British Empire - the dark forgotten truth examined

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Correct, Tom, absolutely correct in your entire answer ..... with just one added food for thought ............. gains and enrichment came from where? ..................... 100% looting, robbery, suppression, murder and mayhem and death and prison camps for the peoples of several different countries

I would just love to hear how your com padres here at T2W who parade the ground here like they are some friggin saints, saint counter-violent for example - how they feel about it? Not one has the kahunas to admit this sort of behavior is morally wrong and should be punished.

Heck, in another thread I told you that not a single Brit has gone to jail for killing 1 million Iraqis in a false war based on a LIE - and destroyed an entire functioning country which is now a total mess. Not one perpetrator went to jail. Tony Blair was the initiator, George Bush the dummy who did it.
Correct, Tom, absolutely correct in your entire answer ..... with just one added food for thought ............. gains and enrichment came from where? ..................... 100% looting, robbery, suppression, murder and mayhem and death and prison camps for the peoples of several different countries

I would just love to hear how your com padres here at T2W who parade the ground here like they are some friggin saints, saint counter-violent for example - how they feel about it? Not one has the kahunas to admit this sort of behavior is morally wrong and should be punished.

Heck, in another thread I told you that not a single Brit has gone to jail for killing 1 million Iraqis in a false war based on a LIE - and destroyed an entire functioning country which is now a total mess. Not one perpetrator went to jail. Tony Blair was the initiator, George Bush the dummy who did it.

Tony Blair the initiator, that’s a laugh. The underlying reason for the Iraq war was to stop state sponsored terrorism and retaliation for the twin towers. Iraq, by virtue of Saddam Hussain, was one of the prime movers in state sponsored terrorism. Not suggesting that the war was a good thing, but it did make other leaders think twice about sponsoring terrorism and was successful in that regard. The WMD thing was really a bit of a smokescreen obscuring the true motives.
first things first ...................... counter-violent's thread to reinforce any claims about British colonial history was a lie ............. met with a crippling blow by Fibo in the very first post after counter posted this piece of crap from an obviously demented historian. The historian claims that Jesus of Nazareth lives across his house and that he himself or someone else that he witnessed took a gadget to test the Ark of the covenant which rested in this house across from where he lived - I cannot imagine the look on the interviewer's face .............. the look of lafffter about to bust a dam 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Dear Father,

Thank you ever so much for sending me to T2W. I hope they don't ban me, my education is so incomplete. I would never, not in my wildest dreams have ever imagined that the place would be a source of a PhD. for me. From TRADING to PSYCHOLOGY OF GROUPS to HERDING INSTINCT to blowing asunder the great mystery of whether or not 95% lose is true or false to the totally unknown fact that the forums are full of 1k-3k or at most 10k accounts on 2-minute charts or lower gambling with the milk and rent money.

Now this new stuff from Violet. Holy tamale, Father, you're full of surprises. Is this why they say you act in mysterious ways?

In any event, thank you kindly for directing me to a place I never would have found easily except to stumble into it by the grace of Serendipity. Much obliged.


My comments followed soon thereafter - thread might be deleted or made invisible only to me - figures! .... wherever counter-violent, the killer of traders who shine, resides, death and mayhem and shenanigans flourish and prosper. If I bought this site he would be the first one out the friggin window. Boom, gone! Friggin deadbeat with not a single live trade in 2 decades. Heck, dig this, not even a single trade in hindsight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

At 11:52

Jesus of Nazareth was buried in South East Wales and instead of dying on the cross, spent his last days in South East Wales.

All the major secret records of the British Empire including British Raj are preserved in south east Wales.

At 9:57

The Ark of the covenant is buried in SE Wales at a precise known location. Its a great box and they took a metal detector to it and established it as the Ark of the Covenant!

I ain't done yet. More study required.
I'll get back to you on the Iraq war.

No war is a great idea but some wars are worse ideas than others. Many wars are unnecessary but some wars have had to be fought. Death due to war is a terrible end but life under slavery and terror is a continuing fate worse than death.

When it comes to the Iraq war and invasion, there are questions that deserve answering. Some of the first should be:
Was it necessary?
Were there better solutions?
Did it prevent a worse situation?
No war is a great idea but some wars are worse ideas than others. Many wars are unnecessary but some wars have had to be fought. Death due to war is a terrible end but life under slavery and terror is a continuing fate worse than death.

When it comes to the Iraq war and invasion, there are questions that deserve answering. Some of the first should be:
Was it necessary?
Were there better solutions?
Did it prevent a worse situation?

Great Tom .................... from the little I know but the hunger for more understanding still shines, I know this thus far ............... had the United States not entered WW2 it could have been a terrible thing. The brutality of the Japs combined with the venom of the Nazis and the stupidity of itty-bitty Eye-laian p***ies could have resulted in UK eating Kalbsbraten and sauerkraut daily.

That war entered upon by America was NO sin. The Angel of Death would go right past America's house and there would be no action taken.

But what came after is inexcusable. A country, Iraq, innocent of the crime of weapons of mass destruction was destroyed on a lie that it did possess such weapons. The erpetrators of the war, Tony Blair and George Bush knew it was a fabrication but wanted the oil at any cost. So they convinced the dumbified American public that these were the guys who did 911 and had to be taken care of.

