Best Thread Capital Spreads


our spread of 3 in the June Dax equates with Fins (8 points), IG (6 points), City (6 points) and i cannot be bothered to look at the others. You must look at all the variables involved. In direct access you will be paying broking/commision charges, your initial margin requirement is some 5 times the amount required by us the spread is more often 1 or 1.5 pips than 0.5 pips and you will be paying tax on profits. Most of our DAX business goes through the rolling DAX contract with is quoted 2 pips wide.

All spreads as at 09.10 this morning

Spread on Rolling Wall Street 6 points for Fins, 4 points for CS ....... Fins 50% wider

April Dow 8 points Fins, 6 points CS...... Fins 33% wider

Rolling 2 points for both.......... same
Jun FTSE 8 points for Fins, 4 points for CS..........Fins 100% wider

FTSE 100 stock

Anglo American rolling Fins 2255.7-2262.2 (6.5p), CS 2257.1-2260.9 (2.8p) Fins 132% wider
Barclays rolling Fins 673.8-675.6 (1.8p), CS 674.2-675.3 (1.1p) 63% wider

if you look at the quarterly FTSE 100 prices they are even more dramatic. Barclays spread for June is 4.6p wide on fins but only 2.0p wide for CS 130% wider !!

Also we only chage libor plus or minus 2% to roll whereas fins charge libor plus or minus2.5% which means that it is cheaper to hold a longer term position with CS than with Fins.

no doubt if you look for long enough you will find some markets, somewhere, that they beat us on but in the markets that matter, we are miles inside their prices.

uumm i dont actually know can you ring our FX desk, graham, 0207 796 5443


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Many thanks, Simon. Very much appreciate your time. You obviously don't bother to compare yours with CMC 😉

But do you accept orders based on market price though?!



sorry but you asked for a Fins comparison... CMC are also very tight on markets.. I dont actually have an account with them and am unable to check quite so thouroghly. But I understand from various threads on T2W that if you are a winner with CMC then suddenly the ******** (whoops ...I am unable to add to this) and I also understand that their rolling charge is 3% above/below libor (ours is 2%) .

And again, sorry, I forgot about the other bit to your question. The answer is no, as we only deal on an 'our quote' basis. But I think if you read this thread you will see that although we have had our fair share of critisism we have never been accused of biasing our prices so this should not cause too much of a problem.

Simon (or anyone),

In all honesty how reliable are your FX charts... I have been using metatrader but they can die without warning for minutes and sometimes hours and are not always in line with your price. Now you are 24 hour and so are the charts it would be ideal to only use yours.

Has anyone had problems with them (crashing, slow on news announcements etc) or are they reliable 95% of the time?

Is telephone support 24 hrs a day just in case I am unable to trade online, as I am looking to trade fx between 5am and 10 pm.


jezza888 said:
Simon (or anyone),

In all honesty how reliable are your FX charts... I have been using metatrader but they can die without warning for minutes and sometimes hours and are not always in line with your price. Now you are 24 hour and so are the charts it would be ideal to only use yours.

Has anyone had problems with them (crashing, slow on news announcements etc) or are they reliable 95% of the time?

Simon, on that point, the Daily chart on EUR/USD is whacked !!

Also, is there any way of filtering out the pre-open futures price - ie only display the cash price and not pre-market price?

not sure what you mean by whacked as i cannot see any problem with it at all. Unfortunately we cannot filter out anything from the charts as these display our quotes.

The charts display 'almost' every price tick on our platform, occasionally a pip here or there is missed but certainly it shows over 99% of all price activity. Nobody has complained about them yet from a price point of view. Although some clients want other analyticals etc etc...

no ... telephone trading is, currently, only available between 07.00 and 21.15 UK time..

capitalspreads said:

not sure what you mean by whacked as i cannot see any problem with it at all. Unfortunately we cannot filter out anything from the charts as these display our quotes.

