Brexit - in or out

Uk government Petition:

A rematch for the battle of Hastings in 1066 as I am unhappy with the result.
A Norman army invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain and won. I believe the Anglo-Saxons should have been victorious.
Please sign below.....😆

William won the battle but to paraphrase Churchill that wasn't the end, it was only the beginning of the end. He still had to fight a war to win over the country. If he'd lost a second "Hastings", maybe we'd still be Anglo-Saxon.
Shall we start a sweep 🙂


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I don't recall anyone dying in the Referendum... Do you?
According to the BBC yes, an MP.

I'm making this up so do play along with me and be generous 😉

Under the Consumer Rights Act (which replaced the Sale of Goods Act in October 2015) you have a statutory right to return something and get your money back if it's faulty. Yes the nation did that and demanded their money and dignity back from the EU as it's purpose was grossly exaggerated.

More a case of misdescription and making false statements on what was on offer.

Consumer Protection Act 1987

1987 CHAPTER 43

(i)furnishes information which he knows is false in a material particular; or

(ii)recklessly furnishes information which is false in a material particular.

(a)he makes any statement which he knows is false in a material particular; or

(b)he recklessly makes a statement which is false in a material particular.



If Remain had won the vote I believe there would have far less moaning.
Democracy won the day and people need to accept it.
Neither of them is satisfactory, IMO. Such knife edge decisions will swing the other way and create second thoughts later. I don't think that big decisions should be decided, like that. It is not fair to the minority. It could depend on the fickleness of a football club who who are feeling good or bad about Europe, at the time. We've read banter about that, I know, on this thread but it is, nevertheless, true when we get down to narrow results pf a referendum.

Have you another suggestion that is democratic?

People had a chance to vote for a government that would not give an in/out vote and they declined. How is it that the people have spoken and it is not enough now?
Have you another suggestion that is democratic?

People had a chance to vote for a government that would not give an in/out vote and they declined. How is it that the people have spoken and it is not enough now?

Don't misunderstand me. I go for the majority decision in this referendum because the rules were in place beforehand. Out is out. But you can see the mindchangers coming out of the woodwork this morning, can't you? This is going to be a dreadful four months before Cameron goes and it would have been avoided with a 66% majority vote.

You'll see.

No country, not even the famous Land of the Free, the US, is trully democratic in government because democracy does have drawbacks.
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Monday Morning the UK is Open for Business

Asian Hedge Funds long the UK and sell the crap out of Spain and Portugal.
Thats from yesterday and long term😆

What a great weekend for the Middle Class.

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No I'm convinced that demographics is in play. Get the right combination of influential group think and it's game over 🙂

So this is pretty much what happened and in my rough and ready conversations out and about, it was difficult to find remain voices amongst the highest leaver groups.


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Hard to believe so many people want to change their decision after only a couple of days. Are they really stupid or what ?

Bound to be some sore heads I suppose. Too drunk at the time ?


If the Scots follow the Sturgeon it will only be a few years before they will want independence from the ever tightening Brussels fiasco. Will they join the proposed EU army and speak French/German ? Sober up guys, you are better off with your old muckers south of the border.
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What a load of rubbish. 🙁

Why do you want to pollute the young fresh minds with what ever version of history and festering resentment that's held in the minds of the old now?

The irony of it all is that with an aging population, falling pure British birth rates, rising taxation burden, shrinking GDP in contrast to bigger national debt, downgrading of credit rating, greater cost of servicing government debt, the old codgers who voted out have effectively burdened the young upcoming generation for a good decade or two.

Let people be free and don't laden them with your daft luggage to carry. Sovereignty you say. Sovereignty for who exactly if not the young people of today?

More numbnut than coconut 😡

Remind me think Socialism is better than Capitalism right? Your post implies the exact opposite.
No country, not even the famous Land of the Free, the US, is trully democratic in government because democracy does have drawbacks.

What do you mean by not even the US is truly democratic? Have you even studied any US history?


Repeat those two statements until it sinks in Split 🙄
Hard to believe so many people want to change their decision after only a couple of days. Are they really stupid or what ?

Bound to be some sore heads I suppose. Too drunk at the time ?


If the Scots follow the Sturgeon it will only be a few years before they will want independence from the ever tightening Brussels fiasco. Will they join the proposed EU army and speak French/German ? Sober up guys, you are with your old muckers south of the border.

The Scots situation is ridiculous and has been so for a long time.

They had their own referendum for independence , which they rejected, quite rightly. Economically they cannot stand alone, no matter what the SNP say.

So now together we are leaving Europe and the SNP position is another referendum to leave the UK and jump back into Europe.

There will be mounting evidence that the EU will fracture and the Scots will again reject the independence call.

The SNP will then blame the English for destroying the EU.
Does sturgeon have a legal right to negotiate directly with the EU on behalf of Scotland? They have some devolved power but not enough to be able to just say after their own failed referendum that she is just doing it.
I don't think I can blame the Scots for siding with whichever politico-economic arrangement is best for their economy. All this is about the economy - something David Cameron couldn't quite get across.
Does sturgeon have a legal right to negotiate directly with the EU on behalf of Scotland? They have some devolved power but not enough to be able to just say after their own failed referendum that she is just doing it.

Nope, she is trying to circumvent the UK and EU rulebook.

I said some time ago that these are dangerous people leading the SNP. They like to appear all cuddly. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Don't misunderstand me. I go for the majority decision in this referendum because the rules were in place beforehand. Out is out. But you can see the mindchangers coming out of the woodwork this morning, can't you? This is going to be a dreadful four months before Cameron goes and it would have been avoided with a 66% majority vote.

You'll see.

No country, not even the famous Land of the Free, the US, is trully democratic in government because democracy does have drawbacks.

No I do not see the mind changers, I see newspapers and TV stations and they do not have the best track record. If I see more than 17,420,000 odd verifiable signatures for a new referendum then I may believe. How many people wish they could turn the clock back and not have Blair spin the UK in to a war based on fiction and the ensuing carnage that could have been avoided. Well hope all you want but changing your mind is not an option or if it is wait 41 years and you may get a second go at it, though the EU will not exist by then.

I would add that the US is a very poor example of democracy due to the staggering influence that can be purchased. I am not attacking you but the UK just had a significant exercise in democracy and now people are unhappy. Putting a number on mind changers is a futile exercise and all of this is against the spirit of living in a democracy in the first place.
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Nope, she is trying to circumvent the UK and EU rulebook.

I said some time ago that these are dangerous people leading the SNP. They like to appear all cuddly. Nothing could be further from the truth.
She has no answers for their currency, no answers for the border (which they too will need to contribute towards), she has no answer to the budget black holes and can no longer put oil revenue as a filler. She is deluded