Brexit Remain Rage

I agree that UK had better get on with it because that is what EU members will be doing.

I only read the Spanish papers, but La Vanguardia quoted Churchill today, when it said "When someone does something stupid, don't laugh. It may present you with an opportunity"

Nowhere near an exact quote, but I think that you get the meaning.

Big business will be looking for opportunities. Now, they are looking at EU offers. NOW!

You have no government, yet. Get cracking!

The new government will have to make business life more attractive in the UK than in the EU. Let the immigrants be. They will not come if life is more attractive, elsewhere.
Big business will most likely wait until more details about what sort of relationship we end up agreeing on before they make any decisions. That being said some idiots have already come forward to say they moving office.
Big business will most likely wait until more details about what sort of relationship we end up agreeing on before they make any decisions. That being said some idiots have already come forward to say they moving office.

Idiots is right. If they want to stay in the UK (and presumably they're here now because this is the best location in business terms) they should say so loudly. Or just shut up. Showing any openness to re-locating to Frankfurt or Dublin or Madrid is just more likely to make it happen as it undermines our negotiating position with the EU to keep London as preferred centre of operations.
I agree that UK had better get on with it because that is what EU members will be doing.

I only read the Spanish papers, but La Vanguardia quoted Churchill today, when it said "When someone does something stupid, don't laugh. It may present you with an opportunity"

Nowhere near an exact quote, but I think that you get the meaning.

Big business will be looking for opportunities. Now, they are looking at EU offers. NOW!

You have no government, yet. Get cracking!

The new government will have to make business life more attractive in the UK than in the EU. Let the immigrants be. They will not come if life is more attractive, elsewhere.

I guess there's more to life than relaxing in the sunshine. Apparently Great Whites are now in the Med !
Idiots is right. If they want to stay in the UK (and presumably they're here now because this is the best location in business terms) they should say so loudly. Or just shut up. Showing any openness to re-locating to Frankfurt or Dublin or Madrid is just more likely to make it happen as it undermines our negotiating position with the EU to keep London as preferred centre of operations.

Why should foreign multinationals in the UK worry about our negotiating position?

Perhaps they are sounding out other EU countries to see what is on offer. UK gave much tax rebate, rent/rate subsidy advantages to get multinationals like the Japanese plants to locate here. They will also be interested in what they can expect from HM Government to keep them here.

Spain could easily provide concessions and certain amount of free periods for say the next 5 years for foreign firms to locate there to reduce unemployment.

There will much golf playing and talks on green fields in response to invitations flying in. This is just the start.

UK now has a big ? question ? mark hanging over it for any local and prospective business who was here or thinking of locating here. This is why investments are now on hold.

Can of worms just opened up. Early bird catches the worm.

Here is what the globe thinks of the leave vote.
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UK Dreaming ?

UK cannot have 'single market a la carte', say EU leaders ...
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UK Dreaming ?

UK cannot have 'single market a la carte', say EU leaders ...

That's fine, we don't want that option anyway 😆
True Brexiters would rather have bilateral agreements with important trading partners like Germany and France, than have to accept any of this free movement nonsense, just to be part of the club.
I hope he is stripped of all his honours for misleading people about weapons of mass destruction. That aside, here is another example of an idiot. If the vote was leave he would most likely say the opposite.

It was nothing to do with WMD. After the twin towers it was essential that state sponsored terrorism was stopped. Someone had to get a bloody nose and Sadam was the one. It did work out, just a shame that the 2Bs couldn't be honest about what they were doing and had to pretend WMD.
It was nothing to do with WMD. After the twin towers it was essential that state sponsored terrorism was stopped. Someone had to get a bloody nose and Sadam was the one. It did work out, just a shame that the 2Bs couldn't be honest about what they were doing and had to pretend WMD.

It didnt work out , instead of a weak Sadam now you have ISIS and an unstable region ... terrorism flourished after the war .
That's fine, we don't want that option anyway 😆
True Brexiters would rather have bilateral agreements with important trading partners like Germany and France, than have to accept any of this free movement nonsense, just to be part of the club.

Tell that to the collapsing currency and banks shares ...
The top brass of the EU should have promised to set up a reform committee. That may have swung the vote their way. But they didn't even with the Greek disaster being so obvious. Idiots.

Perhaps they need a referendum within the EU to expel the weaker members. But I don't think they have the balls for that. Just drift and muddle on until something has to be done, I suppose.
It didnt work out , instead of a weak Sadam now you have ISIS and an unstable region ... terrorism flourished after the war .

True, but it's not state sponsored which was the main aim at the time.
Take your time. Whether you spend it on elections, Tony Blair's guilt, or innocence, doesn't matter, as far as the competition is concerned. Brussels is getting its negotiating team together and I don't doubt that they have a large talent bowl to draw from.

I can remember the concessions that Volkswagon got from the Catalan government to keep it from closing down in Sabadell. Didn't Nisson do the same in Newcastle? These are not idiots but they don't mind being thought that, if they can make some profit out of it.

Get cracking.
Take your time. Whether you spend it on elections, Tony Blair's guilt, or innocence, doesn't matter, as far as the competition is concerned. Brussels is getting its negotiating team together and I don't doubt that they have a large talent bowl to draw from.

I can remember the concessions that Volkswagon got from the Catalan government to keep it from closing down in Sabadell. Didn't Nisson do the same in Newcastle? These are not idiots but they don't mind being thought that, if they can make some profit out of it.

Get cracking.

Absolutely Split,

This is where the UK public have been lied to in a very big way by the hope and glory promises we can do better and get something for you like higher wages and lower house prices.

We have always had a problem trying to locate business or to get them to go up North. Subsidies and regional development grants were always made available and they still located down South by virtue of the magnetic pull of the EU towards the centre. Climate, people and proximity to disposable income obviously a big pull. Businesses will locate where their markets are or as close as possible to their customers.

It is absolutely astounding to think we are going to export to the rest of the world via bilateral agreements stuff which these Northern bodies will produce. Produce what exactly?

What are in the Brexit plans? Don't worry about that just yet. Let's just get rid of EU red tape and bureaucracy and then we'll sort out the Union and then think about what we are going to sell.

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It is absolutely astounding to think we are going to export to the rest of the world via bilateral agreements stuff which these Northern bodies will produce. Produce what exactly?



The UK's trade deficit for the first quarter is at its biggest since 2008. The gap between imports and exports for the first three months of 2016 stands at £13.3bn,

The UK's trade deficit for the first quarter is at its biggest since 2008. The gap between imports and exports for the first three months of 2016 stands at £13.3bn,

Just to add that since Maggie killed off the old manufacturing base (necessary) and failed to invest in the new emerging industries (also necessary) we've pinned our profitability on being The EU's financial centre.
It doesnt have to be state sponsored hence it is now a state in its own which is much worse ...

Yes, but I was talking about what generated the war and it did stop state sponsored terrorism (at least the overt variety) even though Isis is worse. That doesn't alter the fact that state sponsored terrorism needed to be curbed.