Brexit and the Consequences

Doubt it. Even if you stuck him at the peak of Brecon Beacons at high noon, he'd be wondering in darkness.


It's not my fault that events are going the way of expectation. The sooner you come to terms with the new reality, the better equipped to deal with it.

Everything is known in advance.

Try keeping up 😆
They might need this to keep up
It seems like this brexit business is about taking back the powers from Brussels to continue dismantling the already under funded NHS, loading up young Brits with more privately owned student debts and blocking the inflow of refugees after bombing the **** out of their land and destabilizing the entire region throughout the 21st century.

Whatever happens in the EU, doesn't the future of the average Brit look rather bleak? A slave to Barclays, carrying a perpetual cold and with the only escape from Londons chav infested criminal suburbs being a vacation sorrounded by inbreds in rainy Cornwall, I'll take the gyros in Santorini pls.:cheesy:
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It seems like this brexit business is about taking back the powers from Brussels to continue dismantling the already under funded NHS, loading up young Brits with more privately owned student debts and blocking the inflow of refugees after bombing the **** out of their land and destabilizing the entire region throughout the 21st century.

Whatever happens in the EU, doesn't the future of the average Brit looking rather bleak? A slave to Barclays, carrying a perpetual cold and with the only escape from Londons chav infested criminal suburbs being a vacation sorrounded by inbreds in rainy Cornwall, I'll take the gyros in Santorini pls.:cheesy:

I'm not a socialist. I don't think that they know how to run a country economically. However, some things will never get done properly with a rightwing government. NHS is one example. There has to be a middle way, which will bring social justice to everyone. NHS needs money. Its as simple as that, really, and they will never have sufficient funds under May's government.
I'm not a socialist. I don't think that they know how to run a country economically. However, some things will never get done properly with a rightwing government. NHS is one example. There has to be a middle way, which will bring social justice to everyone. NHS needs money. Its as simple as that, really, and they will never have sufficient funds under May's government.
How can you budget with an open door policy? It's impossible so the government can only do so much under a tight current account. Until we pay back the mouth water leftist debt left by labour (aka the Blair witch project), we haven't a chance of pumping more money. It's easy for people to say the government isn't doing enough. If anyone here was carrying debt that absorbs 90 percent of their income would probably need to declare themselves bankrupt.
I'm against funding the NHS. As medical science advances and humans live longer with an aging population and declining birth rate, it is a losing battle.

We need to change the way NHS is run that's for sure. Anyone who goes to A&E knows its full of people who shouldn't be there.

People have not paid sufficient tax to be waited on hand and foot incase they fall eing looked after at levels and for length of time unimaginable when NHS was first established.

We need to have a personal quota and instill personal responsibility.

Some treatments shouldn't be covered.

Euthanasia should be legalised.

People who can't eat, wash or **** by them selves due to what ever terminal condition should be put to rest. Life is not meant to be spent dying in bed.

No brainer to me. Fact of life people die. Learn to deal with it as it's not like it catches anyone by surprise lying sick in bed does it?

I don't believe in God, man's creation but I would like to think those who do would hurry to meet their so called creator, to get to their destination instead of costing and casting their misery onto other people and often to their loved ones.

People don't even look after their own **** anymore but put them in an old peoples home for others to endure and see their lonely suffering.

Life is inexplicably crazy at times. Mother nature on the other hand is beautifully balanced if it could only be allowed to get on with it.

Seems like there is no personal responsibility left in people anymore. I don't blame the thinking.

I'm not allowed to take my own life but other people are responsble for ensuring I live as long as possible even if it is against my will.

If that isn't freaking strange enough, I have the right to sue other people for not taking care of my own tribal ****.

Absolute madness. 😡
I'm against funding the NHS. As medical science advances and humans live longer with an aging population and declining birth rate, it is a losing battle.

We need to change the way NHS is run that's for sure. Anyone who goes to A&E knows its full of people who shouldn't be there.

People have not paid sufficient tax to be waited on hand and foot incase they fall eing looked after at levels and for length of time unimaginable when NHS was first established.

We need to have a personal quota and instill personal responsibility.

Some treatments shouldn't be covered.

Euthanasia should be legalised.

People who can't eat, wash or **** by them selves due to what ever terminal condition should be put to rest. Life is not meant to be spent dying in bed.

No brainer to me. Fact of life people die. Learn to deal with it as it's not like it catches anyone by surprise lying sick in bed does it?

I don't believe in God, man's creation but I would like to think those who do would hurry to meet their so called creator, to get to their destination instead of costing and casting their misery onto other people and often to their loved ones.

People don't even look after their own **** anymore but put them in an old peoples home for others to endure and see their lonely suffering.

Life is inexplicably crazy at times. Mother nature on the other hand is beautifully balanced if it could only be allowed to get on with it.

Seems like there is no personal responsibility left in people anymore. I don't blame the thinking.

I'm not allowed to take my own life but other people are responsble for ensuring I live as long as possible even if it is against my will.

If that isn't freaking strange enough, I have the right to sue other people for not taking care of my own tribal ****.

Absolute madness. 😡

Get off the fence. Tell us what you really think ! 😆
I'm not a socialist. I don't think that they know how to run a country economically. However, some things will never get done properly with a rightwing government. NHS is one example. There has to be a middle way, which will bring social justice to everyone. NHS needs money. Its as simple as that, really, and they will never have sufficient funds under May's government.

