Brexit - in or out

When you think of all the backroom deals, stitch ups and sell outs that have gone on previously over the EU. The younger folks have very little idea of the history and festering resentment towards our own political elite. All of this goes a long way to explaining the voting patterns that emerged across age, social class, regions etc. Those with the most axes to grind were the ones with the longest memories.
I'd go so far as to say, if this referendum had been delayed by 5 -10 yrs, there's a strong possibility we would never have voted out.

What a load of rubbish. 🙁

Why do you want to pollute the young fresh minds with what ever version of history and festering resentment that's held in the minds of the old now?

The irony of it all is that with an aging population, falling pure British birth rates, rising taxation burden, shrinking GDP in contrast to bigger national debt, downgrading of credit rating, greater cost of servicing government debt, the old codgers who voted out have effectively burdened the young upcoming generation for a good decade or two.

Let people be free and don't laden them with your daft luggage to carry. Sovereignty you say. Sovereignty for who exactly if not the young people of today?

More numbnut than coconut 😡
What a load of rubbish. 🙁

Why do you want to pollute the young fresh minds with what ever version of history and festering resentment that's held in the minds of the old now?

The irony of it all is that with an aging population, falling pure British birth rates, rising taxation burden, shrinking GDP in contrast to bigger national debt, downgrading of credit rating, greater cost of servicing government debt, the old codgers who voted out have effectively burdened the young upcoming generation for a good decade or two.

Let people be free and don't laden them with your daft luggage to carry. Sovereignty you say. Sovereignty for who exactly if not the young people of today?

More numbnut than coconut 😡

Soros agrees with me and the rest of the wise people on this thread. The EU is finished.
I seem to have rather a good track record explaining how things will pan out, wouldn't you agree? 😆
Brexit Leaders Back Away From Migration Promises After Victory

Guys can you put me straight please in case I have got the wrong end of the stick. Eye-sight and logic failing me.

The way I understood the Brexit argument is as follows...

1. Cut migrant numbers who were
2. Under cutting wages
3. Putting a load on social services; hospitals and schools
4. Raising cost of housing
5. With our 350m which we pay to the EU, we would subsequently pay that towards NHS, Schools and building new housing


So based on that article and what's coming out of the woodworks now... 🙄

A. If migrant numbers are not cut but simply controlled better via point scoring selection mechanism
B. How will this stop undercutting wages? Alternatively, if we pick better crop are we not likely to pay them more?
C. How will it improve social services, hospitals and school places?
D. How will it help with housing availability
E. I'm not sure about the 350m but seems like it's being ring faced to manage the taking back of our sovereignty so we can take back the 94% of the laws we helped the EU make.

I'm really struggling here and would very much appreciate your enlightened hope and glory magic dust 👍

Thanks guys 🙂
Oh Sh1t! Numpties fell for it. 😱😱😱


His face says it all.
What a load of rubbish. 🙁

Why do you want to pollute the young fresh minds with what ever version of history and festering resentment that's held in the minds of the old now?

The irony of it all is that with an aging population, falling pure British birth rates, rising taxation burden, shrinking GDP in contrast to bigger national debt, downgrading of credit rating, greater cost of servicing government debt, the old codgers who voted out have effectively burdened the young upcoming generation for a good decade or two.

Let people be free and don't laden them with your daft luggage to carry. Sovereignty you say. Sovereignty for who exactly if not the young people of today?

More numbnut than coconut 😡

So then this same argument will be repeated in 20 or 30 years when the current generation will be the older generation and the nation goes to vote about something or other. The then younger generation will be complaining about the older generation taking away their future and not listening to them etc.

Human social history will repeat itself for as long as modern thinking exists, so if the older generation's sentiment has driven the result of the referendum then we can put this down to the (Westernised) human condition and move on.....

The difference is the older and wiser generation will listen to the younger generation's views and give them due consideration and then vote, whereas the younger generation will not listen to anyone but their own and then still probably won't bother to vote and will still complain.
Uk government Petition:

A rematch for the battle of Hastings in 1066 as I am unhappy with the result.
A Norman army invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain and won. I believe the Anglo-Saxons should have been victorious.
Please sign below.....😆

I don't recall anyone dying in the Referendum... Do you?

I'm making this up so do play along with me and be generous 😉

Under the Consumer Rights Act (which replaced the Sale of Goods Act in October 2015) you have a statutory right to return something and get your money back if it's faulty.

More a case of misdescription and making false statements on what was on offer.

Consumer Protection Act 1987

1987 CHAPTER 43

(i)furnishes information which he knows is false in a material particular; or

(ii)recklessly furnishes information which is false in a material particular.

(a)he makes any statement which he knows is false in a material particular; or

(b)he recklessly makes a statement which is false in a material particular.


Uk government Petition:

A rematch for the battle of Hastings in 1066 as I am unhappy with the result.
A Norman army invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain and won. I believe the Anglo-Saxons should have been victorious.
Please sign below.....😆

Apparently my ancestor Alured fought alongside Willelm The Conqueror in 1066. They brought much needed chivalry and the order of knights to the British Isles.
No as soon as you start messing with percentages, who decides, on what basis, who elected them to decide. It would never be fairer than +1. Governments change on one vote or one seat, a majority is a majority plain and simple.

To my mind once Cameron gave the in/out vote as an election pledge this was the reason for the surprise win. People were getting ready for Thursday, so in effect they already voted twice.

Neither of them is satisfactory, IMO. Such knife edge decisions will swing the other way and create second thoughts later. I don't think that big decisions should be decided, like that. It is not fair to the minority. It could depend on the fickleness of a football club who who are feeling good or bad about Europe, at the time. We've read banter about that, I know, on this thread but it is, nevertheless, true when we get down to narrow results pf a referendum.
Brexit Leaders Back Away From Migration Promises After Victory

The way I understood the Brexit argument is as follows...

1. Cut migrant numbers who were
2. Under cutting wages
3. Putting a load on social services; hospitals and schools
4. Raising cost of housing
5. With our 350m which we pay to the EU, we would subsequently pay that towards NHS, Schools and building new housing

There was the, equally, important question on decisiond being taken in Westminster, other than Brussels.

I have lived out too long to know what it is, really, like in the UK, these days. I do know, though, that there are hundreds of thousands of British people in Andalucia, most of them pensioners, with aches and pains to be treated by the health service. Unless the pound strengthens, considerably, from Friday's panic, they are going to have to start borrowing on their credit cards. Not a healthy way to live in a foreign country.

This is not about passports, permissions to live, etc. It is about the financial position of, previously, fairly prosperous people who cannot pay their day to day bills.

What is worse? That type of affluent society, suddenly, on hard times, or the ones from Syria who were penniless from the start?
Uk government Petition:

A rematch for the battle of Hastings in 1066 as I am unhappy with the result.
A Norman army invaded Anglo-Saxon Britain and won. I believe the Anglo-Saxons should have been victorious.
Please sign below.....😆

Them Scots, agin. Givin' Harold some aggro up there and making him gallop down to Hastings. Poor bloke was knackered before 'e started.