Can anyone recomend a good trading course?

It takes 6 months of constant practicing on demo , to subconsciously attain all the skills , to be able to execute trades perfectly ,subconsciously and with emotions .It takes several prior to that , to obtain the learned experience of trading.

The trading education courses and training , of less than 6 months , is useless.The crap on forums , that has to be unlearned can destroy traders.

FL.......yep - we are in danger of agreeing here 😛
My best tips for newbie, if you willing to learn this trading place, please go Babypips School. And of source trade in a demo account before live trading. Always trade various currency pair and leverage in demo to see the performance how it works. It will be supportive for avoiding risk in live account when trading.

babypips os ok but again beware the inhouse shark lurkers and vendors .....and they dont like experienced traders outsiders coming in ......i was banned for life there last year and still cant fathom what i did

I was a member for a few months and was helping quite a lot of new forex traders in my humble opinion - the usual Freebee strengthmeter stuff as offered here and at FF ........i then took a hell of a lot of abuse from some mystery members (that were not banned despite my requests that they try to resolve with the members concerned)

I then defended myself based on evidence of my trading background and track record ........i had also put my website in my profile (there is a website area) like plenty of others were doing .....

i think this musta riled someone .......they banned me for life with no second chances or appeal system .........hahahahaha :whistling

so dont whatever you do go on their with an opinion or any skills in trading will not be that welcome 🙂

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babypips os ok but again beware the inhouse shark lurkers and vendors .....and they dont like experienced traders outsiders coming in ......i was banned for life there last year and still cant fathom what i did

I was a member for a few months and was helping quite a lot of new forex traders in my humble opinion - the usual Freebee strengthmeter stuff as offered here and at FF ........i then took a hell of a lot of abuse from some mystery members (that were not banned despite my requests that they try to resolve with the members concerned)

I then defended myself based on evidence of my trading background and track record ........i had also put my website in my profile (there is a website area) like plenty of others were doing .....

i think this musta riled someone .......they banned me for life with no second chances or appeal system .........hahahahaha :whistling

so dont whatever you do go on their with an opinion or any skills in trading will not be that welcome 🙂


Welcome to the forums!Only noobs wanted!
You could learn at the BabyPips or FPA, they are quite a nice websites, to gain knowledge about the Forex Trading. They have provided quite an extensive course there.

My best tips for newbie, if you willing to learn this trading place, please go Babypips School. And of source trade in a demo account before live trading. Always trade various currency pair and leverage in demo to see the performance how it works. It will be supportive for avoiding risk in live account when trading.

I would advise members to be very wary of anyone who recommends BabyPips in preference to the many resources to be found right here on T2W. Granted, BabyPips is a well laid out and attractive looking site, but you need to ask yourself whose interests it serves? Is it just the new and inexperienced traders who flock to it like moths to a flame? The retail trading industry is geared towards getting newbies to trade forex - something that's not always in their best interests. Why? I've answereed that in detail in this post.
I would advise members to be very wary of anyone who recommends BabyPips in preference to the many resources to be found right here on T2W. Granted, BabyPips is a well laid out and attractive looking site, but you need to ask yourself whose interests it serves? Is it just the new and inexperienced traders who flock to it like moths to a flame? The retail trading industry is geared towards getting newbies to trade forex - something that's not always in their best interests. Why? I've answereed that in detail in this post.

as already stated myself .......Babypips is an option as a resource but they have an agenda 😉
Good! Later you could do Demo Trading and have an actual view of the Forex Market and also learn how to trade with it.
Actually, you may be refer as a joke, but there are really some traders who have no idea about the Demo Trading, and also they have no Idea that such things even exists, so I was writing for them.
Actually, you may be refer as a joke, but there are really some traders who have no idea about the Demo Trading, and also they have no Idea that such things even exists, so I was writing for them.

🙂 People should be very naive if they don't know about demo trading. It seems to me that it's the first thing everyone learns about forex 🙂
But free online trading course is too much effective to be a knowledgeable trader, I don’t think so. But my question is , some trading platforms offer educational facilities . it works really ?

they are only doing it to keep you trading and to take your money their bingo and gambling sites ......keep you online and engaged ......

as my bookmaker grandad used to say ......

why skint someone in just one big bet when you can bleed them slowly for the rest of their lives ?


just beware that theres no free lunch ............all of these sites (to various degrees) will hard sell you stuff alongside the "Free" training

Trade2win is actually very good in staying off the hard sell .....others are not

Babypips has decent training for beginners but will hard sell you from all angles .....i used to be on babypips but because I wouldnt play their game they banned me

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There are many options available online. You should try to find them and learn. Before you invest it is very important for you to learn and understand about it. I always check top sites like, cnnmoney and other finance related.

Can anyone recommend a good trading course or system?One that you can use with small stakes and grow it into something bigger. Something that is not like Anton Kreil`s Profesional Forex trading course

Hmm found something ?
I could recommend

they do a trading course and a forex trading course.

i have done the trading course and sat the exam, and am now putting it into practice, and to be honest you will find shed loads of free stuff about trading charts, systems, daytrading etc, but really they wont help you in the end.

As you are a broker does that mean you are using Mr Fuller's techniques to trade against your customers?
I'm not a broker. When I registered I needed to fill in that from. I'm not using my strategy againts anyone. I don't know what you are talking about.
As you are a broker does that mean you are using Mr Fuller's techniques to trade against your customers?

Perfect example of someone who doesn't know what they're talking about; just likes using cool buzz words they found on forex forums.