Interesting graph but as ever with economists (and especially the EU Tractor Stats HQ) you need to be very careful in case the figures presented have been given a slant ...... lies, damned lies, statistics and all that
If you look at that graph you can see that the countries with the most outstanding growth rates all have relatively small GDP e.g. Romania at 5.2% growth has a GDP of approximately $186.5 billion, Malta with GDP $10.4 billion has growth 4.1%; whereas Germany with a much lower and normal growth at 1.9% has a much larger GDP of $3494.9 billion. We all know that any quantity shown as a percentage of a relatively small base looks much better when presented this way – I wonder if this is what the EU has done (by accident?
😉 )
(GDP figures below = IMF estimates for 2016)
In comparison, USA has GDP $18561.9 billion with growth of 1.6% (on the EU stats) which doesn't compare too badly when you take into account its enormous GDP. On the other hand Japan with $4730.3 billion GDP and a growth of 0.7% compares very poorly with Germany. Overall I think it's important to note that the GDPs of the EU and United States are not vastly different and neither are there growth rates.
I don't suppose all the above shows anything that a competent economist couldn't dress up in another way, but it IMHO it does give lie to the old bit about "damned lies and statistics".
PS – if you like your stats there's some quite interesting stuff here