated and specific detailed answers to the queries he encounters . Honesty has also been shown re scalping technical difficulties clients may encounter via SB.

Furthermore if Simons attitude is echoed throughout the Capital Spreads team and if an individual was looking to use spreadbet to back their view in the markets then Capital Spreads may well prove to be the wiser bet in choosing a spreadbet service provider.

Impartial Fx here, no affiliation with CS just my view.
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If you don't cut your spread, you will be cut off, I've been looking this web page: for a long time, it's the most ridculous SB web page that I've ever seen in my life. What's wrong with you guys? Are you still building castles in the sand? Shame on you, grow up, you are dealing with traders and not infants watching cartoons :cheesy:
swissy , agree re choice of letter style and suggested a more sophisticated sharp lines style might be a better option some months back. 🙂 thanks for the reminder.

needs to be sorted i'd say.

or lets put that one through the square window , file that miss jones please. under B1N. 😛
fxmarkets said:
no contest, reading Simons (capital spreads) responses and observing how he engages with his paying and prospective client base shows professional and proactive consideration towards such, which is further evidenced by educated and specific detailed answers to the queries he encounters . Honesty has also been shown re scalping technical difficulties clients may encounter via SB.

Furthermore if Simons attitude is echoed throughout the Capital Spreads team and if an individual was looking to use spreadbet to back their view in the markets then Capital Spreads may well prove to be the wiser bet in choosing a spreadbet service provider.

Impartial Fx here, no affiliation with CS just my view.

Impartial is that another term for kissing @^@ ?
Marvin try and get a grip, its an exercise you can experience for yourself as all membership here can, read all of this thread and then read ALL you have written . Then tell us all whats reflected back to you.



amazing.. the web link is a promo/advert it would take me (not the sharpest pencil in the box) about 2 minutes to read .... anyone who freely states "i've been looking at this web page for a long time" would be welcome as a client of ours at any time. The advert is to get people to look at our simulation/demo platform and give SB a go in safety! Only 15% of our demo account holders actually go on to open a live account which means that we lose out on 85% of them who decide after losing 'funny money' using the Sim site that SB is not for them. Our competitors have no such compunction and (aside from limited demos from one or two) just launch clients into real money from day one.

Sorry Marvin

if it is permanent then fine I was just reporting on a conversation I had when calling your dealers as a prospective client where I was told that the offer was only available for a limited time.

If you are able to offer it as a permanent spread then all credit to you. As you cannot possibly hedge within those spreads you must therefore hope to God that your clients lose money! If the management is forced to widen the spreads at sometime in the future please remember your comment here.

From these boards I see you are already rejecting a large number of trades and any consistent winners get placed on 'refer to trader' (as was one of our staff) or words to that effect, this is blatantly unreasonable but quite a good way of ensuring that you only end up with serial losers. Or, as with another client, pleading to be allowed to make 3 or 4 trades a day on his account. How kind of you to allow a client to trade with his own money in such a fashion!

I would love to trade on the Worldspreads platform but unfortunately, on application, I was rejected as presumably I was expected to be a winner (obviously they never saw my trading account with City Index!) we have never rejected an employee of another SB company.

Anyway... enough said .. we do not have arguments with other SB companies and we wish Worldspreads all the best as the more clients and companies who enter the market the better. You will notice that I have not gone to your Worldspreads thread to comment a similar level of respect would be welcome.

As a matter of fact FXmarkets has given us just as hard a time of it on occasion when we did not come up to his expectations.

good trading

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