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Who Ken Clarke? The Bilderberger organiser, putting globalists interests above national interest, he's one traitor that deserves to lose his position.
You are an odd bod Att, on the one hand a progressive Libdem social justice warrior, eco Brighton open border loon, on the other hand sticking up for globalists, big business, bankster elitists with not a care for ordinary folk, I think you are politically conflicted just like most remoaners that can't tell true democracy from faux democracy. Bang on about the sovereignty of parliament but would rather hand that sovereignty to foreign powers and supranational rule. Would rather see the UK lose it's military defence capability and chain of command to an unelected foreign power for their own use and would rather see rule by no consensus than following a democratic process - bonkers the lot of ya 😵
Would rather wave a blue flag with yellow stars than a Union Jack, would rather be an EU citizen than a UK citizen!
Or do you just see £££££££££££
Like the SNP, committed nationalists, yet would rather be ruled by Brussels, the worst of the lot for hypocrisy, all they definitely see is freebie EU £££££ and leverage to leave the UK, absolutely double down bonkers.
People who don't know what they are talking about keep brandishing this word about Globalist Interest or Globalism as if it explains their loss or troubles away. What it tells me is those very peeps you use the term know nothing about what they are talking about.
All large companies pretty much can operate where ever they like in the World. In fact, they can sit around the table and negotiate with the actual host government all kinds of deals. In my time it was called multi-nationals. This is how UK attracted Japanese car manufacturers to the UK. Gave them juicy subsidies to build state of the art motor plants with attractive entry into EU markets (meeting the x% value added production of any import to be within EU borders etc) These are similar rules countries like India and China now use when accommodating foreign companies. Look where Dell and Apple produce their products? In China.
These multi-national companies operate in where ever they find cost advantage to maximise profits.
So really it has absolute naff all to do with any Globalist Agendas or whatever you have in your head as explaining your troubles away. It is simply business and capitalism at its best - if I can put it that way.
Same goes for foreign companies buying out the competition and moving products around. Pat is an expert on this based on past rants about UK selling out national treasures to foreign companies who then subsequently move production away from UK to other countries.
As for National Interest, pretty much most companies in FTSE100 earn profits in other countries hence why it rises as the pound falls. FTSE rise is good for the UK right so how you can suggest it is negative is beyond me. International trade is massive, HUGE, mega big. One could argue that is why the EU is so successful, whilst participating in global trade it is successful in protecting industries within member states by crafty rules and regulations which it negotiates with other countries. Yes, it is protectionism but conducted in the best possible way.
Then you have the US and Trump, who equally is conducting protectionism in the worst possible way using tariffs without much success or subtlety. The bully boy in the playground ends up shooting himself in the foot.
I don't class my self as anything much or special. Simply a disillusioned capitalist a fascist call me whatever you like. I simply know how international trade and business works. Much like Adam Smiths invisible hand, this so called globalism is not orchestrated but simply something that occurs based on business looking to minimise costs by locating to where factors of production are cheapest. Nothing more. Pure economics.
So when you then draw conclusions by quoting Globalist Interests, trying to explain the loss of Parliamentary sovereignty or control over the military or loss of democracy, it's all made up hyped up tosh by people who know Jack.