British Empire - the dark forgotten truth examined

  • Thread starter fibo_trader
  • Start date
  • Watchers 4
I forgot to throw some criticisms at George Monbiot from your first post.

He is right to point to the appalling absence of British historical teaching in British schools.

Otherwise, he's another upper middle class Socialist that Britain seems to spew up, who whitewash over their own priveliged backgrounds and lives but nevertheless believe that it gives them the right to direct how other people's lives ought to be lived - "for their own good".

He's a passionate Corbyn-supporter which I take it mean he is pro-Marxism and anti-British and doesn't mind Corbyn's support for Irish and Middle Eastern terrorism, as long as it is harmful to Britain's "establishment", the US and its allies.

Just thought I'd get that off my chest.

Thanks. All criticisms welcome. :)

Thanks esp. for acknowledging ... "He is right to point to the appalling absence of British historical teaching in British schools"
In British Colonial History observation in hindsight based on the DATA I have received and am still receiving, it sure as heck stands out that the Brits just simply loved to crucify women and children by subjugating them to internment camps and starving them out and leaving them to rot to all kinds of disease.

The is EVIL on soooooo many levels it downright disgusting. No wonder THEY don't want this information getting out and so they try to shut it down by at least not teaching it in schools

Your observations are about as factual as your signature. About time you were sent packing from this site for good.
Staggering that under 0.001% of World population including Brits KNOW that it was not the Nazis that started CONCENTRATION CAMPS. It was the BRITS.

Jesus H Christ! And this is missed in History and not taught in schools and colleges and Universities???? ROFLMAO

Count myself in the camp that did not know this fact!

Just knowing this one fact alone, makes my 3 bannings at T2W fully worthwhile. I always pay heavily for knowledge, top price. And we all know, "you get what you pay for"

Wow! Britain, Britain, Britain ............ such horror swept under the rug for decades.
In British Colonial History observation in hindsight based on the DATA I have received and am still receiving, it sure as heck stands out that the Brits just simply loved to crucify women and children by subjugating them to internment camps and starving them out and leaving them to rot to all kinds of disease.

The is EVIL on soooooo many levels it downright disgusting. No wonder THEY don't want this information getting out and so they try to shut it down by at least not teaching it in schools

I've never heard anyone in Britain in my lifetime suggest the Empire represented the good old days. Fact is, most British people I've ever met had to endure a world war and work all their lives pretty damn hard. It would only have been in the mid/late 60's that people started to feel they were doing pretty well. The empire meant nothing for them except the chance to get conscripted and go fight and die to retain some tropical speck on the map that nobody ever heard of and nobody knew why we wanted.

Would have been worse if they'd been indigenous people in the colonies of course.

But since 1945, the British people definitely hated the idea of the British Empire (or any empire). What part the empire's atrocities formed on making up this view I can't tell, but certainly there was no support for imperial repression anywhere.
Your observations are about as factual as your signature. About time you were sent packing from this site for good.

Well received. Thank you. :):):)

I'm hitting raw nerves and Consciences like there's no tomorrow. That baby, is progress.

barjon, tell me when you will be mine? When will you say YES to me, tell me cuando, cuando, cuando? :):)

I've never heard anyone in Britain in my lifetime suggest the Empire represented the good old days. Fact is, most British people I've ever met had to endure a world war and work all their lives pretty damn hard. It would only have been in the mid/late 60's that people started to feel they were doing pretty well. The empire meant nothing for them except the chance to get conscripted and go fight and die to retain some tropical speck on the map that nobody ever heard of and nobody knew why we wanted.

Would have been worse if they'd been indigenous people in the colonies of course.

But since 1945, the British people definitely hated the idea of the British Empire (or any empire). What part the empire's atrocities formed on making up this view I can't tell, but certainly there was no support for imperial repression anywhere.

I posted a TV survey of Brits interviewed randomly on the street in different locations and asked about whether Colonial Empire good or bad and such ............. its in this thread, can dig it out later today. The idea came to me yesterday when I remembered that Jay Leno and another fella from Fox News did a similar sampling on folk in America. The results are not dissimilar. I will review that too.
I posted a TV survey of Brits interviewed randomly on the street in different locations and asked about whether Colonial Empire good or bad and such ............. its in this thread, can dig it out later today. The idea came to me yesterday when I remembered that Jay Leno and another fella from Fox News did a similar sampling on folk in America. The results are not dissimilar. I will review that too.

