Destabilisation of Syria by the West (US, UK, EU and Turkey) by supporting so called rebel terrorists is just part of the Axis of Evil plans announced by Bush. Once Syria falls, if it falls, Iran will be next in its bid for freedom tearing it self away from tyrant mullahs. It would have fallen if not for Russian support. What we have here is a proxy war once again between US and Russia imo.
People can phrase it however they like to make it more palatable to their public citizens. It's all about securing Europes energy; gas and oil resources for the next 15-30 years. Move away from depeding on Russian gas and oil.
Some of the external elements with refugee/migrant crises was obviously not foreseen. Usually, they would just stop at their neighbouring countries like Jordan or Turkey. Trekking all that way across the Med and via Balkans is crazy stuff.
Who could have guessed it would lead to UK stepping off the EU 🙄