Brexit and the Consequences


Originally Posted by Atilla View Post
What has the benefit system got to do with Brexit or migrant labour?

1. It has everything to do with it. If there is no free movement of unskilled labour, then our own layabouts would have to take the jobs. Cut the benefits as well so there is no lifestyle choice to be made.

We are talking about applying for jobs with min wage. How much does the NHS spend on cleaning and fighting against the MSR bug?

2. There are 2 problems here. Degree entry level nurses who think it is beneath them to do simple cleaning tasks as part of their job. Secondly, they need to go down the route of matrons on the job to keep standards up. Don't leave patient safety up to managers who live in an office or have meetings about when they are holding their next meeting.

Shouldn't you, as IDS has been doing address the benefit system first?
He did half a job, clearly needs more pruning.

I'm a buyer of services and like Boris I only look at the bottom line not the composition of the labour force or where my desired goods or service is produced?

What do I do? I have a business to run? I don't do politics?

I'm an idiot who needs help. Please advise?

3. Yeah, that's where you are going wrong. Not everything is about money.

1. You may partially be right here but our government can do much to tighten the rules by policing illegal migrants at source. Fine the businesses that use them. Like fining late tax payers.

Alternatively, police the borders. Fact that we have open borders is nonsense. Police our borders which is under our control.

2. Strongly disagree. Nursing and cleaning totally different. Nurses difficult to recruit as they are and to subject them to cleaning is silly to say the least.

It is indeed a management decision. Medical staff should not have to deal with FM stuff. You are not dealing with the issue just fudging it. Raising wages will raise cost of NHS funding ultimately impacting tax levels. Be realistic.

3. Didn't have you down as a socialist but the sound coming from the regulars is all changing. I'm afraid everything is about money and laws are often driven by them.

Now you going all socialist and putting the human first.

One suggestion here may be certification and independent company audits. Introduce a new requirement similar to ISO 9001:2008 quality standard for companies who do background checks on employees and verify min-wages offered.

The kite mark can then be used as a unique selling point enforcing good practices.

However, none of these have much to do with Brexit but all about our internal government policy. Shouting take back control is a little bit of a blame game really. I'd say it was more about surrendering control to Brexiters which will not be pretty at all. 👍
1. You may partially be right here but our government can do much to tighten the rules by policing illegal migrants at source. Fine the businesses that use them. Like fining late tax payers.

Alternatively, police the borders. Fact that we have open borders is nonsense. Police the our borders which is under our control.

2. Strongly disagree. Nursing and cleaning totally different. Nurses difficult to recruit as they are and to subject them to cleaning is silly to say the least.

It is indeed a management decision. Medical staff should not have to deal with FM stuff. You are not dealing with the issue just fudging it. Raising wages will raise cost of NHS funding ultimately impacting tax levels. Be realistic.

3. Didn't have you down as a socialist but the sound coming from the regulars is all changing. I'm afraid everything is about money and laws are often driven by them.

Now you going all socialist and putting the human first.

One suggestion here may be certification and independent company audits. Introduce a new requirement similar to ISO 9001:2008 quality standard for companies who do background checks on employees and verify min-wages offered.

The kite mark can then be used as a unique selling point enforcing good practices.

However, none of these have much to do with Brexit but all about our internal government policy. Shouting take back control is a little bit of a blame game really. I'd say it was more about surrendering control to Brexiters which will not be pretty at all. 👍

Well weather you like it or not, the people best placed to assess patient risk of infection are the very people who are on the front line looking after them. Nurses.

Cleaning and nursing are obviously different roles, but they are all in the business of ensuring that their customers have the best outcome. So obviously nurses trump cleaners. Get rid of managers and put matron back in charge of patient safety. Nurses are not exempt from cleaning duties. It's no coincidence that outbreaks of infection have gone up and standards of care down.
Well weather you like it or not, the people best placed to assess patient risk of infection are the very people who are on the front line looking after them. Nurses.

