Brexit - in or out

Definitely In. Don't want to quit this rainy Island just yet because everything ran dry and a bunch of human rights haters can't deal with the new competitive globalizing world.
Definitely In. Don't want to quit this rainy Island just yet because everything ran dry and a bunch of human rights haters can't deal with the new competitive globalizing world.

You stick to your options thread, this seems out of your depth......😴
Definitely In. Don't want to quit this rainy Island just yet because everything ran dry and a bunch of human rights haters can't deal with the new competitive globalizing world.

Stay and be heard Vanillaman... Arguments need balance.

Be heard. 👍
I don't see how stereotyping people is helpful whatever the aim.
I'd be surprised if someone doesn't challenge this in the courts.

Freedom of expression I reckon. Saatchi & Saatchi good at making such posters but usually for the Tories portraying Labour as evil if I recall. Personally, don't like the poster either.

The message they are communicating is that the far right will be emboldened by an out vote. Thought it would be obvious.

When has truth ever got in the way of portraying a pov. The late John Smith and Double Whoppers comes to mind. The true leader Labour party missed out on. 🙁
This is the Iain Mansfield who wrote the article to compete for the IEA Brexit Prize for €100,000.

So whilst one may consider it to be an objective assessment, somehow I have great skepticism that the following Nigel Lawson would be trumpeting it about.

The Rt Hon. Lord Nigel Lawson, Chairman of the judging panel, said:

“'The British people have been promised a referendum on whether the UK should leave the European Union. There are few more important decisions than this. In advance of that decision the issues need to be fully debated, and an essential element of the debate will be an understanding of how the UK might conduct itself if and when we leave.

“Iain Mansfield's prize-winning entry provides an excellent starting point for this important debate, written with the experience of a serving member of the Diplomatic Corps with a solid background in trade policy.'”€100000-iea-brexit-prize

Effectively it is a paid up article irrespective of whether it is an objective article or not.

It's purpose and design is primarily to make news and persuade the undecided. Well planned and executed initiative. 👍

Seems Nigel Farage is making the same argument as me about IFS (Institute for Fiscal Studies) report.

But UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the IFS was biased because it was part-funded by the EU.

Against the IFS director said...

IFS director Paul Johnson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme, his organisation got "about 10% of our income from something called the European Research Council, which is an independent arms-length body which funds world-class academic research".

But he added: "For the last 30 years, the IFS has really built its reputation on the independence and integrity of our work, and actually there is no sum of money from anywhere in the world which would influence what we said".

Now the choice is yours as to who you want to believe???

fwiw My money is on IFS and not the IEA.
10 percent isn't much but could be the difference between job cuts or scaling back projects, and business as usual. If your projects or workforce is jeopardised, do you genuinely apply impartiality, or do you do what you can to protect it.
10 percent isn't much but could be the difference between job cuts or scaling back projects, and business as usual. If your projects or workforce is jeopardised, do you genuinely apply impartiality, or do you do what you can to protect it.

Depends on your perspective. I do not recall IFS being tarnished with disreputable research in the past.

Or that the European Research Council intervenes or selectively awards research funds.

Judgement call.

My point was simply to highlight how one camp is quite happy to trumpet one piece of research along with Farage whilst totally turning a blind eye to a competition where an award is issued to an article that is openly written for the Brexit debate. Yes open and unhidden perhaps but they still make capital out of it.

What does one call it. Spin? I'm sure it's all in best possible taste. 😉

You judge for your selves. 👍
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The IFS uses NIESR as an input to their forecasts. NIESR has been wrong before (an example is it backed the UK adopting the euro) and that would have been a fantastic mess.
The IFS uses NIESR as an input to their forecasts. NIESR has been wrong before (an example is it backed the UK adopting the euro) and that would have been a fantastic mess.

Well if Nigel Lawson emulated the EMS by moving British interest rates as he was in favour once upon a blue moon and had raging disagreements with Mrs T.

Why would anyone trust his judgement now?

In the late 1980s, the chancellor, Nigel Lawson was keen to join the ERM. But, Mrs Thatcher with her euro-sceptic views wanted to stay out. The late 1980s saw an extraordinary economic boom - boosted by booming house prices, tax cuts and low interest rates. Growth reached record levels of 5-6% a year. Enthusiastic government ministers talked of an economic miracle - hoping Government policies had enabled, at long last, to catch up with other countries like Germany.
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Tory MP's are evenly split.