The charts display 'almost' every price tick on our platform, occasionally a pip here or there is missed but certainly it shows over 99% of all price activity. Nobody has complained about them yet from a price point of view. Although some clients want other analyticals etc etc...

no ... telephone trading is, currently, only available between 07.00 and 21.15 UK time..



Don't take this as a complaint, because I appreciate you introducing 24hrFX recently - however you dont open the trading until Monday at 7am I believe - yet the FX market opens at 9pm on Sunday night. Do you have plans to make some poor soul come into the office on Sunday night to open up auto-trading on FX at this time? (surely they could dial in to check it out....?)
capitalspreads said:

not sure what you mean by whacked as i cannot see any problem with it at all. Unfortunately we cannot filter out anything from the charts as these display our quotes.

The charts display 'almost' every price tick on our platform, occasionally a pip here or there is missed but certainly it shows over 99% of all price activity. Nobody has complained about them yet from a price point of view. Although some clients want other analyticals etc etc...

no ... telephone trading is, currently, only available between 07.00 and 21.15 UK time..


Does that mean if I had a trade that I wanted to get out of at 5am and your web page was down or would not accept my trade for what ever reason that I would have to wait until 7am to get out. If that is the case, do you have any plans for extending the telephone trading outside the hours of 7am to 9.15pm.

you worried about getting out at 5am,well nobody will answer the phone at C/S that is, if you platform goes down for some reason. If you want to trade 24hr why not trade with Deal4Free. they got a 24 hours telephone and the spread is 3 pip, with C/S it goes to 6 pips after 9,15pm....sorry C/S but it had to be said,
24 hr FX

indexgold said:
you worried about getting out at 5am,well nobody will answer the phone at C/S that is, if you platform goes down for some reason. If you want to trade 24hr why not trade with Deal4Free. they got a 24 hours telephone and the spread is 3 pip, with C/S it goes to 6 pips after 9,15pm....sorry C/S but it had to be said,

You will also find some one on the end of the phone at Finspread should you want to trade at 5 am, and again, they won't have increased all of the spreads to 6 points
capitalspreads said:

not sure what you mean by whacked as i cannot see any problem with it at all. Unfortunately we cannot filter out anything from the charts as these display our quotes.


Sorry, I meant DOW.

Piccy attached.


  • dow.JPG
    104.2 KB · Views: 195
capitalspreads said:

not sure what you mean by whacked as i cannot see any problem with it at all. Unfortunately we cannot filter out anything from the charts as these display our quotes.

The charts display 'almost' every price tick on our platform, occasionally a pip here or there is missed but certainly it shows over 99% of all price activity. Nobody has complained about them yet from a price point of view. Although some clients want other analyticals etc etc...

no ... telephone trading is, currently, only available between 07.00 and 21.15 UK time..


Whoa - somethings up at CS - All the FX is closed at the moment - and I'm showing a £12,000 profit on USD/CAD - if only!!!
nice one Hoggums, beers on you then!

I've just gone from a few hundred profit to -150 then back up to +300... its all fun and games with CS!

yes, you are right we widen out at night, I think I have mentioned that several times over the past year or so when mentioning how our 24 hr ssystems would work....mind you if all anyone was interested in was spread one wonders how Cantors, IG, City or Fins get any clients at all. All the SB companies have their strong points. CMC tend to have a poor customer relationship reputation (although this may be sour grapes from losing clients) but quote very tight prices in many markets. They also tend to ask for much bigger margins than us. As will always be the case "you pay's your money..."

frankly in the few weeks that we have had 24 hr FX all my warning have been borne out ... far more clients are getting stopped out on overnight temporary moves than are making money on opening new positions at 2 in the morning. The fact that odd moves in Japan were effectively ignored by us not quoting during those times saved clients more money than they appear to be making. But i suppose it is early days!!!


we open at midnight on sunday not 07.00 on monday.


yes, exactly right. Again I must point out that although we do give very good prices and service we are a Spread Betting company not an FX platform. We do have an FX model ( for the professionals amongst you.