No hurry.
Your observations are about as factual as your signature. About time you were sent packing from this site for good.

Jesus H Christ, get with the program, barjon

invite me to your place in London OR meet me anywhere in London
Show up with your trading records OR show me on your laptop or phone your history of your trading account over the years
Then we calculate or let your software calculate your win/loss ratio and all other parameters important
POST your willingness to do this right here in this thread - the others will follow - you are the oldest, set an example

You said, NO! ......... please reconsider, I'd like to buy you a nice gift for Christmas and hug you. Dying to see your trading records and most of all to solve the mystery how you have manged in 20 years not to post a single live trade at T2W, which means TRADE TO WIN

Save the last Christmas dance for me, barjon. :)

barjon, its December, baby. Lighten up, I gots to go someplace now, will be back later today to wine and dine you. give it some thought during my absense to come around and accept me as your guest in London. Your trading will skyrocket with just one hour of instruction ON THE HOUSE. You're almost 90 years old, amigo, I can help you go out with a bang, a trading winner. Let me help you. This is the month, barjon, the month of December, Christmas Carrolls and all - if you cannot summon some forgiveness and love and understanding in this month, you're doomed, baby.

Here's the zouk version of christmas spirit which I always play on the morning of C day.

You said, NO! ......... please reconsider, I'd like to buy you a nice gift for Christmas and hug you. Dying to see your trading records and most of all to solve the mystery how you have manged in 20 years not to post a single live trade at T2W, which means TRADE TO WIN

Save the last Christmas dance for me, barjon. :)

I try to not post live trades but I have replied with that info if someone asked me directly what I was currently in. But I always post whatever strategies I've been using, then every trader worth his salt can see what I'm doing and they can make up their own mind if it could work or not. Whether I make any money out of it, or a lot or a little, is my business, not theirs. Whether they take the strategy and make any money out of it, a lot or a little likewise is their business, not mine.

I don't know if you post live trades, I've never been interested enough to check. Have you posted up your own strategy?
You said, NO! ......... please reconsider, I'd like to buy you a nice gift for Christmas and hug you. Dying to see your trading records and most of all to solve the mystery how you have manged in 20 years not to post a single live trade at T2W, which means TRADE TO WIN

Save the last Christmas dance for me, barjon. :)

Not a single live trade? Well, you haven’t looked too closely then - mind you, I have got quite a few posts to go through. As usual you make assertions without caring whether you really have the evidence to back them up. Same as you make assertions about your own prowess and pretend to have posted “evidence” to support them. What a sad, social media jockey you are.

As for your kind offer to give me instruction I wouldn’t dream of listening to someone who allowed such a huge drawdown to build up only to finally claim success when good fortune saved your bacon weeks later. Don’t try and kid me that was anything but rank bad trading - you even said as much yourself.

Oh, and one other thing. Whilst I’m sure you enjoy popping at British history, I wonder if you can find any major country that does not have blood on its hands in some shape or form.
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At the risk of sounding like Al Murray, Britain's an easy target cos its simply the best country in the world.
Staggering that under 0.001% of World population ... KNOW ... started CONCENTRATION CAMPS. It was the BRITS.

Neither the British nor Nazis invented concentration camps.
Early civilizations such as the Assyrians used forced resettlement of populations as a means of controlling territory, but it was not until much later that records exist of groups of civilians being concentrated into large prison camps. Polish historian Władysław Konopczyński has suggested the first such camps were created in Poland in the eighteenth century, during the Bar Confederation rebellion, when the Russian Empire established three camps for Polish rebel captives awaiting deportation to Siberia.[1] The term originated in the reconcentrados (reconcentration camps) set up by the Spanish military set up in Cuba during the Ten Years' War.
Yeah and concentration camps were probably set up with good intent which probably morphed into something else.

Take the humble early wheel as an example.

Say what, Violet? Are you just totally off your rocker with your misunderstood of half assed understood words or defintions?

Jesus H Christ ................

From the encyclopedia itself .....

Ever since the Nazi concentration camps were discovered, the term has been understood to refer to a place of mistreatment, starvation, forced labor, and murder. Today, this term is used only in this extremely pejorative sense; no government or organization ever describes its own facilities as such—using instead terms such as "internment camp," "resettlement camp," "detention facility," and so forth—regardless of the actual circumstances of the camp, which can vary a great deal. In many cases, concentration camps had poor living conditions and resulted in many deaths, regardless of whether the camp was intended to kill its inhabitants.
At the risk of sounding like Al Murray, Britain's an easy target cos its simply the best country in the world.

