Best Thread Capital Spreads

Hmmm.. I had it once yesterday too. I thought it was just my computer.

Wasp/ Cool Trader - I think this is Deffo a CS problem and Not our Pcs. I had the same Mustard on Friday- Not the best of things to happen when in live trading.
I am sure Simon shall ask the techies to have a look into it and Also the site seems bit Slow these days.

zarif et al

we are looking at this problem about change from one area to another which appears to be taking longer than in the past. IT are looking into speeding up access.

A strange problem that I always have with the CS site is that I can only make one trade at once.
If I try and make a second, I press "trade" and nothing at all happens.
I have to close my browser, re-open it and re-enter my password, then I can make a trade.

Has anyone any idea why I have to close my browser between each trade?

I'd be interested to see if anyone else has encountered the same problem.
I've had similar but not all the time.

Occasionally, I'll have to swop the screen over to FX or popular indices then come back to the my portfolio screen for the 'trade' button to work...
wasp vorbis


obviously these problems concern us.. we have not come across these problems before so it would be useful if you could call our IT guys on 0207 796 5431 and they may be able to work out what is going on.

Vorbis said:
A strange problem that I always have with the CS site is that I can only make one trade at once.
If I try and make a second, I press "trade" and nothing at all happens.
I have to close my browser, re-open it and re-enter my password, then I can make a trade.

Has anyone any idea why I have to close my browser between each trade?

I'd be interested to see if anyone else has encountered the same problem.

I get the same problem - if you are on the "my Portfolio" tab and enter a trade on there. Once you've dismissed the confirmation the trade buttons no longer work - however if you click on a Tab such as Account summary and then back to my portfolio it works fine again.

I'm using firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
Hoggums said:
I get the same problem - if you are on the "my Portfolio" tab and enter a trade on there. Once you've dismissed the confirmation the trade buttons no longer work - however if you click on a Tab such as Account summary and then back to my portfolio it works fine again.

I'm using firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-GB; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5

Yes this problem has been there forever. both on firefox and iexplorer
I can't even get the site to load now... just a white screen whilst all other webpages work fine.
coolTrader said:
Yes this problem has been there forever. both on firefox and iexplorer

Sounds like they are setting a boolean on first click to stop accidental double-clicks (i.e. the trade window takes some time to load and the user clicks again, even though the operation is already active, albeit slow). It should then be cleared again when done with the trade window, but somehow doesn't.
Of course, I am only guessing...
OMG Never in my life have I experienced such ridiculous Execution times!

After a trade taking 16 seconds to go through in CS I emailed them this:


I have a few issues with your execution setup.

First of all, your execution times are ridiculously long.
It took nearly 15 seconds to execute a trade I made, causing me to lose money by the time the price was accepted on your side.

Also for the second time now I have placed a Trade, and it is NOT executed.
Causing me to miss out on a potential profit.

WHY is it that your execution setup takes so long to go through?
Where I have used other platforms before and executions can be near instantaneous."
this is the reply I got:

"The Capital Spreads site is not an automated system, we have dealers that check all trades and orders that come through our system.

When you requested a trade on our system, where the price was rejected by one of our dealers, you were trading at a busy time in the market. Therefore, as the price was no longer inline with the market we had to reject that trade. We do not operate a bias system, we can only accept or reject trades as we receive them.

The above rejected trade took us 16 seconds to respond and we apologise for that, but it was during a busy period. The average filling time of the other trades you have executed on our platform today is 6.5 seconds. "

So I lose money because of their backward manual system.
How Sh*t is that!! Smells like a frickin con to me.

Does anyone know of a spread betting company that has FAST execution times?
Farce said:
OMG Never in my life have I experienced such ridiculous Execution times!

After a trade taking 16 seconds to go through in CS I emailed them this:


I have a few issues with your execution setup.

First of all, your execution times are ridiculously long.
It took nearly 15 seconds to execute a trade I made, causing me to lose money by the time the price was accepted on your side.

Also for the second time now I have placed a Trade, and it is NOT executed.
Causing me to miss out on a potential profit.

WHY is it that your execution setup takes so long to go through?
Where I have used other platforms before and executions can be near instantaneous."
this is the reply I got:

"The Capital Spreads site is not an automated system, we have dealers that check all trades and orders that come through our system.

When you requested a trade on our system, where the price was rejected by one of our dealers, you were trading at a busy time in the market. Therefore, as the price was no longer inline with the market we had to reject that trade. We do not operate a bias system, we can only accept or reject trades as we receive them.

The above rejected trade took us 16 seconds to respond and we apologise for that, but it was during a busy period. The average filling time of the other trades you have executed on our platform today is 6.5 seconds. "

So I lose money because of their backward manual system.
How Sh*t is that!! Smells like a frickin con to me.

Does anyone know of a spread betting company that has FAST execution times?

That's why I no longer trade with CS. I don't believe the statement 'we do not operate a bias system'. When I did trade with them, it was funny how trades that went against me in the period between clicking the trade button and execution were ALWAYS filled but those that would have been in my favour were ALWAYS rejected.

If you are on automatic with IG and/or Finspreads (I'm on manual with both) you'll receive pretty instant fills. Of course, if you make money with them, which is the whole point of this game, you'll be put on manual 😢
Words cannot express the pure ANGER I feel.

I know when any loss I take is my fault.
I have taken good profits, and I have taken lossess.
But I know when lossess start occuring that arent a result of any error on my part, and instead because of a platforms execution process.

When Day Trading FX, timing is absolutely critical.
Recently (Probably after they picked up on the fact that I started to profit more often than not ), when I make a trade and the odds are very much in my favour, the trade will take unusually long to execute OR it simply wont execute AT ALL!!!

Its almost as if the SC*M at the other end, see's a potential winning trade and says "ah we wont take that one, let it go, we'll blame it on a highly volatile market and the fact that we have a manual system so only so many trades can be rapidly executed during busy periods."

These institutions need to be shut down and the Chairman needs to be Lynched.
I'm reporting them to the FSA and, yes you guessed right Watchdog.


Have you given any serious consideration to renaming your company "Price No Longer Valid Spreads"??

May be a lot more pertinent than plain old "Capital Spreads".

What do you think?

Have you given any serious consideration to renaming your company "Price No Longer Valid Spreads"??

May be a lot more pertinent than plain old "Capital Spreads".

What do you think?

SBs do not favour scalpers as you cannot hedge a position that may be open for only a few seconds. You may think it's unfair, but no company with shareholders to pay is going to continue with policies that generate losses.

Remember CS is a betting company and is under no obligation to accept any bet from you. The grey market you are trading on is theirs to manipulate and set the rules to also.
I have to admit, recently I have been disappointed with the following from Capital Spreads

Execution times are extremely slow - as mentioned above usually 15 seconds for a trade to execute.

Often if the price moves in your favour by a few pips during this time the message "Price no longer valid" will be displayed.

Both of the above happen even during relatively quiet times, and are not restricted to only after news.

During high volatility times such as after news, usually Capital Spreads goes down to telephone orders only. I saw a price spike on Eur/$ earlier today followed immeidately by "Call only". Realistically I don't think you can trade News using Capital Spreads at present.

After the execution of orders there is a very odd period of time where the order doesn't seem to have been triggered, and yr holding is still evident - many times I've seen my holding appear to be whittled away after a stoploss has been breached. Admittedly after a while the order seems to trigger correctly but this is very disquieting.

It would be reassuring to know that Capital Spreads is doing something about all the above issues.