grubs50 said:
So the rising tide of crime and continous killing of Iraqis and so-called coalition soldiers in Iraq means it has improved. Sadam has always been a danger to his people but the west only turned against him when it suited us so lets stop using Sadam's cruelty as an excuse for the invasion.............and i am definitely not unruly or some communist larky but i support the right of people to demonstrate..............if Bush has really helped the people of Iraq why can't he pay a state visit to Iraq and walk the streets of Baghdad (without massive security blanket) to the popular adulation of the Iraqis he has saved.
if yuor argument against the war is along the lines of "Saddam was only murdering 100's of 1,000's of his own people, it's NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!" and "a thousand towelhead lives are not worth ONE coalition life" then i can understand where yuo're coming from
but that's not the case....
from the get go yuo peacetards were moaning about the poor Iraqis being murdered by the imperialistic Americans raining bombs on Iraq blah blah blah
here's a heads up for yuo
the amount Iraqis dying NOW is insignificant to how it was when Saddam was in power.. That is FACT
the only group of people who are dying in greater numbers since Saddam was toppled, are our troops.... but like i said, the peacetards don't give two hoots about that. Proof of that FTS (Fact That Sux) is the appearance of the Right Dishonorable Saddam Lovin George Galloway at yuor peacetard demo. This is the guy who was calling on the Arab world to rise up against the coalition troops....
here's some more FTS for YUO!
electricity output in Iraq now exceeds pre-war output: 4400 megawatts a day versus 3300 megawatts in January
oil production is nearly back to pre-war levels: 2,200 million barrels a day, as against 2,500 million barrels a day
3.6 million school children are back at primary school & 1.5 million in secondary school
university registrations have increased from 63,000 pre-war to 97,000 today
healthcare is back to pre-war levels & improving rapidly because spending is estimated to be 26 times pre-war levels
doctors salaries are 8 times higher
of course, the above FTS's ain't gonna stop the Iraqi people p!ssing & moaning at Bush/America/blah. It's human nature to p!ss & moan at whoever is in charge. Yuo Brits moan at yuor govt. regardless of who is in power and what their policies are, we AmericanTards do the same with ours, and so does every other free country, so of course the Iraqis are now gonna do likewise. It's called Freedom
yuo say yuo support the right of people to protest. So do i. And now the Iraqi people have that right, and it's courtesy of G W Bush and everyone who supported him, and not courtesy of all those rabid peacetard assholes that gathered in London