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FAQ Can You Recommend a Mentor, Coach or Trading Course?

I recommend a mentor and you get all antsy , you know something my friend? if you spent as much energy in trying to help people, rather thann using it as a platform for your schoolboy sarcasm, this board would be a better, calmer place

chill out dude😀

ps "max their e

Hey CityTrader my man! Yo busy again, after all these years. What's happenin?

Know any hot city trader type training companies I can hook up with?

I always figure, if someone knows how to trade, they gonna max their earn by, er, training, not trading.

As a mater in interest- have you ever actually held a job in trading? How do you feel qualified to make the criticism you do?

just asking Pat. Just asking..

Hey CityTrader my man! Yo busy again, after all these years. What's happenin?

Know any hot city trader type training companies I can hook up with?

I always figure, if someone knows how to trade, they gonna max their earn by, er, training, not trading.

I recommend a mentor and you get all antsy , you know something my friend? if you spent as much energy in trying to help people, rather thann using it as a platform for your schoolboy sarcasm, this board would be a better, calmer place

Not ansty at all me old mate. Just find your tactics a little tacky. But each to their own.
tactics? Do you mean recommending Mr Charts? Or you mean over 10 years of contributing to this forum? or you mean since day 1 having had in my profile that i'm an ex market maker - always been happy to offer advice on workings of the market>

And what my happy little friend do you have to offer? years working as a professional trader? FCA registered I'd hope - maybe we can check your CV? or have you been a hugely successful self taught trader ? i'd been interested - over 12 post a week for under the year you've been on here implies you certainly have a lot of time on your hands..

Please enlighten me?

Not ansty at all me old mate. Just find your tactics a little tacky. But each to their own.
tactics? Do you mean recommending Mr Charts? Or you mean over 10 years of contributing to this forum? or you mean since day 1 having had in my profile that i'm an ex market maker - always been happy to offer advice on workings of the market>

Please enlighten me?
By tactics I mean trying to pump your newly created trader training company. The mods removed the link to your hoped for free advertising, but you've been real active since, getting your name in the frame in order to position yourself to potentially 'advise' people. It's cheap and it's tacky.

Are you enlightened now?
only thing i'm enlightened by is your distortion of facts. Since that link was removed - i'd already email Sharky to apologise for it going into the wrong listing ( check with him since you see you have a loose grasp on reality and facts) SINCE then, and i was on my lap top i'd maybe made 3 posts? i'm sure you've checked them and counted?

Now over to you my angry young friend - enlighten me as to what qualifies you to offer advice via posts over 12 times a week for last 11 months? I haven't read your posts but I assume they are all generally helpful? rather than just using your scathing wit to try make your sarcastic comments?

Where have you worked? what are your returns? instruments traded? you worked for banks? brokers like Davey or Goodbody's? tell me all
Sure, I'll give ya all me personal, commercial and corporate data. Just hold on while I get me Nigerian Lottery ticket number for ya.

This is me parting shot in this exchange, but just be aware, I've got me eye on ya.

One final, final thing. Ya might want to check your quote in your bio. It helps to at least get the fella's name right, if not his actual quote. LOL
Everyone needs mentors to improve performance levels

Not necessarily the basics and core skills ......I am talking the higher levels of achievement

We are humans and not robots

Show me anyone who made it big without mentors and they are lying

I would say if they are making money from trading then why they are mentoring , you see who is the liar here ...
Show me anyone who made it big without mentors and they are lying

a very large generalisation there N. Some of us have the desire and motivation to succeed. There were no mentors in my field that helped me along the way. If anything there were many who said i could never do it.
Sure I had people to look up to, to aspire to, but they would never have known it.
I would say if they are making money from trading then why they are mentoring , you see who is the liar here ...

then clearly you don't get the concept of giving back and the benefits of a mentoring cycle........god help us if everyone had your mindset

then clearly you don't get the concept of giving back and the benefits of a mentoring cycle........god help us if everyone had your mindset


No i get that but you wont be asking money for your time as a mentor ... or at least it wont be your main concern ... otherwise it wont be called giving .
No i get that but you wont be asking money for your time as a mentor ... or at least it wont be your main concern ... otherwise it wont be called giving .

so whats your point about mentoring ?
a very large generalisation there N. Some of us have the desire and motivation to succeed. There were no mentors in my field that helped me along the way. If anything there were many who said i could never do it.
Sure I had people to look up to, to aspire to, but they would never have known it.

fair comment M .........

but would you call yourself in the top 1% of traders worth multi-millions ? ........My comment with respect is talking about people at the top of their profession requiring mentoring to get/stay there

none of us at T2win are in that league I suspect

Anyway the question is can a trader become fully successful from mentoring ? The answer is no , may improve a bit yes ofcourse , but to turn into a really good trader no . Trading is a journey that lasts for years - lifetime - and the learning process never ends , the mentor wont always be there for you , its not practical .
fair comment M .........

but would you call yourself in the top 1% of traders worth multi-millions ? ........My comment with respect is talking about people at the top of their profession requiring mentoring to get/stay there

none of us at T2win are in that league I suspect


not in trading no, but am I am in the top 1% of my field yes. And no mentoring got me here. just dedication and perseverance. I'm generalising here of course if I say that if it can be done in one field, then it could be done others
I have my methodology so its just time for me to reach a level of success, but needless to say it won't be in a top 1% but success is relative imo
If you are a really good trader you wont be mentoring for the money ...

apologies if somewhere here in the midst this was the point of the thread ...........I thought it was just about chosing to mentor people

not in trading no, but am I am in the top 1% of my field yes. And no mentoring got me here. just dedication and perseverance. I'm generalising here of course if I say that if it can be done in one field, then it could be done others
I have my methodology so its just time for me to reach a level of success, but needless to say it won't be in a top 1% but success is relative imo

awe M ........not even a little help in the closet over the years ? 😉
Inspiration and motivation - they don't even need to be trading related, they don't need to be paid for, and they may not even know the role they are playing
( mentors that is).

The hunger must come from the individual, first and foremost.