IF the UKs politicians really do have the interests of the majority of their population in mind and IF they really do have some ideals of social justice that they wish to put into practice, ( and these are two really big ifs) it would serve them to look at those nations which are doing so successfully.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Ausria, etc.. These are effectively Socialist governments and they provide the best living standards in the world, for a majority of their population.
Unfortunately for the British, I sense there is an agenda to replicate the state of affairs on the other side of the pond, so the rich can keep avoiding taxes during their entire life and once it's over, the trust fund is passed on to their offspring free from taxation.
I believe after freeing themselves from EU membership, the road is clear to implement this agenda, the wealthy will become wealthier and ultimately, like in the U.S.the underprivileged majority will be left with nothing, not even access to education and healthcare.