Brexit Remain Rage

Yes, but I was talking about what generated the war and it did stop state sponsored terrorism (at least the overt variety) even though Isis is worse. That doesn't alter the fact that state sponsored terrorism needed to be curbed.

Doesn't make sense to me , in my book they've failed unless the goal was to take Sadam down . And what you are saying ISIS isnt state sponsored ?
Daesh is not a state, never has been and never will be. It's a terrorist organisation which revels in torture, murder and unspeakable acts of evil.
Tell that to the collapsing currency and banks shares ...

I couldn't care less about the banks in all this. As has been pointed out in previous discussions, too big to fail banks, are a massive problem that has still not been dealt with.

Just One example. Leadsom nails Bob Diamond over Barclays Libor rate fixing.

I couldn't care less about the banks in all this. As has been pointed out in previous discussions, too big to fail banks, are a massive problem that has still not been dealt with.

I am pretty sure you mean share holders of said banks , because if banks go down the whole economy will go down ...
Doesn't make sense to me , in my book they've failed unless the goal was to take Sadam down . And what you are saying ISIS isnt state sponsored ?

All I'm saying is that the objective of the war was to inhibit state sponsored terrorism of which Sadam was a prime offender. WMD was the necessary excuse needed to invade since giving Sadam a bloody nose to stop him and inhibit other leaders wouldn"t cur it legally.

It "worked" in the sense that it brought Sadam to a halt and did discourage other leaders, at least from engaging overtly in sponsoring terrorism if not completely.
It "worked" in the sense that it brought Sadam to a halt and did discourage other leaders, at least from engaging overtly in sponsoring terrorism if not completely.

It certainly didn't stop Iran from supporting terrorists groups though ....
It certainly didn't stop Iran from supporting terrorists groups though ....

Even they became less overt about it. In general the message "foster or sponsor events like 9/11 and you and your country will suffer" got home.
Even they became less overt about it. In general the message "foster or sponsor events like 9/11 and you and your country will suffer" got home.

But Sadam has nothing to do with 9/11 🙂
Destabilisation of Syria by the West (US, UK, EU and Turkey) by supporting so called rebel terrorists is just part of the Axis of Evil plans announced by Bush. Once Syria falls, if it falls, Iran will be next in its bid for freedom tearing it self away from tyrant mullahs. It would have fallen if not for Russian support. What we have here is a proxy war once again between US and Russia imo.

People can phrase it however they like to make it more palatable to their public citizens. It's all about securing Europes energy; gas and oil resources for the next 15-30 years. Move away from depeding on Russian gas and oil.

Some of the external elements with refugee/migrant crises was obviously not foreseen. Usually, they would just stop at their neighbouring countries like Jordan or Turkey. Trekking all that way across the Med and via Balkans is crazy stuff.

Who could have guessed it would lead to UK stepping off the EU 🙄
In answer to Oscars question via rep comment.

It doesn't really matter m8, the country is fkt either way...just emigrate before the property crash. Hope this helps 😆

They are discussing Euro Clearing business and how Paris would be a better location than Amsterdam to replace London. France says Brexit is an opportunity. :whistling

Both Amsterdam and Paris think they are better suited than Frankfurt.
Well Osborne has come out this morning stating he wants cut corporation tax from 20% to below 15% making us the lowest in any major economy. Added to that the reduction of red tape and we are as he says open for business.

Let the EU try and compete against that
Well Osborne has come out this morning stating he wants cut corporation tax from 20% to below 15% making us the lowest in any major economy. Added to that the reduction of red tape and we are as he says open for business.

Let the EU try and compete against that

Well this reduction personally, will leave good few Ks in my pocket. 👍
However, the euroclearing rules may well become a regulatory requirement in which case tax reduction will not make much difference.
Well this reduction personally, will leave good few Ks in my pocket. 👍
However, the euroclearing rules may well become a regulatory requirement in which case tax reduction will not make much difference.

Nice to see there will be some winners....I was struggling to see any positives with all the Brexit doom and gloom. 😆