British Empire - the dark forgotten truth examined

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hey FT.....

yep no pride here on what my country has done in history .......but the USA hardly has a star bangled past ? ........N

Correctomundo! No disagreement here, that's why I stated that both Blair and Bush belong in jail
hey FT.....

yep no pride here on what my country has done in history .......but the USA hardly has a star bangled past ? ........N

Oh my oh my oh my, missed this on first reading ................... bad boy, Fibo 🙂🙂🙂

behold the rarity that keeps surfacing about T2W ......... NVP is always the very first and almost always the ONLY one who in one shot admits. Nobody on this site has even come close to acknowledging anything and more importantly nobody here even knows their own colonial History - except for NVP - as usual.

Ditto in the realm of TRADING/Market know-how/Knowledge.

Take out NVP from T2W and even the Social Services Department of Food Stamps would burn this place to the ground for its parabolic bull market in Ignorance

From the CHILCOT report from the UK

Who amongst us believes that George Bush or Tony Blair believed Iraq represented an existential threat?

Raise your hand!!!!



From the Chilcot report from the UK

Who amongst us honestly believes that George Bush or Tony Blair believed Iraq represented an existential threat great enough to warrant the circumvention of international law and institutions? This is a country that had already suffered heavily during the Iran-Iraq war, the First Gulf War, and was laboring under wicked sanctions. The country was so broken down by the time we got there it was unable to offer even token resistance. We were told a nation we had bullied and bombed would welcome us with open arms. And yet there was literally no plan for the day after. (But don’t just take my word for it, journalist after journalist has catalogued the embarrassing mess we made of things.)

John McCain’s shocking concession on the Iraq War: it was a “mistake”

Say Hello to the birth of ISIS that Tony Blair and George Bush created. hahahahahahaha, that's BEAR playing another trick on us, create more screwups then complain about the new problems that surface, then spend billions to handle the new problem and create even more.

Jeez, if anybody ran their TRADING business like this, blown accounts would be the ONLY road

Nice to see that although nobody at T2W even acknowledges the war in Iraq was based on a lie, that there are plenty of people in UK who see the truth and spoke out and still do. So this dump called T2W is an oddity. UK & US civilians had plenty of protests against the war. At ET, I'd say that it appeared to be a solid 65-75% Americans called the war a crime. At T2W not a single one will. That's the difference. This place has no contact with the real world. Their trading too, proves it abundantly. What a farce!

Damning evidence against Tony Blair. Ouch!

Tony Blair the initiator, that’s a laugh. The underlying reason for the Iraq war was to stop state sponsored terrorism and retaliation for the twin towers. Iraq, by virtue of Saddam Hussain, was one of the prime movers in state sponsored terrorism. Not suggesting that the war was a good thing, but it did make other leaders think twice about sponsoring terrorism and was successful in that regard. The WMD thing was really a bit of a smokescreen obscuring the true motives.

See video first, then understand my following action ..................

The stupidity uncovered/Ignorance Level is a DISEASE. Fibo is hereby chopping off the Cancer once and for all

barjon\right-click\send to\Permanently dismissed individuals-no recourse-EVER
The following members are included in the list. Gone for good from Fibo's consideration. Ignore List? Nah! that's for sissies. This action is way heavier than "Ignore" ... its a NOT-IS 🙂

This List:

Violet (counter-violent), malaguti, barjon, tomorten, timsk, Signalcalc, batsonar, Rufus_Leakey, postman, Nowler, Dentalfloss, Pat494, Dowser.

Done deal. good luck amigos, have a nice life 🙂🙂🙂
Thread is complete. Wrapping up? Maybe a few extra thoughts here and there but for the most part, I'm DONE!

The Angel of God sent to deliver commensurate + 500% punishment certainly has some sense of humor as she flew by the United States and only generated a President with the name "Hussein" and the SPX hitting 666 = Devil's number. But that was all the United states was gong to receive. "commensurate" is the driving principle.

The brunt of the "commensurate" goes to UK ... Holy sh*t, Muslims taking over entire neighborhoods of London = heart = central pump without which the entire body dies within 10 seconds - to the extent of 95%, Pakistanis raping white Brit women with random abandon with no punishment, Indians rising to the top of the ladder and already surpassed the Empire and likely going to be the one saving the empire from total economic maelstrom and/or abyss.

And this is only the beginning of the retribution wave as in ...................................... the description of the GREAT DEPRESSION WAVE of 1929 - 32

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.