Can anyone recomend a good trading course?

cannot recommend 1 course really for a beginner .......they will all fleece you and teach you free stuff for $000's

hence why we are all telling you to learn from the net first re basics and build up knowledge for free

once you have a little knowledge in the bank (say 6 months) will smell B*ll Sh*t much easier

theres some good courses out there for intermediate/advanced traders ........but unfortunately most newbies get grabbed by vendors before that and they have both sucked you dry with fees and also indoctrinated you into their own personal cr*p trading strategies and systems

in fact the good ones can bleed you for years if they do it right (a few wins here and there to keep you keen)

shame but true .......

cannot recommend 1 course really for a beginner .......they will all fleece you and teach you free stuff for $000's

hence why we are all telling you to learn from the net first re basics and build up knowledge for free

once you have a little knowledge in the bank (say 6 months) will smell B*ll Sh*t much easier

theres some good courses out there for intermediate/advanced traders ........but unfortunately most newbies get grabbed by vendors before that and they have both sucked you dry with fees and also indoctrinated you into their own personal cr*p trading strategies and systems

in fact the good ones can bleed you for years if they do it right (a few wins here and there to keep you keen)

shame but true .......


I agree, but for basic knowledge I think forums are not bad choice.
I think you should not spend money on finding paid Courses As there are plenty of free good resources are available on the internet that can help you thoroughly become a professional Trader.
Most of us say trader training courses are poor value - but few admit to having been on one of the courses.

For a change I would love to see a reply from someone who has actually been on a trader's training course - and could say what was good about it and what was not good about it - from personal experience.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach

The gurus who never traded successfully , have no idea of what is successful method psychologically.
You can refer to courses at TeleTrade. I see the quality of their courses pretty good, the teaching staff is enthusiastic and also gets extra support after the course.
That's quite a nice platform to learn about Forex Trading, thank you for sharing it here. Also you could go through the sites like Babypips and Forex Peace Army, if you wanna learn in more better way.
i hop it helps, look into pipsology its a good basic FREE online course. try google it should be there, just for the basics really.
You could learn the Forex Trading, through sites like Babypips and FPA, all you need to do is to just visit it.
What-what and free training courses on forex now on the Internet as dirt, it's not 10 years ago, when they could not be found in the public domain.
You could learn the Forex Trading, through sites like Babypips and FPA, all you need to do is to just visit it.


If you put the work in,you can find the gold.

Forex factory has it. Not easy to find. But its there.

If you put the work in,you can find the gold.

Forex factory has it. Not easy to find. But its there.

It is the other misinformation on FF that is going to destroy traders , especially the TEAM of forex failures leading the blind ,that is designed to make bucket shop advertisers on FF rich.

I would never go there.FF sucks !

You are asking a new trader to find a needle in a haystack!
It is the other misinformation on FF that is going to destroy traders , especially the TEAM of forex failures leading the blind ,that is designed to make bucket shop advertisers on FF rich.

I would never go there.FF sucks !

You are asking a new trader to find a needle in a haystack!

This is your quote below.

: Good question .

I only give good information , I use a fine tooth comb , not only to vet the the free information but also to vet the hairy characters (the so called professionals), that require combing .Most of my own beliefs/information , I get from free internet search engines , infact I get it from non trading psychologists on youtube.They can't hide information from us about the truth we need to know.Listen to all of them ,then you know each one tried to hide something , that the others tried to hide, each trading psychologist can hide it from us but not all psychologists can hide it from me.

I make a few bucks

If you can't tell what is good information , how can you identify it is bad information?It is for you to decipher who is giving bad information and which one is giving biased or poor info.~

This last paragraph ,similar notion to all trading forums ? As I agree with what you said. How does that differ from forex factory?

There are methods that a great on Forex factory. Most not. It is for you to decipher. Needs effort and time. I read every thread over a few years. Got what I needed. I have traded for a living for several years now.
If you can't tell what is good information , how can you identify it is bad information?It is for you to decipher who is giving bad information and which one is giving biased or poor info.~

This last paragraph ,similar notion to all trading forums ? As I agree with what you said. How does that differ from forex factory?

There are methods that a great on Forex factory. Most not. It is for you to decipher. Needs effort and time. I read every thread over a few years. Got what I needed. I have traded for a living for several years now.

I know how FF was set up with Vegas , with extremely controlled posting restrictions , the anti trader recycling bin and all the bucket shops sponsoring it.Vegas , James 16 and Jacko were all very inside members , from what I read.The who place stinks of controlled content and less advantageous trading on fx.

I know forex , have traded it , so don't like going to where the 95 to 98 % of failures hang out , the herd the crowd .There is a saying losers hang out with losers , winners flee from them.

I also see the Hugh commercial section and all those who can't ====teach on it.😆😆

BTW There is a better advantage for traders , who trade indices long , than those who trade against the banks on fx. So it is not worth the effort for me.
Yeah good point.

Im quite cynical of most forums.people have agendas.

I know how FF was set up with Vegas , with extremely controlled posting restrictions , the anti trader recycling bin and all the bucket shops sponsoring it.Vegas , James 16 and Jacko were all very inside members , from what I read.The who place stinks of controlled content and less advantageous trading on fx.

I know forex , have traded it , so don't like going to where the 95 to 98 % of failures hang out , the herd the crowd .There is a saying losers hang out with losers , winners flee from them.

I also see the Hugh commercial section and all those who can't ====teach on it.😆😆

BTW There is a better advantage for traders , who trade indices long , than those who trade against the banks on fx. So it is not worth the effort for me.
As others have advised, I would avoid courses. You'll spend loads of money on someone who is usually trying to peddle their own trading system. Even then you'll likely lose money.

It's a shame that there seemingly aren't more people out there with no vested interests who can teach what you'll find in various books, but in a structured way. Not specific to forex, but the closest I've found to this description is Trade With Precision. I suggest watching a few of their free webinars before deciding whether it's for you - the course is £££.

Of the many I've read over the years, I strongly recommend Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling. If you get on well with that, her second book A Three Dimensional Approach to Forex Trading is also good.
I was there. Never found anything.

Please point me to the exact place. I'll go dig some gold.

Choros thread is really good. But I agree so much rubbish there.

I use moving averages and a bounce concept,multiple timeframes little like choros.

The book that I loved and took my trading higher is Japanese Candlestick

charting techniques by steve nison. For me and my style of trading,my fav book. Once you find a strong strategy

Reading candlesticks like a novel is very powerful,combined. Then combine with order flow,even stronger.
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You could learn at the BabyPips or FPA, they are quite a nice websites, to gain knowledge about the Forex Trading. They have provided quite an extensive course there.
Yeah good point.

Im quite cynical of most forums.people have agendas.

It takes 6 months of constant practicing on demo , to subconsciously attain all the skills , to be able to execute trades perfectly ,subconsciously and with emotions .It takes several prior to that , to obtain the learned experience of trading.

The trading education courses and training , of less than 6 months , is useless.The crap on forums , that has to be unlearned can destroy traders.