Brexit - in or out

Well if Nigel Lawson emulated the EMS by moving British interest rates as he was in favour once upon a blue moon and had raging disagreements with Mrs T.

Why would anyone trust his judgement now?

In the late 1980s, the chancellor, Nigel Lawson was keen to join the ERM. But, Mrs Thatcher with her euro-sceptic views wanted to stay out. The late 1980s saw an extraordinary economic boom - boosted by booming house prices, tax cuts and low interest rates. Growth reached record levels of 5-6% a year. Enthusiastic government ministers talked of an economic miracle - hoping Government policies had enabled, at long last, to catch up with other countries like Germany.

It's a damn good job we had Maggie isn't it....she kept them all in check and on the right path.

In terms of Lawson changing his views....he is obviously a bright chap and listened to what he was being told 😆

In terms of experience, older people have more of it. These days, experience is not valued by the youngsters, it is frowned upon. But that's ok, let them all learn from their own mistakes whilst we watch on from afar.
2 swallows make a damn good hooker though.....😛

As a man of experience that I'm sure you are, I do hope you follow our beloved EU directives and regulations. This will ensure your human rights are checked and not abused by professional free market capitalists abusing their position. 😉

I'd be interested to know how many EU directives there are for hookers?

Did you get to check ethnic origin and authenticity before the swallows got away?
As a man of experience that I'm sure you are, I do hope you follow our beloved EU directives and regulations. This will ensure your human rights are checked and not abused by professional free market capitalists abusing their position. 😉

I'd be interested to know how many EU directives there are for hookers?

Did you get to check ethnic origin and authenticity before the swallows got away?

Post at 1045pm Wednesday
Then 0603 am Thursday

Your life will be over when the EU vote is all over.😆

It's a damn good job we had Maggie isn't it....she kept them all in check and on the right path.

In terms of Lawson changing his views....he is obviously a bright chap and listened to what he was being told 😆

In terms of experience, older people have more of it. These days, experience is not valued by the youngsters, it is frowned upon. But that's ok, let them all learn from their own mistakes whilst we watch on from afar.

Older people do have more wind in their sails quite right. Young people will soon become hard to spot soon enough if Brexiters have their way, as the brightest leave the UK in search of adventure else where.

Older people do have more wind in their sails quite right. Young people will soon become hard to spot soon enough if Brexiters have their way, as the brightest leave the UK in search of adventure else where.


Are you sure it's not cos there's a ban on legal highs coming in ?

Used to be called a gap year.
You stick to your options thread, this seems out of your depth......😴
I sense some hating going on from the yellow and purple corner.

My guess is you are over 50 and you miss the Del boy days when you could get a pint for 10p lol. Dinosaurs... They always go extinct in the end. A globalizing world is a Tsunami, it is unstoppable. So you say all you want, we will remain in Europe and that's the end of it. Besides all those nice damsels that crossed the border... Who would want that to end? A Eunuch maybe... Eunuch are you Sonicscooter boy?
I sense some hating going on from the yellow and purple corner.

My guess is you are over 50 and you miss the Del boy days when you could get a pint for 10p lol. Dinosaurs... They always go extinct in the end. A globalizing world is a Tsunami, it is unstoppable. So you say all you want, we will remain in Europe and that's the end of it. Besides all those nice damsels that crossed the border... Who would want that to end? A Eunuch maybe... Eunuch are you Sonicscooter boy?

No, i just have a problem with YOU and your "i have nothing to prove" rot while telling the gullible how much money you made with options and your link etc........go back under your stone.
I sense some hating going on from the yellow and purple corner.

My guess is you are over 50 and you miss the Del boy days when you could get a pint for 10p lol. Dinosaurs... They always go extinct in the end. A globalizing world is a Tsunami, it is unstoppable. So you say all you want, we will remain in Europe and that's the end of it. Besides all those nice damsels that crossed the border... Who would want that to end? A Eunuch maybe... Eunuch are you Sonicscooter boy?