That's when America crossed the line. The instigator was UK. Both are f***ed. The latter is the extension of the British Empire that took it from a frog's p***y to the size of the Panama Canal = staggering parabolic growth. The day of reckoning is at hand.

Just killing one Innocent person lands one in jail for life. Killing one million? God help 'em both. If the Romans are watching as spirits they are surely saying, "these dumb sons of bitches (Brits and Americans) have not learned a thing from us"
Dig this guys ................ IRAQ ................. 1 million killed on a lie started by British Empire's Tony Blair and bought by George Bush

5 trillion dollars + lives lost on both sides and what do we have? C H A O S in the middle-east!

Try to run your trading accounts like this and your wi not be able to count the number of blown accounts

Just remember, the Iraq war was cause by Tony Blair (British Empire still doing underhanded stuff in the most recent times, faking evidence and whatnot) convincing George Bush that there were weapons of mass destruction

Tony Blair the initiator, that’s a laugh. The underlying reason for the Iraq war was to stop state sponsored terrorism and retaliation for the twin towers. Iraq, by virtue of Saddam Hussain, was one of the prime movers in state sponsored terrorism. Not suggesting that the war was a good thing, but it did make other leaders think twice about sponsoring terrorism and was successful in that regard. The WMD thing was really a bit of a smokescreen obscuring the true motives.

WRONG! The underlying reason was the weapons of mass destruction
Tony Blair the initiator, that’s a laugh. The underlying reason for the Iraq war was to stop state sponsored terrorism and retaliation for the twin towers. Iraq, by virtue of Saddam Hussain, was one of the prime movers in state sponsored terrorism. Not suggesting that the war was a good thing, but it did make other leaders think twice about sponsoring terrorism and was successful in that regard. The WMD thing was really a bit of a smokescreen obscuring the true motives.

There's more obviously to get to the bottom of it all but this will serve as starters

Tony Blair the initiator, that’s a laugh. The underlying reason for the Iraq war was to stop state sponsored terrorism and retaliation for the twin towers. Iraq, by virtue of Saddam Hussain, was one of the prime movers in state sponsored terrorism. Not suggesting that the war was a good thing, but it did make other leaders think twice about sponsoring terrorism and was successful in that regard. The WMD thing was really a bit of a smokescreen obscuring the true motives.

Chilcot report: Tony Blair 'really believed' Saddam Hussein had WMDs, Lord Butler says

No laffffing matter but ROFLMAO . dumbass tony Blair will send you to your death for what you might do 10 years down the road apiece, not for what you have done or are doing now

“I think he really believed that what he was doing was right,” Lord Butler said. “In the great speech he made to the House of Commons on the eve of the invasion he didn’t really rely on the intelligence about weapons of mass destruction. He relied on another argument which was: if we don’t take action now, and in ten years time Saddam Hussein is still a power in the Middle East armed with a nuclear weapon would we forgive ourselves.”

same link provided up above .............................
No war is a great idea but some wars are worse ideas than others. Many wars are unnecessary but some wars have had to be fought. Death due to war is a terrible end but life under slavery and terror is a continuing fate worse than death.

When it comes to the Iraq war and invasion, there are questions that deserve answering. Some of the first should be:
Was it necessary?
Were there better solutions?
Did it prevent a worse situation?

Very suspect reasoning, Tom. You cannot kill/main an entire country because you think if you don't they will be far more dangerous 10 years later.
No war is a great idea but some wars are worse ideas than others. Many wars are unnecessary but some wars have had to be fought. Death due to war is a terrible end but life under slavery and terror is a continuing fate worse than death.

When it comes to the Iraq war and invasion, there are questions that deserve answering. Some of the first should be:
Was it necessary?
Were there better solutions?
Did it prevent a worse situation?

Was it necessary?
Correct, Tom, absolutely correct in your entire answer ..... with just one added food for thought ............. gains and enrichment came from where? ..................... 100% looting, robbery, suppression, murder and mayhem and death and prison camps for the peoples of several different countries

I would just love to hear how your com padres here at T2W who parade the ground here like they are some friggin saints, saint counter-violent for example - how they feel about it? Not one has the kahunas to admit this sort of behavior is morally wrong and should be punished.

Heck, in another thread I told you that not a single Brit has gone to jail for killing 1 million Iraqis in a false war based on a LIE - and destroyed an entire functioning country which is now a total mess. Not one perpetrator went to jail. Tony Blair was the initiator, George Bush the dummy who did it.

I'm reading up on this but busy with other stuff too.
What is the source for the quoted figure of 1 million Iraqi deaths?
I'm looking at casualties for different periods - invasion, Coalition occupation, and since the Coalition withdrawal.
Don’t believe everything you read, fibo.

That's good advice. Now add the qualification: researched + checked-out = make your conclusion and go with it = same as in TRADING = same as in LIFE
Was it necessary?

I'm reading up on this but busy with other stuff too.
What is the source for the quoted figure of 1 million Iraqi deaths?
I'm looking at casualties for different periods - invasion, Coalition occupation, and since the Coalition withdrawal.

Oh that's easy Tom. catastrophic estimate of 2.4 million Iraqi deaths since the 2003 invasion.