Cleaning and nursing are obviously different roles, but they are all in the business of ensuring that their customers have the best outcome. So obviously nurses trump cleaners. Get rid of managers and put matron back in charge of patient safety. Nurses are not exempt from cleaning duties. It's no coincidence that outbreaks of infection have gone up and standards of care down.

Not going to respond to this CV as you are clearly off your rocker as I can be. 👍
BBC5 Live Stephen Nolan, Sat night of 19th Nov. About 1h 33mins into the programme there is a discussion about current affairs. Brexit, Trump, Blair, for and against, that I found interesting and thought worthwhile posting here.

Wasn't able to transfer link across, sorry!
Interesting what Hammond says here.

Listen carefully around 1min into video and he says he wants European firms and workers to have continued access to the UK market. No red lines around that.

There's nothing interesting about it.
All he's saying is he wants us and the Europeans to continue free trade.

The interesting part will be when they get down to the free movement and the unskilled labour issue.

I don't believe the EU will negotiate at all. They are too bound up in the straight jacket of their own making.

So, hard Brexit it is then.
They are too bound up in the straight jacket of their own making.

Well, lets say that the UK is not the only one with problems.😀
I am very doubtful in Hammond as a Chancellor. It's obviously early days but I just have a feeling he is not the right one to take our finances through brexit
There's nothing interesting about it.
All he's saying is he wants us and the Europeans to continue free trade.

The interesting part will be when they get down to the free movement and the unskilled labour issue.

I don't believe the EU will negotiate at all. They are too bound up in the straight jacket of their own making.

So, hard Brexit it is then.


He specifically says: "want European firms and workers to have continued access to the UK market".

Does not say controlled access or negotiated access.

Why should EU negotiate? Everything that is UK signed up for with the exception of the 6% of the rules.

UK business and industry does not wish to leave (37% of the eligible voting population advises government to leave) put it in perspective.

EU has not told UK to get lost. Jacket of whose making?

Are you following this story for what it is?
By Hammond saying eye watering debt I can't help but think companies are going to milk the opportunity.
A French presidential victory by far-right candidate Marine le Pen would badly damage Europe's economy, Austria's Social Democrat Chancellor Christian Kern said in an interview published on Sunday.

While Le Pen will likely meet a center-right rival in a run-off vote next year, Austria will elect its own president on Dec. 4, choosing between a former leader of the Greens Party and a far-right candidate in a tightly balanced contest.

"If right wing demagogues take over a key state in the European Union, we have a big problem. One cannot overestimate the economic damage someone like Le Pen can cause," Kern said in an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier.
A French presidential victory by far-right candidate Marine le Pen would badly damage Europe's economy, Austria's Social Democrat Chancellor Christian Kern said in an interview published on Sunday.

While Le Pen will likely meet a center-right rival in a run-off vote next year, Austria will elect its own president on Dec. 4, choosing between a former leader of the Greens Party and a far-right candidate in a tightly balanced contest.

"If right wing demagogues take over a key state in the European Union, we have a big problem. One cannot overestimate the economic damage someone like Le Pen can cause," Kern said in an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier.

which is why EU need to man up now and face reality, they are going to need to deal with movement of people
A French presidential victory by far-right candidate Marine le Pen would badly damage Europe's economy, Austria's Social Democrat Chancellor Christian Kern said in an interview published on Sunday.

While Le Pen will likely meet a center-right rival in a run-off vote next year, Austria will elect its own president on Dec. 4, choosing between a former leader of the Greens Party and a far-right candidate in a tightly balanced contest.

"If right wing demagogues take over a key state in the European Union, we have a big problem. One cannot overestimate the economic damage someone like Le Pen can cause," Kern said in an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier.

Austria's version of the economic scare story. Will they fall for it ? I think not !

Sarkozy has dropped out of the French Presidential race.

Here's how the BBC reports it 😆
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Euro doesn't look at all well.

It's not all bad news mind, holding it's own against the Mexican Peso 👍


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