No list of names for Labour but it is reported that 90% of them are for remain.

No surprise there then....most failed Labour MP's go to Brussels don't they ! 😆

Twisting facts. There are good many more institutions and bodies supporting the EU than there are jobs available in the EU. The Brexit camp are really flogging this angle on anyone who says IN. As if they have been bought out by vested interest from the EU. This is simply not true.

From my pov, I see the Titanic just simply ignoring all advice and warnings on ice ahead and hurtling full steam ahead.

The more plausible reason is EU laws and legistlation more inclined to favour labour protection than free enterprising supporting businesses.

This is not something I support but accounting for Labour parties bias imo. Not about job prospects. You cheapen the debate by regurgitating nonsense.

But say it enough times it will stick and I see others who don't know much repeating this garbage they hear hounded about.

Dirty politics. 👎

Bad CV. Very bad.:cheesy:
Yeah but there is also hundreds of millions of customers elsewhere in the world. The world doesn't start and end at UE's boarders. With all respect to Lord S, he without doubt has regular business with the EU and its in his companies interest to keep the status quo. He does sound genuine though albeit sugar coated in invested interest.
Alan Sugar man whom I love and respect since the Amstrad days.

Super watch. This guy has no interest as he declares; has already been knighted and is a Lord and is not looking for a job in the EU...

More cherry picking.

Sugar failed to mention that the UK share of trade with EU is declining year on year and that the EU is on a par with Antarctica in terms of lowest continental growth rate. 😆

The EU doesn't work.
Yeah but there is also hundreds of millions of customers elsewhere in the world. The world doesn't start and end at UE's boarders. With all respect to Lord S, he without doubt has regular business with the EU and its in his companies interest to keep the status quo. He does sound genuine though albeit sugar coated in invested interest.

Yes absolutely, there are billions of customers elsewhere in the World.

Simply that EU remains the biggest continent in terms of GDP and disposable income and 40% + of our trades currently is with the EU.

I reckon the Brexit campaigners are onto a good thing here. It explains why the UK has been doing so badly in the last 30 years.

We've simply been wasting our time trying to and trading with the EU when we can trade with billions of other customers.

Who on earth thought the EU membership was a good idea is beyond me.

I think we should immediately turn our glance to rest of the World and focus our efforts on striking up deals with anyone and everyone who wants to Trade with us.

I'm really sick and tired with the EU and all their laws, directives and regulations. That's it. They can shove up their membership benefits somewhere the sun don't shine.

Twisting facts. There are good many more institutions and bodies supporting the EU than there are jobs available in the EU. The Brexit camp are really flogging this angle on anyone who says IN. As if they have been bought out by vested interest from the EU. This is simply not true.

From my pov, I see the Titanic just simply ignoring all advice and warnings on ice ahead and hurtling full steam ahead.

The more plausible reason is EU laws and legistlation more inclined to favour labour protection than free enterprising supporting businesses.

This is not something I support but accounting for Labour parties bias imo. Not about job prospects. You cheapen the debate by regurgitating nonsense.

But say it enough times it will stick and I see others who don't know much repeating this garbage they hear hounded about.

Dirty politics. 👎

Bad CV. Very bad.:cheesy:

Mandy was twice fired as a minister and ended up as a blair/ brown crony sent to the EU as trade envoy or something.

Unelectable Kinnock eventually gave up trying to convince us that he was fit for power, instead he re-invented himself as a commissioner in the EU.

I don't make it's all true.
More cherry picking.

Sugar failed to mention that the UK share of trade with EU is declining year on year and that the EU is on a par with Antarctica in terms of lowest continental growth rate. 😆

The EU doesn't work.

Bad boy CV. Yu kiip chasing your tail. No walkies for you. You can pee in your basket tonight.

We all know what happens to lil boys who tell lies?

Mandy was twice fired as a minister and ended up as a blair/ brown crony sent to the EU as trade envoy or something.

Unelectable Kinnock eventually gave up trying to convince us that he was fit for power, instead he re-invented himself as a commissioner in the EU.

I don't make it's all true.

Two swallows don't make a summer. 😆

That all chestnut again. 😎