Even if true, the manner in which Brit attack Americans and America confirms the notion that they know who the boss is - resent it. the best country in the universe is therefore the magnificent AMERICA.

Consider this:

comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal. Any questions what this means? I know most of you have not been laid in over decades?

just Caifornia of America can take out the entire United Kingdom economically. heck India has already done that.

Without America, UK is a sitting duck and chineseto roll the tanks into London and gobble up all her tea in one afternoon. Its a no-contest. Only the existence of America is preventing this from happening. As long as america is top dog, the UK can come out into the street and bark like a junkyard dog and nobody can do anything about it. But if America is gone for whatever reason, the UK's bum will be a thoroughfare for international traffic from Iran, China and Russia. And of course the entire Muslim world.

when the stock markets open on weekdays there is always whenever there is a sideways movement of the indexes the clasic subservient exclamation, "we are waiting for direction to be ascertained by the United States" :whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:
At the risk of sounding like Al Murray, Britain's an easy target cos its simply the best country in the world.

The best way to describe UK vs USA is to go to rock bottom basics of Man & Woman all the way to antediluvian times. In any pride or group there is always one Alpha male and there can be hundreds of Beta Males.

The current world order is USA = Alpha Male

UK and the rest of the bums = Beta Males. UK tries to come across as an Alpha but only under the dominion of the Alpha, America. He is tolerated .............. but let him try for a bigger share and a hammering to put into place will result. Donald Trump is jut the right guy to do this if everUKgets out of line with America

I try to not post live trades but I have replied with that info if someone asked me directly what I was currently in. But I always post whatever strategies I've been using, then every trader worth his salt can see what I'm doing and they can make up their own mind if it could work or not. Whether I make any money out of it, or a lot or a little, is my business, not theirs. Whether they take the strategy and make any money out of it, a lot or a little likewise is their business, not mine.

I don't know if you post live trades, I've never been interested enough to check. Have you posted up your own strategy?

Yes of course. You and only you have an excuse. You put me on Ignore, so therefore you could not see my posts or threads. The thread with all the evidence is in my signature and at ET, where YOU post. There are other scattered threads and posts all over the place that bear my trades and calls. those that are calls without an entry posted here are not counted

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to verify. Why? Because the posts have the date and time stamp of ET and T2W.

Barjon obviously does not trust the date and time stamp of T2W. How bloody dumb is this senior citizen? The date and time stamp cannot be tampered with. Its even better than the bogus Photoshop trading blotters shown here and at ET and also the falsified records and often the records of a friend. that is why I wanted a reunion in London where we all could see our recordsand go online live to the accounts directly to verify - and dig this: if a called trade cannot be backed up in an account then its a friggin lie.

The thread went clean over every T2W cat's head becaue these sonos of b*tches are at rock bottom of the trading game - they are lost in the 2-min. chart and cannot see the forest for the trees.

I would burn the place down and start from scratch. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Not a single live trade? Well, you haven’t looked too closely then - mind you, I have got quite a few posts to go through. As usual you make assertions without caring whether you really have the evidence to back them up. Same as you make assertions about your own prowess and pretend to have posted “evidence” to support them. What a sad, social media jockey you are.

As for your kind offer to give me instruction I wouldn’t dream of listening to someone who allowed such a huge drawdown to build up only to finally claim success when good fortune saved your bacon weeks later. Don’t try and kid me that was anything but rank bad trading - you even said as much yourself.

Oh, and one other thing. Whilst I’m sure you enjoy popping at British history, I wonder if you can find any major country that does not have blood on its hands in some shape or form.

Then you should agree to meet and see the "blood" in hard cold records, No? Seems logical. When you have an opportunity to clear the entire TRUTH you should grab it. Nobody knows 100% without actual proof, the final WORD on veracity.

Guaranteed NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOUR POSTS has any numbers in it and defo does not contain an ENTRY.

Without a specific entry you are a hindsight trader, a scammer, a poser, a pretender. Face to face with fibo you would be exposed inside 5 minutes and your face would go red with shame. That's why you said NO to a face to face meeting!

G U A R A N T E E D!!!!!!!