British Empire - the dark forgotten truth examined

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Was it necessary?

I'm reading up on this but busy with other stuff too.
What is the source for the quoted figure of 1 million Iraqi deaths?
I'm looking at casualties for different periods - invasion, Coalition occupation, and since the Coalition withdrawal.

extracts for the vast # of duffers here who are too lazy to read an article ............ = a picture and/or big text gets thru' the rock that is their head and makes a B-line for the Medulla Oblongata - it cannot be ignored then, its in the nervous system and must be processed.

The staggering death toll in Iraq
The American public must come to terms with the scale of the violence and chaos we have unleashed


Body Count: Casualty Figures After 10 Years of the ‘War on Terror,

105,000 bombs and missiles

cities to rubble.

40,000 civilians were killed in the bombardment of Mosul alone, with many more bodies still buried in the rubble. A recent project to remove rubble and recover bodies in just one neighborhood found 3,353 more bodies, of whom only 20% were identified as ISIS fighters and 80% as civilians. Another 11,000 people in Mosul are still reported missing by their families.
Was it necessary?

I'm reading up on this but busy with other stuff too.
What is the source for the quoted figure of 1 million Iraqi deaths?
I'm looking at casualties for different periods - invasion, Coalition occupation, and since the Coalition withdrawal.

If the Lancet survey is right, then of the Iraqi population - an average of more than 500 people a day - have been killed since the start of the war.

The BBC World Service made a Freedom of Information Request on 28 November 2006. The information was released on 14 March 2007.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Brits are crying over 2 deaths on London Bridge!!!!!!!!!!!

R I D I C U L O U S 😗😗😗
Wiping out entire populations: what is that called? Oh, I forget. Its some heavy duty word.

Germany lost 10% of its population in the Great War
This guy better hope that the British philosophy of the body is everything, there is nothing there left over after body death, that if you can't see it, it can't be real - is correct and true. For if the opposite is true, imagine the term of the jail sentence in the AfterLife!!!!!!!!!!! Hey who knows, but I would tend to believe that the SuperNatural's best way to deal with metering out such justice is to have Tony Blair be a downtrodden Iraqi for the next trillion years and suffer and suffer and suffer until justice has been served.

Nobody can escape the SuperNatural Law

Thanks for your posts. Seems there is a ridiculous gap between casualty numbers from different sources.
Thanks for your posts. Seems there is a ridiculous gap between casualty numbers from different sources.

You're welcome. The large variation in casualty numbers is a given but we do have a stable datum in that the Brits and Americans will agree to a number of 10k deaths. Knowing my own country well its safe to multiply that by at least 40 to get anywhere near the truth of where the minimum resides. 🙂
In conclusion of the Iraq war notes here in this thread, the bottom line is .................. both governments have agreed that the number of deaths is at least 10k.

So why no jail time or punishment for any of the perps?

it's "a bit of an embarrassment that you can get a History A Level in this country without knowing anything about colonial history."

It's time to change that.

😗 😗 😗 😗 😗 😗

It is time to teach colonial history in British schools
Growing up in Britain, I knew nothing of the many crimes the British Empire had committed against my Iraqi ancestors.

One friggin Nazi after another except they're all Brits .... ROFLMAO


Brits should not watch this video. Why? Because if you watch it you would have to take your ostrich head out of the sand/earth 🙂

You're welcome. The large variation in casualty numbers is a given but we do have a stable datum in that the Brits and Americans will agree to a number of 10k deaths. Knowing my own country well its safe to multiply that by at least 40 to get anywhere near the truth of where the minimum resides. 🙂

You'd have to justify the multiplying factor of 40. Until that point, this number x40 and therefore the total calculated is just invalid.
In conclusion of the Iraq war notes here in this thread, the bottom line is .................. both governments have agreed that the number of deaths is at least 10k.

So why no jail time or punishment for any of the perps?


When two countries are at war, the deaths of troops and civilians, killed deliberately or accidentally, are not criminal acts. A criminal act would be committed if one force contravened the relevant international conventions, e.g. shooting POW's, deliberately targeting civilians etc.

There is a strong movement in the UK with good legal and political support for legal action to be taken against UK combat personnel found involved in war crimes in Iraq.
(1) When two countries are at war, the deaths of troops and civilians, killed deliberately or accidentally, are not criminal acts. A criminal act would be committed if one force contravened the relevant international conventions, e.g. shooting POW's, deliberately targeting civilians etc.

(2) There is a strong movement in the UK with good legal and political support for legal action to be taken against UK combat personnel found involved in war crimes in Iraq.

(1) It is a CRIMINAL ACT of the highest order when/if the basis for the war is a LIE. .. (which is now well established)

Good. If that works out right, imagine the sh*t that will go down if they view British Colonial History. They would be shooting themselves in the middle-leg if they let this happen, considering they can't even handle a simple APOLOGY now, decades later
You'd have to justify the multiplying factor of 40. Until that point, this number x40 and therefore the total calculated is just invalid.

I see your point and you are right, the number 40 is not for public consumption and there is no scientific evidence of its veracity. However, a fella has to go by what he knows/observes/sees happen ......... its my own personal number I came up with thru' years of observing how the West behaves when one of our own gets killed. The time spent on the TALK/CIRCUS/HOOPLA in the Media will be 40 times longer than if a blackie, brownie or yellowie was killed.

In short, 40 blackies will have to be slaughtered before Whitey even bats an eye!!!

Due to current times in London's arrival in the sewer, this number of 40 when applied to Muslims is now, as per Fibo's Law, hovering around 1,000 - and climbing at an alarming rate.
Thread is almost complete ................ now that I have had a chance to talk with some very learned people up north at my school. They have shown me some very significant things that after examination and thought, I agree with. The video below titled (see below) was brought to my attention along with others and white papers .............

Should we be proud of the British Empire?

My conclusion:

Its only the Brits at T2W are downright ignorant and in the loser category. This does not apply to the upper/higher echelons of the United Kingdom - for example in surveys done regarding general knowledge of History and other important stuff out in the field by various interviewers and survey takers, there is not much difference in ignorance in the general public of the United States and Britain. Both dumb as a rock. But when you get into the higher echelons of either society, the stupidity and ignorance melts away the higher you go and is replaced with stellar knowledge. Both countries.

T2W is therefore everything I said I had found: 1k - 3k accounts, posers, pretenders, poor trading skills, gambling with the milk and rent money and really having no chance of getting ahead even after trading for 2 decades. Education-wise, T2W = stiff as a board. Knowledge-wise = Ignorant to an astounding degree. Not a single Brit here is aware of their Colonial History, whereas the 6 Brits I know in California, pretty much their first response was uniformly, "ghastly acts of terror on our part" even without me giving them any data in advance.

I'm satisfied!!! 🙂🙂🙂

I forgot to throw some criticisms at George Monbiot from your first post.

He is right to point to the appalling absence of British historical teaching in British schools.

Otherwise, he's another upper middle class Socialist that Britain seems to spew up, who whitewash over their own priveliged backgrounds and lives but nevertheless believe that it gives them the right to direct how other people's lives ought to be lived - "for their own good".

He's a passionate Corbyn-supporter which I take it mean he is pro-Marxism and anti-British and doesn't mind Corbyn's support for Irish and Middle Eastern terrorism, as long as it is harmful to Britain's "establishment", the US and its allies.

Just thought I'd get that off my chest.
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