Ask yourself honestly....are you asking this question because you feel lost when it comes to trading?
It takes a long time to work out your own style, what your inclined towards in terms of methodology,
But at the end of the day.....if you bother to go through the actual process of getting to this point,
You will be able to answer the questions you need answered by yourself.
No person trades like any other person....there is a good reason for this, we are unique individuals.
So how can you expect to be taught a complete method by any one person.
You may find, as I did, that you study many....reject most, and stick with maybe two or three mentors
whose styles your happier following and then adopting to suite your own style.
If you can't be bothere going through this process, and it's not just learnings echinacea ability,
It's learning all the aspects of trading that can't be taught, it's ironing out the kinks in your own
Psychology and gut that help and hinder you.....it's the streetwise stuff that is as important.....
You have to lose money over many years in some cases to learn what not to do. We are stubborn
There are for most of us no short cuts.....
You can't beat the best by being a short cutter......or lazy
If you give up before you've sweated through this process, and felt like giving up many times but got
back up to try and try again.....then you'll probably not make it......it's not for everybody.....
I won't give up.....ever.........what about you? Ask yourself honestly....then get back to doing the hard
yards ok ......no secrets to be learnt here......