PS: I am not in favour of listening to politicians in order to find the best leader / policies. It is naive and subjective. It is like listening to car salesmen in order to find the best car.
Choosing a leader is another emotional decision.
Best anyone can do is pick one that feels right and then replace them quick if the wrong decision was clearly made (ie they are crap at leadership like Corbyn or IDS or Brown)
A socialist is someone who takes from the workers to pay themselves to further the cause.
They lost the vote and are now acting like " cry babies ".
Buckle up and make a success of whatever imho.
They lost the vote and are now acting like " cry babies ".
Buckle up and make a success of whatever imho.
We need to find some face saving way out of this mess. I'm sure EU will accommodate us in our search.
It is in the interest of EU just to show us the lay of the land (as in that diagram of current agreements/choices below) and ask UK to take her pick.
Both sides know the score and what's on the table. Going back with cap in hand asking for a better deal as some suggesting is a non-starter imo. UK losing credibility on international stage imo.
Take back control and our sovereignty sounds great now they must deliver. What we now have is Tory and Labour party split and badly fractured with coconut boys all on high. Northern Englanders thinking they are better than the hard working migrants who most have come from the Commonwealth anyhow which is what was prescribed by leave camp as opposed to free movement within EU. Confused bunch the lot of them. :whistling
Whilst I agree with the last bit that we'd better just get on with it, I am also pretty miffed that such an important decision was made on the basis of lies and half-truths. No surprise that the brexiteers have been back tracking on most of the claims they used to persuade people ever since.
If that's being a cry baby then I am in tears 🙂