Lol At'!
If that's the best you've got by way of a counter argument to the points in Brendan O'neill's article, then you know why the Brexit party is doing so well in the opinion polls. In other words, you, like most everyone else - you haven't got any! The only way the MSM can deal with them is with smears. The latest example of this is Nick Robinson's interview with Richard Tice on BBC Radio 4's Today program this morning in which he tried to make out the party was illegally funded. Pathetic. Utterly pathetic. Still, on the plus side, that's another handful of middle class remain voters recruited to the cause!
In an otherwise rational world, remainers still do not 'get it', they still do not understand what effect their own rhetoric is having on the general population, they have dug themselves a hole that is too deep for them to climb out of, they are left with no arguments, no debate, no discussion, we've been saying it on this thread for years, losers through and through and bad one's at that.
What it does mean is that their frustrations spill out into more anger, more violence, more de-platforming, more slanders and slurs, more disruption. They hold the power, for now, but regime change is coming and when it happens we will have a much more balanced political world where discussions and debate can be had freely, where the rule of law is applied equally and where people will vote to maintain that status quo as it is the only route that can be taken for democratic peaceful societies.
Left wing politics is being rejected everywhere, nobody want's it's fascistic tendencies, people want freedom from oppression and state control, people want free debate, an understanding of ideas, not to see them shutdown because someone else doesn't agree with them.
The only way they will 'get it' is either at the ballot box or through the rule of law.