NHS not about Left Vs Right: Anything that's free at the point of use will be abused. That's why people miss appointments with impunity and drunks clog up A&E at the w/e. NHS never designed to do what is expected today. It was originally a safety net for those actually unable to provide for themselves. Yet now you can have all sorts of lifestyle treatments that defy the definition of essential. The NHS is a financial black hole and someone has to decide its limits - and that is something the do-gooders can't understand. The NHS is the ultimate nationalised business and it is now verging on the unmanageable - its "dedicated" (to themselves?) GPs managed to extract more money for less work only a few years ago: try doing that in the real world! Politically motivated junior doctors going on strike - what would Hippocrates have made of that?

There is nothing simple about the NHS and it's going to take someone with rather large gonads to sort it out.
I'm not a socialist. I don't think that they know how to run a country economically. However, some things will never get done properly with a rightwing government. NHS is one example. There has to be a middle way, which will bring social justice to everyone. NHS needs money. Its as simple as that, really, and they will never have sufficient funds under May's government.

The tax rate for the wealthy in the UK is half of what it used to be. In the US, it's a third of what it used to be. The money is there, but the Right is not going to go after it.
That is another reason why my idea of an equal pension after the rat race is run is a good idea. The elderly would have enough money to pay for their care and not have the state do it.
We need to change the way NHS is run that's for sure. Anyone who goes to A&E knows its full of people who shouldn't be there.

There's a simple solution to that....Put GP surgery's inside hospitals, signpost saying " if you are loosing blood turn left, or snot to the right " 😎
I'm not a socialist. I don't think that they know how to run a country economically. However, some things will never get done properly with a rightwing government. NHS is one example. There has to be a middle way, which will bring social justice to everyone. NHS needs money. Its as simple as that, really, and they will never have sufficient funds under May's government.

IF the UKs politicians really do have the interests of the majority of their population in mind and IF they really do have some ideals of social justice that they wish to put into practice, ( and these are two really big ifs) it would serve them to look at those nations which are doing so successfully.

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Ausria, etc.. These are effectively Socialist governments and they provide the best living standards in the world, for a majority of their population.

Unfortunately for the British, I sense there is an agenda to replicate the state of affairs on the other side of the pond, so the rich can keep avoiding taxes during their entire life and once it's over, the trust fund is passed on to their offspring free from taxation.

I believe after freeing themselves from EU membership, the road is clear to implement this agenda, the wealthy will become wealthier and ultimately, like in the U.S.the underprivileged majority will be left with nothing, not even access to education and healthcare.
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Welcome to the small pool of "Remainers" that are left on this thread. However, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.....They are going to have to find out the hard way!
Welcome to the small pool of "Remainers" that are left on this thread. However, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.....They are going to have to find out the hard way!

Could you yourself imagine living back in the old dart?
IF the UKs politicians really do have the interests of the majority of their population in mind and IF they really do have some ideals of social justice that they wish to put into practice, ( and these are two really big ifs) it would serve them to look at those nations which are doing so successfully.

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Ausria, etc.. These are effectively Socialist governments and they provide the best living standards in the world, for a majority of their population.

Unfortunately for the British, I sense there is an agenda to replicate the state of affairs on the other side of the pond, so the rich can keep avoiding taxes during their entire life and once it's over, the trust fund is passed on to their offspring free from taxation.

I believe after freeing themselves from EU membership, the road is clear to implement this agenda, the wealthy will become wealthier and ultimately, like in the U.S.the underprivileged majority will be left with nothing, not even access to education and healthcare.

That's an interesting hypothesis and I'm not saying it couldn't come true. But do you think that taxing the rich some more is going to be the answer? All the stuff I've seen seems to indicate that it would have a big psychological and publicity effect but do little in terms of redistribution of wealth. If we are to emulate living standards of the countries you mention (and apart from Germany they all have fairly small populations which lessens the problem in a high-tech sophisticated economy) it will surely require a reallocation of the national wealth-cake assets? My question is: how would you do this, what are the specific numbers? Or would it just be the usual governmental solution: borrow more?
Could you yourself imagine living back in the old dart?

No, but that is not being fair to the UK. It has changed in fifty years and so has Spain. The last time I was in Australia, Melbourne, was in 1959. We adapt to our surroundings. I used to go up to Parliament Hill, on Hampstead Heath, and see the London skyline---that is where you see how a city has changed.
That's an interesting hypothesis and I'm not saying it couldn't come true. But do you think that taxing the rich some more is going to be the answer? All the stuff I've seen seems to indicate that it would have a big psychological and publicity effect but do little in terms of redistribution of wealth. If we are to emulate living standards of the countries you mention (and apart from Germany they all have fairly small populations which lessens the problem in a high-tech sophisticated economy) it will surely require a reallocation of the national wealth-cake assets? My question is: how would you do this, what are the specific numbers? Or would it just be the usual governmental solution: borrow more?

I do not believe that any government knows how to do that. Therein is the real problem. Governments think ahead until the next election.

I do prophesy this. Until the nation puts its NHS, public transport, education above defence spending--as has been done in Europe--it will always have a bitter class system.

How can an administration think of spending 500 million of the taxpayers' money (don't worry, it will be much, much more) on Buckingham palace, if it is not meant to be a national memorial, open to the public? Not living accomodation for all those, so-called elite, people?
I do not believe that any government knows how to do that. Therein is the real problem. Governments think ahead until the next election.

I do prophesy this. Until the nation puts its NHS, public transport, education above defence spending--as has been done in Europe--it will always have a bitter class system.

How can an administration think of spending 500 million of the taxpayers' money (don't worry, it will be much, much more) on Buckingham palace, if it is not meant to be a national memorial, open to the public? Not living accomodation for all those, so-called elite, people?

You seem to be arguing both sides here Split.

We say the same thing about our wasted contributions to the EU elite.

Anyway, our press seem to think it will be a hard Brexit. Roughly translated, "not having Johnny foreigner dictating what the UK can do"