It's a shame then that the EU is not global in it's outlook.
Protectionism rules strong in the EU.

Leave are campaigning to compete in the global world.
So care to explain you're obviously flawed logic?
Today it's 1/8 stay with a couple of bookies, most are 1/7 and 9/2 leave.
It's a shame then that the EU is not global in it's outlook.
Protectionism rules strong in the EU.

Leave are campaigning to compete in the global world.
So care to explain you're obviously flawed logic?
The EU may not be global but who could blame our less politically evolved cousins, they didn't have an empire and when Germany tried... Well we know what happened. The UK is the pillar of Europe after Germany's defeat us and the Americans constructed this beast, well we just did not see Germany running it. Your solution is run and live the house?

I prefer we take back the house and negotiate our position. We still have a number f protectionist policy we can implement. What will they do? KICK US OUT! I doubt it...

So what's the problem? You want a migration cap, institute one. You don't want Syrian refugees? Then don't let them in. You don't want education and health tourism? Then exclude people. Oh no! Us English folk prefer to not be seen breaking a rule. Well, this is not a queue to the counter, we can make our own decisions.

An exit is just crazy. I think most people will think the same. The UK needs to wake up, before the Saxons, there were others and after the Saxons there were others, today they are others. It is the product of advancement and discovery of a planet despite borders belongs to all mankind and it is each and everyone of our right to explore it. Economic systems need to evolve to cater for freedom of movement and global wealth integration. Leaving solves nothing.

The meek won't inherit the earth.
I am pro-European (as if you did not know. already) but, I must admit, the immigration figures, published today, are very bad. Anyone, who wants to leave EU because of that, has a very good argument for leaving.

This is terrible news for anti- Brexits. I do not believe that the UK will be better off, out, but it has to be experienced. By then, it will be too late.

The highly respected Institute for Fiscal Studies accused the Brexit campaign on Wednesday of peddling “clearly absurd” figures suggesting Britain would save large sums of money if it left the EU.

Rather than saving £350m a week, or £18bn a year, from Brexit, the IFS research suggests a vote to leave would cost £20bn to £40bn a year and require additional austerity, lasting into the next decade, if the government still wanted to eliminate the deficit.

The IFS work is the most comprehensive analysis to date of the hit to the public finances from leaving the EU even though the think-tank used other organisations’ economic projections rather than its own.

Vote Leave dismissed the report as based on “entirely negative assumptions about our economy”, suggesting that the IFS “is not a neutral organisation” since it receives some of its funding from EU research grants.

Andrea Leadsom MP said: “It’s no wonder people are being turned off this debate given the continuous campaign to do down the British economy from EU-funded organisations.”

Speaking on the BBC Today programme on Wednesday morning, Brexit campaigner John Redwood MP declined to repeat Vote Leave’s allegation that the IFS report was written because it was in the pay of European institutions, but said the IFS was part of the “cozy establishment” and that Britain’s economy would gain immediately from Brexit. The government could spend the UK’s net contributions domestically, he said.

He also accepted implicitly the Vote Leave £350m a week figure was bogus by saying the additional spending could be around half that level.

Paul Johnson, director of the IFS, responded that any money saved would disappear if the economy was up to half a per cent smaller than current forecasts imply. A bigger hit than this was likely because Brexit would trigger a prolonged period of uncertainty. “We know uncertainty is bad for growth,” Mr Johnson said.

Many organisations have estimated the short-term and long-term economic effects of Brexit with an overwhelming consensus that the UK economy would be harmed by short-term uncertainty in leaving the EU and would subsequently face a more difficult trading environment than at present.

Millions of Britons living abroad have an interest in the outcome of the EU referendum, and many of them can vote. What do they care most about in the big Brexit debate?

The IFS, which is independent, gathered the results from studies by the Treasury, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research and other private sector groups and fed these into its forecasting model of the public finances.