capitalspreads said:

yes, you are right we widen out at night, I think I have mentioned that several times over the past year or so when mentioning how our 24 hr ssystems would work....mind you if all anyone was interested in was spread one wonders how Cantors, IG, City or Fins get any clients at all. All the SB companies have their strong points. CMC tend to have a poor customer relationship reputation (although this may be sour grapes from losing clients) but quote very tight prices in many markets. They also tend to ask for much bigger margins than us. As will always be the case "you pay's your money..."

frankly in the few weeks that we have had 24 hr FX all my warning have been borne out ... far more clients are getting stopped out on overnight temporary moves than are making money on opening new positions at 2 in the morning. The fact that odd moves in Japan were effectively ignored by us not quoting during those times saved clients more money than they appear to be making. But i suppose it is early days!!!


I am not knocking you, in fact I think you are one of, if not the best S/B Firm around. and I agree with you on margin DFF it is higher than yourself.

Anyway most of us in the UK dont trade after midnight and you spreads are wider, but like you said it is for clients who wish to place stops at night.

I myself have looked at your 2 pip spread in the eurusd, but still hard for me to scalp, I will stick with EURUSD futures till you get the spread to 1 pip on eurusd lol.....I wish
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im currently using capital spreads and on the whole i find it quite decent.theres a few little grumbles(computer generated stoploss for one) but something i do find a pain are the opening hours.are there any plans to extend the opening hours for daily trades like the snp and dow? at the moment you have a bare 15 minute time window with which to place a daily trade for the next day, otherwise you have to go in before the close and incur the rolling charge.10 0clock would be a lot more helpful at least. and why is their no out of hours helpline you can ring if something goes wrong with your account? when i first opened my account i didnt realise that you couldnt run an open long trade on a specific instrument and a short at the same time as you can with other spread bettors.this meant i closed a longer term position out whilst trying to scalp against it and by the time id realised what had happened you're 9.15 watershed had come and gone and i had to wait all night to re-open at a cost of several points.just suggestions that i think a lot of people would like to see you implement.
houdani said:
im currently using capital spreads and on the whole i find it quite decent.theres a few little grumbles(computer generated stoploss for one) but something i do find a pain are the opening hours.are there any plans to extend the opening hours for daily trades like the snp and dow? at the moment you have a bare 15 minute time window with which to place a daily trade for the next day, otherwise you have to go in before the close and incur the rolling charge.10 0clock would be a lot more helpful at least. and why is their no out of hours helpline you can ring if something goes wrong with your account? when i first opened my account i didnt realise that you couldnt run an open long trade on a specific instrument and a short at the same time as you can with other spread bettors.this meant i closed a longer term position out whilst trying to scalp against it and by the time id realised what had happened you're 9.15 watershed had come and gone and i had to wait all night to re-open at a cost of several points.just suggestions that i think a lot of people would like to see you implement.

Agreed, that 15 min window to trade NDX, SPX and DJI is a rush at best.
houdani said:
im currently using capital spreads and on the whole i find it quite decent.theres a few little grumbles(computer generated stoploss for one) but something i do find a pain are the opening hours.are there any plans to extend the opening hours for daily trades like the snp and dow? at the moment you have a bare 15 minute time window with which to place a daily trade for the next day, otherwise you have to go in before the close and incur the rolling charge.10 0clock would be a lot more helpful at least. and why is their no out of hours helpline you can ring if something goes wrong with your account? when i first opened my account i didnt realise that you couldnt run an open long trade on a specific instrument and a short at the same time as you can with other spread bettors.this meant i closed a longer term position out whilst trying to scalp against it and by the time id realised what had happened you're 9.15 watershed had come and gone and i had to wait all night to re-open at a cost of several points.just suggestions that i think a lot of people would like to see you implement.

To do what you're trying to do (i.e. have a long term position existing with a opposing short term position) I opened another account with CMC. Perhaps it might be possible to do the same with CS.