grubs50 said:
CKB, it is obvious that u think anybody that thinks Saddam never had WMD's at the time of invasion is anti-America in your books.
nope, that is as ridiculous as suggesting that every Muslim is a wacko fundamentalist who is trying to destroy the west
..............don't u think that is a bit narrow-minded?.
that would be narrow-minded, but like i said, i don't believe for a second that everyone who opposed the invasion is anti-american blah
a case in point. Mrs Key Boi
i think some of yuo guys have misunderstood the CKB. I'm not as right wing as yuo might think
hardly the profile of someone who's an all out hard right winger..
I like the US and i have visited so many times but that doesn't mean i have to agree with their govt's wrong and hypocritical Iraqi policy.
i'm not asking yuo to view Bush, Dick & Colon blah as being super worthy human beings who don't lie and cheat just the same as every other goddamn politician. I'm just asking yuo not to oppose something that has brought relief to millions of people who have suffered unspeakable horrors, just because yuo think the "ethics" or the driving force behind our actions may have been a little flaky
U still haven't answered the question............
'why the Bush govt haven't applied their 'ethical' foreign policy to all the other despots all over the world like in Uzbekistan, North Korea, China and most of sub-sahara Africa.............or queried his allies in the Gulf or Pakistan about their non-democratic types of 'govt'.
easy question to answer
the reason why SH was afforded special attention is because he was a loose cannon in a region that is of utmost importance to the well-being of the world. Yup, because of the oil. The world NEEDS that oil, that is a FTS. It's the power source and raw material for almost everything that surrounds us, including the PC that yuo're using to read this post. If Southern Africa was awash with oil, then i dare say that Mugabe would have been top of the list
Saddam may or may not have been a military threat to the west directly, but he sure was a threat to his neighborhood oil dealers. They hated him, and feared him, and they had good reason to do so. Why do ya think the Saudis and Kuwaitis let us park 250,000 troops within their borders?
as for the other dictators around the world, it would be swell if we had the bucks and the resources to go after them all, but we don't. Wasn't this supposed to be the task of the UN to be the world's policemen? what the hell happened then? oh yeah i forgot, the whole concept failed because the French, Germans and Russians opposed the ousting of SH because they were more concerned about the billions that SH owed to them
there is no such thing as the "United" Nations, it's a misnomer. Every nation is in it for their own self interest. And if those self- interests collide, as in this case, then everything goes to hell
yuo mentioned the word "ethic"
there isn't a govt. or country IN THE WORLD that decides foreign policy on "ethics" alone.
can yuo name me one? just ONE?
didn't think so....
if yuo're going to protest every single policy decision by ANY govt. in the world on the grounds that the driving force for that policy is not 100% ethical, then yuo're gonna spend the rest of yuor life as a professional protester. Enjoy
And in case u failed to notice, Saddam had always been a brutal dictator but most western govts still supported him until he invaded Kuwait................D Hallabja massacre which is Bush and Powell's example of Saddam's brutality happened over 10 yrs ago so y now?.........
like i said, we honestly believed that he had the INTENT to either use, or develop, nuclear and other WMD, and if successful, he had the INTENT to use them, especially against his neighbors. I don't even wanna think of the consequences if that asshole had acquired a nuke and the damage he would have done with it. (for one thing, all of us could've kissed bye bye to our stock portfolios)
If u can answer all those questions satisfactorily then maybe u will convince a lot of cynics about Bush's good intentions in Iraq.
i've answered yuor questions as honestly as i can. Yuo're pointing a figure at us and saying "all yuor motives should be as pure as snow". I'm admitting to yuo that they're not. I'm also telling yuo now that we have no intention or desire to stay in Iraq and lord over them forever and forever
these are our honest intentions. We wanna rebuild that place (and i bet we leave it better than what we found it, take those stats for instance), leave some sort of self-rule behind and get the hell out. (and we don't care what kind of self rule, just so long as they don't kill each other and try to fly planes into our buildings)
of course we want the oil to flow again uninterrupted. But here's the thing, we're willing to pay for the damn stuff, we're not planning to steal it. Now if the Iraqi people wise up, and refrain from killing themselves the second we've left, then they have a great chance to make that country rich and great again. But if they screw up like the Bosnians blah, then too bad for them, that's not our fault, we're gonna give them the opportunity to show the world that they can look after themselves and prosper. They may well screw things up, but do yuo wanna deny them the chance?
now, in view of all the above, are yuo gonna turn around to me and say?
"because yuor ethics ain't 100% pure as snow, i'm still opposed to yuor invasion, even thou it removed a murderous dictator who killed 100s of 1,000s and who intended to kill more"
can't YUO see how narrow-minded that is? is that really 'liberal thinking'?
- Car Key Boi,