It found in its central range of estimates that the economy was still likely to be bigger in 2019-20 than today, but there might be a recession and overall growth would be between 2.1 per cent and 3.5 per cent lower than if Britain stayed in the EU.

This level of disappointment would leave the budget deficit in 2019-20 about £20bn-£40bn higher than otherwise, the IFS said. In calculating that figure, it took account of gains from Britain no longer paying into the EU budget, finding these were more than offset by the effects of a weaker economy on tax revenues.

Mr Johnson said: “Getting [a balanced budget] from there, as the government desires, would require an additional year or two of austerity at current rates of spending cuts.”

The IFS poured scorn on the Leave campaign’s slogan that voting for Brexit would enable Britain to stop sending £350m a week to Brussels because the figure does not deduct money never sent to the EU and automatically deducted under Britain’s rebate.

IFS estimate of possible increase in UK deficit caused by Brexit, leading to 2 further years of austerity

“It is equivalent to suggesting that were the UK to leave the EU and not make any financial contribution to the EU’s budget then remaining EU members would continue to pay the rebate to the UK. That is clearly absurd.”
The IFS also hit back at accusations about its funding from European institutions, primarily the European Research Council, which funds academic research in EU and non-EU countries associated with member states.

Countering the Vote Leave comment that the IFS finances would be in deficit after a Leave vote, the IFS said: “If the UK left the EU then as long as the UK joined the existing list of associated countries our funding from the EU would not be at risk.”
I am pro-European (as if you did not know. already) but, I must admit, the immigration figures, published today, are very bad. Anyone, who wants to leave EU because of that, has a very good argument for leaving.

This is terrible news for anti- Brexits. I do not believe that the UK will be better off, out, but it has to be experienced. By then, it will be too late.

The reason why countries like 'even' Sweden have started importing foreign migrants is because they add to GDP.

Economists from Swedish bank Nordea have suggested that the nation's economy will grow by 0.5 percent as Sweden continues to take in record numbers of refugees fleeing conflicts in Africa and the Middle East.

I keep tellin ya folks this is government policy to get birth rates up, growth up to reduce defecits and help pay off debt as well as over come impending pension crises.

It's a FACT they will not tell you.

All those baby boomers post WWII 1945s and 1960s will soon be reaching their retirement ages @ 2010 - 2020s - 2025s.

Having said all that I too am struggling with the poor quality of migrants coming into the country. Crossing one of the bridges over the Thames three migrants of whom one put his finger on one of this nostrils and blew out the most hidious snot like a bullet out of his other notstril right on to my walking path way just 10 yards away from me. Utterly disgusting piece of sh1t.

Spitting on the pavement, jumping queues and squashing into tube trains, what a load of animals they are.

One side of me thinks it's good to know they are free and embrace the good strong fearless entitlement of rights bestowed on them by the Crown and our good government.

Then the my other prejudiced side says you filthy *******, if you were back in your own country someone would give you a good clout around the head or even better, beat you with a truncheon.

Really mixed up about it but I do feel we need an Australian style scoring system of some sorts.
"It found in its central range of estimates that the economy was still likely to be bigger in 2019-20 than today"

Nobody doubts their authenticity but you have to question their objective here in light of them losing funding from the EU.

Forecasting becomes less accurate with time. What the IFS fails to account in their so called black hole is the UK becoming an investment hub. Remove the red tape for business and all of a sudden the UK becomes a good place to do business. Another benefit would be the increase in fish exports as we reclaim our fishing grounds. So there are factors that the IFS doesn't account for in their fortune telling.
i'll give you a metaphor for the scenario they are trying to forecast.

Forecasting future trends is difficult when the basis of the forecast is over the same operating principles (more or less). If we leave the EU, the way we operate will be very different so it is foolish to apply a forecast model when the underlying is very different. Its like forecasting when a pig would come on heat using a chicken.