A common experience. Unfortunately living on benefit has become a life style choice rather than a necessary helping hand while you look to support yourself and family. Not their fault, though, since successive governments have educated people to believe that it is their right that the state should provide. Mrs T was the only one to mention people's own responsibilities but she got shouted down eventually. It's a far cry from those old men found starving in garrets in early post war years because they wouldn't claim the dole as they thought of it as charity which they weren't taking from anyone.
So re-education seems necessary although it would take years for it to change the culture.
Ps: not that the life style is up to much, of course.
Yes agreed and I support IDS's work on reforming our benefit system. I also support the benefit cap as well as universal credit. I know people who've had strokes milking the system even though they are capable.
Dementure has now over taken most common cause of death. Personally, I'm against keeping these people alive as it take about 2 labourers 24x7x365 hours to look after one vegetable.
If no family can support their own kind they need to be mercifully put down. Instead we have families suing the NHS for not looking after their loved ones, who no longer recognise them.
We need more than education, we need change and transformation. These patients as they enter the last years of their live are in a torture cell of not comprehending what is happening to them as they lose all control and bodily functions.
Animals are put down to save them further suffering but we seem to excel in prolonging pain to the point of taking a persons right to die away from them.
Anyhow much wrong with our benefit system and NHS needs major change.
Whilst I'm ranting, prisoner numbers have increased whilst staffing cut down by 30% in the last few years. We are not rehabilitating criminals, we are making them worse then when they went in.
I often think these people need to be sent to farms to work in open space tending animals which can transform them to social citizens. Instead we lock up a madman which only makes them madder.
Alternatively I'd get these violent criminals to help out with care for the elderly. Dependency generates mutual appreciation and respect.
I don't know perhaps I'm dreaming but the crap that's going around these days is just simply stomach churning from the bottom and top end society imo.
I'm not happy.
The future doesn't look so orange as more brown at the mo as has been commented. :|